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    Well it's been about 11 days since my last binge and I still can't ssem to shake the anxiety about not knowing what happened during the binge.

    My new goal is to never have more than six drinks at a sitting. I was able to do it over the weekend and I don't even feel like drinking during the wee. My anxiety just won't go away though...I keep getting flashbacks that I can't tell if they are real or imagined. Worst feeling in the world, especially since I'm pretty sure it's just my pickled mind playing tricks on me.

    Each day feels like a marathon but they keep on passing so I guess that's a good thing.

    This group has been great support. Any advice on just letting go of a bad binge night and/or irrational fears?
    Rice 80



      Geez Rice, that is awful, that feeling of fear and regret. The fog...
      Can no one validate what you did that night? Is it too awkward to ask? You seem incredibly afraid. Were you out in public (or maybe you just don't want to talk about it?).
      Regardless of what happened, it IS in the past and you ARE moving toward a better, brighter future. I'm just wondering if you could make ammends for that night if it would help you heal and move forward. If there is no way of knowing, then I suppose you will have to leave it alone and learn from it and use it as ammo. I know what that's like and I understand. Use that night as a big bad weapon you use against a night like that ever happening again!
      You are a worthy person who is looking for help and has found it. Great job on 11 days! Keep adding aspects of the program and learning from the people who are doing well. They have been there and can offer sound advice.
      Good luck to you, Rice. Take care!



        WOW Rice! I just looked at your drink tracker and you did great yesterday! Congrats!

        Is the anxiety getting any better? When that started happening to me ..and just 6 days ago found this place ...I started doing a bit of exercise ... just walking abut it seemed to really help.

        Brings the stress down and I think helps flush some of the nasties out of your system if you if you drink increased amounts of water of juices with doing so.

        Good luck .. sure looks like you are on a good path.




          Ad for anxiety, I take klonipin and it works really well. It's basically valium. Stick to it. I have my doc's appt tomorrow to try and switch from Campral to Topamaz. I am crossing my fingers he'll do it.



            Fewer and farther between...

            Hey Rice,

            In the last 16 days, I have had 2 glasses of wine. 17 days ago- I had the binge to hopefully end all binges! I can't remember much of anything I did, and yes it is haunting.... BUT, I think about it less and less, the anxiety has gone WAY down and the panic attacks are hitting less frequently, with less intensity. It will get better- HANG IN THERE with us, ok?

            "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison



              Back to the Gym!

              Well, for the first time tonight I feel like I'm actually in my body. The anxiety is fading, but slower than I'd like. I went back to the gym today for the first time in 11 days and the exercise seemed to help quite a bit.

              This withdrawal is just lasting fo so long. I have an appointment with my Doctor tomorrow and I'm going to talk to him about depression.

              I feel like I'm making the turnaround today.

              Thank you for the support.
              Rice 80



                Hey there Rice,

                Sounds as though everything's coming together! Well done.




                  Follow Up

                  Hey Rice,

                  How did the Doctor's visit go?

                  Hope your doing well,

                  "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison

