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Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

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    Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

    Hi everyone, I have been cut off by a huge electrical storm but back on now....
    Hope you are all doing well!!!
    I've just had a really disturbing and craving day and I really don't know why???

    I know some days are good and some days bad but today I have had the worst cravings not for just a glass of wine... but to get totally trashed!!! Its a holiday weekend here, one of the few 3 day weekends in the year. I woke up feeling good and on Day 21... but then from about 10am I started thinking about AL and have continued to do so all day. I've had 8mg of L glut (can I have more??) countless sprays of Rescue Remedy, a packet of cigarettes, supplements and good food and plenty of fluids, kept busy and productive but NOTHING has seemed to cut that feeling.

    I had to drop my son off at a friends house early afternoon and was offered a cold beer, I automatically said yes but then said no I better not cos gotta go shopping. Whew!! I was that close.. pleased I didn't but didn't delighted

    Since I stopped 21 days ago, I have never had that bad a craving.. and any cravings I have had have been mild and only lasted a short time. I still have the craving now and know I won't be able to sleep early because i slept this afternoon... I felt so exhausted, why is that?? There is no reason for me to feel so tired on a 3 day weeknd of not doing much?

    Think I will have some more L- Glut although usually I only have 6mg a day. But desperate measures call for drastic action.. yes?

    Any advice or experience with this would be great, this feeling has come straight from nowhere.. no great stress, everything is fine except...


    Take care

    Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't


    Don't do it!!!!!Grrrr. What can you do?

    Firstly take everything ODAT - so that means concentrate on whatever task you are doing now. As long as you are sober and doing that activity now nothing else matters. Secondly a craving never killed anyone, but a drink has killed thousands(probably millions). Thirdly is there an AA meeting near you?I don't use AA as my mainstay but I did find a meeting really helped me when I was so close to a drink - share and ask for help if you do have this as an option. L-Glut you can't really OD on it but please don't take it obsessively - it's an aid and being obsessive can be an alchy trait. If you know you are going to a friends house always have a non-al drink planned even if you take some yourself. Ask for a camomile tea, soda and cranberry before they get the chance to shove AL in your hand. Even better have a bottle of juice to hand for you to sip.

    Remember you really don't want to have a drink, and you have no need to have a drink.

    Oh and these feelings are normal.


      Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

      Dear Patrice. trg]'
      54 (cat did that...don't know what it means...maybe she is trying to help?) Just stay firm, don't do it.
      Wait the 30 days out. It's not long. Are you a woman or a mouse? ( not meaning to be critical, some of my best friends are mice...I think) You can do it...I know you can, and when you do it will help me and all of us. Keep me posted or I swear I'll go and have a drink right now. (hope the guilt trip works... if I had to have a beer i'd spew)kllllllllllllk,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,..................lll All of that is cat again...she walks on the keyboard. I'd better finish up now before she gets the right hump.


        Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

        Thanks UK you are right - I don't need to drink, its not going to kill me - just the opposite.. I don't have any AA here - I live in the Borneo Jungle - but if there was I would go..

        Thanks Blue - that cat of yours must be psychic - I think I'll go for 54 days now, and yes the guilt trip worked .. I won't drink tonight

        Sheri - I have always valued your posts immensely - I have seen the 'rain in your heart' doco and I sobbed throughout..I choose the sane sober voice and the rewards it will bring me tomorrow - Sunday Day 22..

        Thoughts have gone, day passed , just wondered why I felt like that? But I wonder no more...

        Sorry if this sounds like a Eulogy but I'm really grateful for the instantaneous responses here especially important in my situation of being so remote from the rest of the world in terms of time zones, cultural differences etc
        patrice xx ' about to tuck into some banana cake'


          Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't


          I am very proud of you for not giving in to that craving and on to Day 22! Im so happy this place was here when you needed the support, and you found it. Thats whats so great about this place.

          I could never say "No" to those strong cravings, so therefore I choose to do Antabuse. Takes the decision out of your hands.

          If those nasty powerful cravings come over you again, you know what to do. Come here!




            Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

            Hi Patrice, great choice on the banana cake, do enjoy it and feel proud of yourself today. Isnt MWO just the best.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

              Thanks Over - you too are doing fantastically well !!!!! Yay
              Yes I know where to come .. here.. works every time because for me I do need those instant messages of support and encouragement...
              Take care
              Patrice x


                Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

                Yes KTAB it is the best... for me its the only support I have ( more details to be found on that thread 'tell us about yourself')
                Thanks K... I do feel proud but the the banana cake was actually a bit dry.. Guess now I got a bit more time on my hands ( ie not holding a glass or trembling) I shoud learn to cook it myself... or in fact learn to cook !
                Thanks K



                  Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

                  Thank you Patrice, but the truth is.. the way I was feeling the past few days, I probably would have drank if not on Antabuse. I woke up today glad to be taking it.

                  Truth is, I have along way to go, but I think that Antabuse is a great tool to get you sober even if you dont want to be at times. I think the longer I am on it, the more strength I will gain.

                  Its there for you too, if you ever need to go that route, but I think you are doing fabulous!!!


                    Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

                    Hi Patrice, sounds like you have conquered your demon - well done. Just to say, I have been hanging around here a while and it is incredible how many people seem to have difficulty at the 3 week stage. I don't know why but it sure is a pattern - in my experience 3 months was similar.
                    Keep doing what you're doing - its working!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

                      Hi Patrice - So glad you came here for support when you got that strong craving. I've experienced those several times. Not pleasant. I can't afford a slip. Unlike others here that can binge one day and then stop and get right back with the program, I can't. If I relapse and I'm off the rails for a good period of time. Historical data backs up my claim You however are doing amazingly well given your difficult living situation and other challenges. I hope you continue to fight the good fight. Your friend in battle...john
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Huge craving to get hammered today.. still there but won't

                        Well put Techie. Thank you! Chose your path Patrice.:goodjob:

                        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                        St. Francis of Assisi

