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Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

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    Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

    Morning everyone!

    I've noticed I'm not as frantic the last few days. That everything going on is not urgent and irritating and I'm not sweating the little things like they are SO FREAKIN HUGE! I like it.

    I went to my daughters practice last night. Had a wonderful time chatting it up with the other moms for a couple of hours. Driving home (by myself) I didn't have that feeling like I said something I shouldn't have. Though I didn't drink in certain situations, I guess my mind was alcohol fogged, and pretty much felt guilty for everything ALL THE TIME, even when sober. Now that my mind was pretty clear, I felt confident in my words, and big surprise, I WAS FUNNY! I still was me, but so much more stable.

    While in the car for that 1/2 hour ride. I smiled to myself. THEN, the thought of making my daughter dinner made me drift back to a bottle of wine. Why not just swing by and pick one up? It was a quick transition in my thinking. But somewhere inside, another thought popped in, and I went right back to where I was....remembering the night I'd just had sober, and how my daughter deserved that for the few hours we'd be awake. A calm, funny, happy, and less FRANTIC mom! I passed right by, made dinner....she got home and we had a good night! I didn't freak out for no apparent reason. Alcohol certainly makes me fly off the handle at the smallest things.

    Maybe a glimpse of how normal people live? I don't know, but I liked it.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

    Hi Skye - good on you for driving straight past that booze barn and having a great nite without it.
    I'm on day 24 and I notice the same things - I am much more patient with my son who is 5 and find myself lingering more over bedtime stories instead of wanting to rush through to get back to the bottle .. that I was probably nearly finished and wanting to open the 2nd one!!!
    Same as you - I am generally much calmer... but feeling all this I still get urges to drink
    Take Care


      Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

      Wonderful post skye. It is truly a much better life AF. I just reached 60 days and I'm amazed at how much life I've missed. Keep plugging away, it's worth every minute to e sober!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

        Well done Skye - absoutely brilliant - you keep going.
        Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


          Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

          Great job Skye!
          Keep up the good work. It does get easier with time. I know those thoughts find a way of creeping in, but that's all they are....thoughts! You don't have to even give them the time of day! I'm glad you were able to enjoy time with your daughter. My 12 year old commented the other day on how well I was doing with "not drinking beer"....just the fact that she noticed and is so happy to have her Mom be 100% there made me happy Hang in there, it will get easier!!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

            Thanks everyone for all the good thoughts. So much time wasted on drinking, missing out on the simple things. I know this feeling will soon pass, but for RIGHT NOW.....I feel strong...confident....content....and not craving AT ALL. Just want to live life sober.

            If I could only take this feeling and put in a bottle to save for the tough times and take a nip or two!!!


              Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

              Yes Skye, I agree if we could bottle the good feelings for the iffy times!! Sheri is right, so much is in our mindset - think positive!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                Skye, I loved your post. Becoming sober is so empowering. I know exactly what you mean about flying off the handle and the smallest thing while drinking. Our household is a lot less erratic these days. Very happy for you!
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  Day 6!!!! And striving for more....


                  The littlest thing could set me off, depending on my frame of mind when drinking. Sometimes I'd be just fine, other times everything got on my nerves. Sorta like a mini Mommy Dearest....."NO WIRE HANGERS EVER"!!!!! Nah, wasn't that bad, but I certainly had my moments!


                    Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                    Good for you Skye...the sober life is wonderful isn't it....
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                      OMG! Right there with you! Sitting in the living room after putting my 2 angles to bed feeling so guilty for flying off the handle when I should have just laughed off their end of the day horse play. Our evenings now are spent reading or just talking before bed. so much better. I wonder if my children have questioned what has changed with mom over the last 2 months.
                      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                      Benjamin Franklin


                        Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                        Congrats Skye! Just focusing on "right now" was NOT something I did when I was drinking (I was always worried and angry about the FUTURE!). But I've been learning to "stay in today" since getting sober and for me it's a great way to live. Sounds like you are enjoying that too! I know what you mean about the least little things setting me off in the old days. My husband is so grateful for my sobriety.

                        Keep up the great work and the learning / growing / changing!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                          Skye Those words below sound wonderful!

                          RIGHT NOW.....I feel strong...confident....content....and not craving AT ALL. Just want to live life sober.

                          It is a pity not to be able to bottle that kind of feeling that you've mentioned. Why not put a copy of what you've written on the fridge to remind you of that feeling?


                            Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                            What a group of great people I've found here!!!!

                            So, still feeling the NO TO ALCOHOL, had a little "mental" slip though. Driving home from dropping my daughter off at her friends...first thought, I'll pick up a bottle of wine...........NO I WON'T!!!! Then the thoughts of it won't matter, and just one bottle wouldn't hurt. All within seconds of dropping her off, and this went on for about 5 mins. Then on the drive, I began to notice EVERY sign for happy hour. Also noticed that Bud Light was on sale today at one liquor store, Heineken at another and so on and so on!

                            I started giggling to myself, having a thought of people running out of their houses with a special price for their liquor that they had at home!!!

                            THIS IS INSANE!!!!

                            But I'm happy that at the moment I find it amusing. I've been struggling with alcohol for quite a while now, and know I'll be struggling for sobriety for long time, but atleast for today, I can find the humor in the ridiculousness of the situation.


                              Day 6!!!! And striving for more....

                              Todays been a good day. Day 6 rocked for me. Thank you all for allowing me to share it with you.

