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need some help

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    need some help

    I'm new here and have been doing some reading around. I seem to go AF for 3 or 4 days and then give in and have a binge for the next four days or so then stop again. I seem to cycle between bingeing and abs. The times that I do drink again I really go for it as if to make up for lost time. Can anyone help me or give me some strategies to put in place? All my drinking takes place at night, by myself either in front of tv or on the computer. I drink until I pass out. Trouble is I just love the feeling so much.
    I'd be really grateful for any input.Piggy

    need some help

    Hi Piglet,
    The dreaded 3 day cycle.
    Day 1. I'm hungover to hell and I'll never drink again.
    Day 2. Still feel have a bit of a head ache and really thirsty.
    Day 3. I feel so much better, one drink won't do me any harm.

    Then we're back to day one again. Sound familiar. Believe me we've all fooled ourselves with this pattern.

    Now time to get a plan of action. Have a good look through this link. You've probably seen the it. Make a plan for day 3 nothing huge, no plans to paint the entire house.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      need some help

      Hello Piglet, sounds like you are just bidding time till your next drink when you try to go AF. Have you read the MWO book or threads like the toolbox ? There is a hugh amount of information and advice in there. It is not easy but it is doable. Personally I found taking vitamines, some suppliments, exercising again and eating healthy helped me enormously. Oh and of course living on the boards and in chat, reading, asking questions and most importantly making sure I was here when the cravings come calling. Also I believe that unless we are totally 100% committed to becoming sober it wont work.
      When we achieve AF we are honestly giving ourselves a fantastic gift, but in the early days it is hard to see that, it feels like we are depriving ourselves of something. We are not, we are getting our lives back.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        need some help

        Come on piggy jump on board here, we have all been there, I used to do what you do,maybe go 3/4 weeks without drinking and then bang of i go, like i was giving myself a reward for not drinking by drinking, slowly over the years my gaps between drinking got very very small,as ktab & jc have said jump head first into the newbies use the tool box and post your feelings & thoughts. give your self a chance but act now.:-)

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          need some help

          Hi Ktab and jackieclaire
          Yes the toolbox is great and I am working on a plan. i need to write down all these thing and make a serious effort. By getting your guys input on this I can see that I have been lazy in my attempts and they have been half hearted. time to take stock!!


            need some help

            Hi Mario
            yes you are right about the reward thing. That really hit the nail on the head!
            It's so stupid though isn't it, I really need to see that this is killing me. That will be no reward for my son. Time to dig deep. :l friends


              need some help

              Hello Piglet - I just want to say :welcome:


                need some help

                Hi Piglet,
                yes, the feast or famine routine, I know it well. Every time I would get anytime any AF time under my belt, a voice in my head would convince me that I was deserving and capable of just one drink. Every time I would fall off the wagon my tolerance would increase, and I would drink even more. KTAB's advice of exercise, healthy eating and supplements is crucial. Also keep yourself hydrated. But most importantly make the commitment to yourself to get sober.

                Get all the alcohol out of the house. Find and activity or hobby to do at night to replace the drinking time. Finish that book you on your shelf, take up knitting, writing, whatever. Keep posting, writing and asking for help on this forum. It is a huge resource. so glad you are here!
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  need some help

                  I was also a binge drinker.. I could go for days without drinking, then bam.. have heaps in one night. its not a good cycle to be in! especially as I would do and say stupid things when under the influence, and have many many regrets..
                  The way I find is best for me, is to tell myself I cannot drink at all.. as one will always lead to too many for me.. that's why i go ODAT (one day at a time) and log in here every day and get support.. I keep myself preoccupied at night so I banish all thoughts of AL from my mind.. I also set myself the 30 day challenge.. in which I am now only 2 days away of achieving! I hope this helps.. of course, a plan and other tools are needed when faced with difficult situations..
                  Katie xx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    need some help

                    Hi Piggy!

                    I am also a binger! So many of us here can relate to your situation.
                    This time I have made sure I have logged in here each day, reading and posting. I never used to post, but I have found that posting has made me further committed to my journey. The support from everyone here has really kept me on track.

                    I have also been recording my drinks on the drink tracker and it is a great feeling to be able to record 0 each day. I would recommend that you do this as well as it really does make you accountable.

                    You need to change what is happening during the toughest/usual drinking hours. I have even been reading which I have enjoyed. I have also been trying to exercise, watching movies etc.

                    I can't stress it enough that you really do need to plan for what you are going to do so ensure that you don't hit the bottle.

                    Good luck and keep posting!
                    "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


                      need some help

                      Hi Piglet :welcome:

                      Everyone has already given you great advice and I can really symathize with you. Having a plan worked for me and making sure there is no alcohol in the house is a must. Also at your trigger times (for me it was between 6-7pm) make sure you are busy with something else, I used to come on here and go into chat, anything at all to get over the witching hours!

                      KTAB mentioned commitment and this is vital, we need to get our head round the fact our life with AL is finished otherwise we keep repeating the cycle. The good news is that once this is broken our minds quickly adapt to the new norm. Once you have passed your 3/4 days AF in your usual pattern it will feel like an achievement and give you the incentive to continue.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        need some help

                        hi piglet, that is all too familiar to me also. how about planning a nice reward for yourself for getting through 3 / 4 days. whatever makes you feel good (apart from AL of course). i found something as simple as 'me time' helped, a nice bubbly bath, my favorite meal. anything that will feel a little bit special. dont reward yourself with poison.
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          need some help

                          I to was a binger although towards the end it started to blur into one single bender. The thing I found helped the most was ODAT. Just keeping it in the moment, today as if I started thinking about tomorrow or even tonight then I'd begin planning my next binge as a reward.

                          The other thing that worked for me was 'Keep it Simple'. I did that by watching mind-numbing soaps whenever things felt they might overwhelm me.


                            need some help

                            The other thing that worked for me was 'Keep it Simple'. I did that by watching mind-numbing soaps whenever things felt they might overwhelm me.>>

                            I completely agree with you, Blonde; I'm not allowing myself to be pulled in any direction, not by my kids, fiance, house, or job, until I get through these first few days. What good am I to any of them long-term if I don't.

                            A big Plath fan, btw; particularly "Daddy" and "Lady Lazarus." (Let's just stop sticking our heads in ovens.)
                            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                              need some help

                              Piggie love here ! Ha! Right keep it simple......Have you read Roberta's book ? Try it .....It' was the basis for this site.......Their are plans for recovery....Herbals, cd's etc. I take he me for my regiment. Good luck...lot's of support here ! IAD
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

