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made it through day 6

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    made it through day 6

    and then drank.
    i am not giving up.
    i will have some help come Tuesday... gonna try meds.
    gotta do SOMETHING. when i go out of the house i fall backwards.
    i can't stay home forever!!

    i am not going to beat myself up, just start again.
    this time i make it to day 10.
    even if i am not doing perfectly i am still doing better than i was.
    and i am NOT going back to my old pattern of drinking daily.

    made it through day 6

    keep going, you had a lapse, not a relapse - think very carefully about what made you lapse - avoid that in future
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      made it through day 6

      thanks for the encouragement jessie....
      no real reason yesterday at all!!
      it was only because of old habits.
      today i am supposed to hang out to watch the game.

      don't want to not go but i might have to.


        made it through day 6

        Just keep at if I was to look back at some of my posts when I first joined it would read a lot like yours. Day 4 was always my achilles heel. Each day you will get stronger and more confident. It is wonderful when you start to realise how much more fun life is when you are sober. Try writing a list of the things you love AF. I did start a thread a while back 'What I love AF' of something like that.

        Go for it and you can do this.

        Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


          made it through day 6

          okay so i've cleaned up the house now and have been thinking about the last two days.
          it seems i make a commitment to myself and then when i am out i lapse back into old habits.
          i went to eat at a place i used to always go to drink.
          it is comfortable and i am not alone.
          note: stay away from old water holes... i KNOW THIS!
          i have to figure out where to go today to watch the game which is not an old watering hole.
          it is up to me to suggest where we will go.
          i know if we go to chippie i will end up drinking, then it will be two days before my head clears.
          my head is not clear today.
          i think i should stay home. i am not strong enough yet to say no.
          when will i be?


            made it through day 6

            Okay so tomorrow I will have some of the meds.
            I used this as an excuse to drink yesterday.
            Not going to happen today. I think I better stay home.
            I don't trust myself!!


              made it through day 6

              I just had to add that I didn't really over do it yesterday because I wasn't enjoying the taste!
              How about that!!


                made it through day 6

                okay so i just put my 'date' off until at least 2:30.
                one step at a time.

                we could meet tomorrow i suppose.
                i am DYING to ask how old he is? but then of course he is going to ask me how OLD i am!!
                no no no non!!

                naughty girl


                  made it through day 6

                  Your post could read exactly like mine. Interesting that I went right to your thread when I went online this morning
                  I too made it to Day 6 and drank last night, and LIKE YOU, didn't over do it, b/c it didn't taste good.
                  Just old habits, Sat night, home alone with kids, bored, etc, no real reason.
                  Just had a desire for beer and chips instead of a healthy dinner. I only had one glass of wine, that I didn't finish, and one small glass of Bailey's.
                  Remembering that I'd felt so much better saturday morning when I'd woken up after a sober friday night, than I felt this morning, after last night. but of course I didn't have a hangover, didn't drink enough for that. but I like the reply that you rec'd that it was a lapse and not a relapse.
                  We can't buy alcohol on sundays in Atlanta, so when I was getting my wine, I purposely didn't get a "sunday six pack" so I at least have that to be proud of! thanks for posting.
                  Your post really helped me this morning!!! Since I'd done the exact same thing, Made it thru this whole week, including a friday night! Funny how bad the wine tasted!
                  Take care!


                    made it through day 6

                    OK '67 it happens. Your learn and move through. It takes courage to admit to our slips. I do hope you have success with the meds. Thinking of you. I love the painting!
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      made it through day 6

                      Mary: Thanks for your post! We can do this, I know it is possible! I am glad that my post was able to help you, I really means this is worth doing.
                      For sure.

                      I will keep posting to this thread so I can keep track of my progress and yours!!

                      It is weird that the wine tasted bad!! It was red and I had to keep adding ice cubes.

                      Techie: Glad you like the paintings... I am starting some new sketches. All good stuff. Thanks for your words of encouragement, I really do need it.

                      Oh, and I went on the date after all.
                      I didn't drink, he doesn't drink at all (bueno, bueno!!) and we had fun!


                        made it through day 6

                        okay.... one board for today...drink tracker helps as even if I've messed up it gives me perspective on the positive... that i've had a lot more AF days lately.
                        learnt i can attend an aerobics workout at the gym for free mornings... whoopie!
                        that should be fun.
                        okay... so i am feeling positive... sleepy but positive!


                          made it through day 6

                          I posted something to the following earlier and lost it....

                          I think drink tracker is a very good accountability tool. I used it for my first 30 day challenge(29 accomplished).
                          I still keep my own journal and will again use drink tracker when I am ready to firmly commit to my 90 day challenge.

                          I believe that feeling confident and positive is paramount to our strength and resolve for a sober life.

                          Wishing strength and resolve to us all!!

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            made it through day 6

                            it is weird how today's day two feels more like day 10.
                            i had to have look i thought for sure it had been 4 days....


                              made it through day 6

                              feeling pretty tempted right now
                              just got home from work, my usual routine was of course pick up six pack of smirnoff ice on way home, would normally drink 4-5 a night, along with shots of patron or absolut. just wanted to share with someone. My sister said cravings dont last. I hope so b/c I really feel like jumping on my bike and riding to the convenience store for a bottle of wine or six pack. something to sip.

