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ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

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    ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

    Hey everyone,

    Had a lovely day today.. me and my partner went to see Twilight "Eclipse" at the cinema this morning.. it was brilliant.. we then went out for a pub, but I did not drink at all! Just a lemonade with lime with a lovely lunch..
    Day 23 for me today.. I am very happy with myself for making it this far!
    I've also vastly cut down on my cig's - i've only had 4 all day.. plan on giving up completely next week.
    I have my son back with me now too.. I hope everyone has/had a fantastic AF Sunday!
    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

    Hi Katie and all to come

    It's so good to open up and see you so positive Katie, an inspiration to the rest of us.

    Hope everyone has a great AF Sunday.



      ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

      Good Morning Katie and Rustop and all to come

      Really struggling to get my head back in gear but today I am going to be really positive and get myself busy

      Have a great day everyone

      Luv P x
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

        Hi Panno,Rust and katie and all to come
        Really struggling Day 1 again here. I am not drinking a lot but it is the thin end of the wedge. How can I stay strong tonight? My husband has bottles and bottles of wine which I cannot get rid of.
        Off for a run now and not hungover but so mad at me!!:upset:


          ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

          anon - please don't feel bad about yourself! AL is very devious and makes us think that we need it, when we don't.. Can you ask your hubby to get rid of the wine? give it away or hide it somewhere.. it sounds like you really need his support at this difficult time. At least you are not drinking alot, but if you want to give up, then you need some strategies in place to help you to avoid it.. and getting rid of AL in the house is often the first and best step to take.. I know I would be way to tempted to drink if I had AL at home, but I refuse to keep any at home for that reason..
          Katie xx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010


            Half way through day five now, off to the BBQ in an hour or so ....Got my J2O's, I know that EVERYONE else will be drinking so its gonna be a real challenge but I'm feeling pretty confident right now. I was going to say fingers crossed then but thats the wrong attitude to have, that implies that luck is in someway involved!
            Looking forward to seeing my friends and laughing the afternoon away in the sun.
            Have a great AF Sunday everyone, Hope the suns shining where you are.
            AF since 19th August 2011


              ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

              Happy Sunday!!

              Yes, the sun is shining here and its going to be a HOT day! Hey Katie and Rustop! Anon, could your husband try to help you out just a bit?? Geesh, could he at least Hide the booze or something??

              Panno, hope you have a good day and get focused. Its a good day for a fresh start.

              Wishing you strength to get through the BBQ Time. I know its hard when others are drinking. I have a girlfriend who drinks, drinks, drinks wine every single day. I actually cannot go see her anymore due to as soon as I walk in her door, there is a full glass of wine waiting for me. I just avoid those places for now.

              Big HELLO to all who follow!!


                ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                Morning all
                Good Attitude will do this
                Panno...what's wrong honey? PM me if you wanna talk...
                Everyone else...have a great day
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                  Hey MAMA!

                  Good to see you in a positive spunky happy spirit this morning! This is DEFINATELY the way to be rather than all hungover and depressed!!!

                  You sound very very good! Im glad things are going well.

                  I am pretty much used to the Antabuse now. I have just got it understood in my head that I cannot drink! Thats not a bad thing at all! In fact, thats a great thing.

                  No reactions to anything, I even gargle with alcohol mouthwash.

                  Love ya!!


                    ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                    Katie that is a lovely post you just keep going.

                    Panno & Anon don't try to walk before you can run every positive step you take is a good step April/May I had 18 days under my belt and fell on day 19 and then had a crap June. Look back at your positives and draw strenght from them.

                    Timetochange c'mon we are climbing that ladder together lets just make sure we are joined at the hip so none of us fall. Enjoy the BBQ and I am with you on J20 I drink them also so good choice.

                    A big hello to the others, boy it is good to be back in the fold.

                    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                      ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                      welcome back QQ...we missed you!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                        Hi Ya'll! Day 4 AF! I basically stayed in hiding this weekend, scared I'd drink if I went out. I worried last night that I was isolating myself to stay AF, just as I was doing it to drink my wine and thought what good is that? But I'm thinking maybe it was what I had to do, waiting till my legs feel strong enough to stand on sober, in a drinking type situation. Have no real "adult" things planned for the next week or so. Just a pool party this Friday, but its for the girls on my daughters team, so not a drinking type party. I would normally not want to bring the girls home from it, because I'd be worried about how and when I would drink my wine!!! This sorta wipes that confusion out for Friday night, which is kind of a relief! Slowly, I will take those baby steps in social situations and use it as learning experience to bigger and harder encounters for the sober me!

                        Have a great day ALL!!


                          ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                          I am new to all this and logged on this morning, read a few posts that really spoke to me, and just have to say I LOVE everyone's honesty here and that we are all struggling/supporting one another. I feel so supported and inspired by this community/family. THANKS everyone! M


                            ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                            Hi again to everyone,

                            Skye, thats great thats you're doing so well there's nothing wrong with hiding out for a bit till you find your feet. Just do what ever feels right until you feel strong enough.
                            Hello Mary, nice to read your post. One of the reasons I love this forum is the total honesty and genuine kind words from everyone. Keep posting and reading, its great!

                            Well I'm just back from the BBQ and I had a wonderful time with the most supportive friends I could ever wish for, I happily stuck to my soft drinks and still had a fabulous time. My friends made it so easy for me, some of them even stuck to soft drinks to support me, which I would never ask them to do, Totally their Idea! I'm so grateful to have them in my life.
                            I've arrived home to find BBQ No2. in full swing in my Landlady's back garden, I'm off to join the party for a while now but I must say I'm feeling a little nervous, there are a lot of people and I don't know any of them...Scary without a drink in hand!!! especially as the party's in full swing.
                            I'm a pretty confident, social person but I think most people would be daunted by this situation without the alcohol to help. Eek...Well, the footies on now so at least we'll all have a focal point and a conversation breaker. Wish me luck guys.
                            Hope you're all having fun this Sunday xx
                            AF since 19th August 2011


                              ODAT Sunday 11th July 2010

                              Well done! That's fantastic.. its great to hear you have such supportive friends too.. it goes to show we do NOT need AL to have a good time! In fact, its great to be able to remember everything, have no guilt and no making a fool of ourselves! plus no hangovers.. its a great feeling,
                              katie x
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


