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Day two again.

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    Day two again.

    Hey Everyone,

    Well, I was doing really well, In fact I was doing sooooo great I thought it would be ok to have 'one or two' on Wednesday night on my date... Grrr,I'm so mad with myself...again.
    I don't get how my mind can change so quickly. On the up side, I am straight back on the wagon again. My resolve strengthened.
    I have a Docs appointment on Monday where I'm going to ask for Antabuse. I have an awful feeling the Doc will say I don't need it, as in my experience of Doctors they don't like the patient telling them what they want to be prescribed! We'll see what happens.

    I suppose I have done over two weeks with just 2 evenings of drinking, when I think about it that way I feel a little better about my slip. I just have to not take that first damn drink.
    I'm learning and I do think my mind set has changed, I haven't drunk alone which was something I was doing a lot before, and I don't have any AL in the house so thats definatly a big step forward. I'm going to keep on keeping on. AF day 3 excuses!
    AF since 19th August 2011

    Day two again.

    Time 2

    Some Dr's are good, some not too understanding. Others are only trying to be careful for the patient's sake. Any decent Dr will not want to prescribe anything that could put you in danger so they will assess the risks as well as benefits. I was always told you must be supervised with AB, and that they are very wary of prescribing it precisely because of it's effects if you do drink on it.

    What I'm trying to say is don't blame the Doc if they don't give you the answer you are looking for.

    In the meantime yes your addicted brain will tell you it's ok to just have one, or two. Thing is it's never ok. Keep on trying you'll get there.


      Day two again.

      Time 2,
      Like Uk say some Dr's are good some aren't so good, but my GP's are fantastic.
      The key is to be brutally honest with them, they can't make any sort of diagnosis or advice on treatment until they know the extent of your drinking.
      Take some time out over the weekend to write out a pattern of your drinking. The why's and when's so to speak. This will at least give him/her a starting point.
      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Day two again.

        Brutal honesty is the only way with your doc - they will know if you are lying or underplaying what you drink, they are not fools. When I first went to my doc about the booze I was in such a state, I shook and cried and just blurted out that 'I am an alcoholic and drink at least a bottle of vodka a day' before he even asked me what was wrong. He WAS a little taken aback - he told me afterwards that he usually has to drag information like that out of people, but he definitely recognised my honesty and we were able to work together from that moment. I asked him for Antabuse - didn't even know what it was called at the time and he could tell ( he told me afterwards) that he could trust me to use it correctly because I wasn't in denial about the mess I was in, obviously there was more to the appointment - he didn't just willy nilly dish the stuff out, but it started from there.
        Good luck
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Day two again.

          Hi Time,
          Sometimes falling down and getting back up can make us stronger and put us in a better position to beat the beast. I know for me, after my last slip I took a different approach which seems to be working for me. I feel stronger and resolute about kicking this thing.

          I hope everything goes well with your doc and that you can use this slip to give you strength in your forward journey.

          Good luck friend x
          "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


            Day two again.

            Hi Time,

            Im glad you have made an appointment with your Doctor. Getting honest, and especially with a Doctor can be a great step in the right direction. I think in general Doctors really want to help their patients succeed, and you will find comfort in just being honest and telling somebody in the professional world.

            I had actually asked my Doctor for Baclofen, but he recommended Antabuse. Antabuse is pretty cut and dry, once you take the pill, you aint drinking period! Personally, I found that is what I needed and it really is amazing how quickly you adjust to the reality of being on it.

            Today is day 20 for me on Antabuse. I also did 30 days before WITHOUT taking Antabuse. This time around taking the Antabuse has been great! Im just at a place now where I just have no desire to drink, and of course I know that I cannot drink.

            Please let us know how things go, and I wish you luck!!

            Thats interesting that my Doctor did not require supervision with my Antabuse. Thats actually a very good idea, I totally see the sense in that. Well, Im just glad it seems to be working for me so far.


              Day two again.

              Thanks guys,
              I'll keep you all posted on what happens. I just want to stop thinking about drinking all the time.. Even when I don't crave a drink, I still think about it. If i spent half the time I think about drinking on my career instead I'd be well on my way to achieving my goals.
              Happy AF weekend guys! xx
              AF since 19th August 2011


                Day two again.

                Hi Time,

                I wish you the very best luck. I know everybody is different, and will have different results, but this is my first time on Antabuse and it is going great. Once I had that pill in me, I just KNEW the drinking is done, and I could just move on. I have to admit that is a nice feeling. But others also have huge success with different things. Im sure you will find your "ticket" if you just keep trying!

                Please keep us posted on how your doing!!

