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Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

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    Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

    Hello Everyone, I am back from my trip. I wanted to once again express my deep appreciation for your help and support. I joined six days ago just before I was about to leave on a business trip. I have made a serious breakthrough, and I couldn't have done it without you. Armed with your support and a determination to rethink my drinking activities, while traveling I was able to evaluate my surroundings more carefully, which led to better choices (well for most of the trip anyway).
    One of the biggest discoveries I made was the realization that Airport travel is a den of opportunities to drink. I don't know why I didn't recognize it before, probably because I wasn't thinking about it. After great thought, I do think what makes it so appealing is that you can drink alot without anyone even knowing. Always before when I would travel, I would have a drink or two before I left for the airport to say "goodbye" to my family for the duration of the trip. Then, when I got to the airport there was so much time to kill that it was a golden opportunity to have a drink or two before getting on the plane. Then, I would either travel first class or arrange several transfers so that I could easily drink two glasses of wine on each flight. And yes, of course, if I wanted a third, like so many others I would say "hey, I'm on vacation", even though it was really a business trip. The only times I really feel a little uncomfortable is on morning flights when I would have to slither into an airport watering hole, and like those other poor souls around me (and there are quite a few), I would blame time difference as the reason I was drinking so early. Fortunately, they keep those morning drinking places dark so its easy to hide in a corner.
    Well, I never thought it would happen, but I did not drink at all during my travel (though I did regress once during an ending celebration at the hotel). :upset: In case there is anyone else out there that struggles with travel, I thought I would share my thoughts on ways to attempt to overcome the Airport watering hole temptation.
    First, I decided that I would arrange morning flights because they are the most difficult to find places to drink without looking like a person with a drinking problem. I also sought support that would help me focus on my goal. I talked to my family and told them what I was trying to do, and I took the plunge and joined your group before going. It was really beneficial to get positive reinforcement and even more determination, and I kept thinking that if I succeed I would be a great role model on this issue for my son, and I might even someday be abe to help someone else to get this monster off their back. This was such an incredible incentive for me. Everytime I would see a place to get a drink, I would think to myself, "oh, they will be so proud of me that I passed this place by". I just felt so confident I could do it because of everyone, including all of you, that expressed such support! THANK YOU!
    I did have one close call though, and it was another tool that I have learned over the years that kept me from failing in my goal. In business, I find useful to set goals and then picture myself in a setting where I am living out the results of achieving my successful goals. So, a couple of days before the trip, I started thinking about how I would act during my travel in light of my new goal. I started to dream of a great breakfast, a healthy smoked salmon, capers, onion, tomatoe, boiled egg, and sour cream (I don't put it on the bagel). I could see myself eating it with a nice cup of Earl Grey tea. Part of the incentive for me to quit drinking is that I enjoy eating healthy, which has really helped to keep me young looking. I will be 50 next month, but people always mistake me for being in my 30's. But when I get to those stages where I am drinking alot, I begin to have that worn look. So, convincing myself to emphasize healthy eating to maintain a youthful look really works for me. But it only goes so far.
    Well, as luck would have it (bad luck that is), my stopover was in Pittsburgh, and the only sitdown breakfast-serving restaurant was TGIF - one of my favorite watering holes!!! They serve Kendall Jackson, which is one of my favorite white wines!!! They didn't have what I had been dreaming about for breakfast. In fact, they didn't have anything healthy at all for breakfast!!! And to make matters worse, it was now 10:30 a.m., so they were serving breakfast and lunch, and I could easily slide under the "difference in time zone" excuse.
    But fortunately, there were several things that made a difference. First, I had ordered a tea and diet coke immediately when I had sat down, in expectation of ordering breakfast, before I had even seen the menu,. So I could "taste" my goal already. Secondly, I had all of you! I had just joined the day before. Many of you immediately came back and welcomed me, gave me support, and I just kept thinking about how proud of you I was for your love and courage, and how dissappointed I would be in myself if I couldn't share something positive that would be a contribution to all of our efforts. And it worked!!! I ordered a chicken salad with manderin oranges, continuing to sip on diet coke and tea the whole time. And you know, I really enjoyed it!!! I left there on cloud nine. When I left the restaurant, I called my husband and my son, I told them, and they made such a big deal about how great it was and how proud they were of me. It was great. Throughout the trip I drank responsibly except for the bonfire awards party (I won an award -- the perfect ok to get drunk excuse, and it was not comforting that I was the most sober one there). Despite that incident, I feel great about my trip because for the first time in a long time, I actually had a day (and night) where I chose not to have any alcohol at all, only a few glasses of wine on the other days, and most of all, I did not drink coming or going in my airport travel. For me, I think it was one of the most rich and rewarding experiences that I have had in a long time. Many thanks to those of you who helped to make it happen! I hope and pray that some of the tools and techniques that I used, which helped me tremendously, may be useful to all of you in obtaining your goals.:thanks:
    Mighty Mouse II
    Saving the day one minute at a time!

    Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

    Bravo Mighty Mouse. Bravo!! Airports are BRUTAL for drinkers and you conquered it. Be proud of yourself. You deserve it.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Airport Travel and Drinking Problems


      Just put my brother in rehab last night. Your story is so true. Hope you do well. Would you mind if I e-mailed it to him?




        Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

        Thanks for your message. You are doing so well, a real inspiration! You are obviously a very strong highly successful person and it is obvious that you can succeed in your goal of moderate drinking. In fact you did so in such a short time! Well done!
        Just hope I can do the same... lol!


          Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

          Thank you all for your support!!! In my heart of hearts, I really don't think I could have done it without your courage and support. Callie, please feel free to email it to your brother. I hope that your brother recovers quickly.
          Saving the day one minute at a time!


            Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

            I know the feeling of being held accountable when you come on here. I think about all of these people all of the time when I am thinking about drinking too much. It is a good thing!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

              It is so true about airports! I haven't seen that posted here on the boards before now. i have have missed many a flight in my day due to just that!
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

                You know, I think that you are all great to share that you have had similar experiences. Maybe together we really will find our answers. I don't know how community forums work, as this is the first time that I have participated. But since some of us are having similar problems with Airport travel, I think it would be great if we could have a travel support. I know it really helped me to get through this last excursion successfully because I was able to talk about my fear, set my goal, and know that I had support during the trip. The positive reinforcement that all of you gave me right before I left gave me a strength that I would not have otherwise had. I will keep looking in. If any of you are traveling and want similar support, just post it on this thread. I would be happy to be that "silent hand holder" for all of you because that is exactly what you were for me -- and I made it through. Or maybe, one of you have a better idea of how we can provide support for those getting ready to travel? I know that I am VERY greatful for that support and would be happy to recipricate if anyone feels that I might be able to do something that would help them.
                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

                  WOW! I am so impressed you could do that! for me is a biggie .... and I just found this place 2 days ago ...

                  Congrats on such an accompishment!!! I wanna be where you are .. ok ok ok . I'm getting there ...

                  And I WILL take you up on your offer next time I have to travel (which is often) ... a few weeks ago to Houston from San diego to see my Dad in ICU ... my brother picked me up .. and I was buzzing again ...

                  Thank you for the great story. Another one that is going to keep me going .. and staying here ...

                  Yeah! Love it ... keep telling us (me) about the sucesses!



                    Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

                    Hey Mighty Mouse! please keep me posted on how things are doing for you, PLEASE, your achieving such a good control is so great that I'd really like to konw how u doing and how u do that, please let me know, u sound amazing, congrats! Really, let me know, hugs.:l


                      Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

                      Again, thank you for the feedback -- you are all so great! You have no idea how helpful that is to me. I am dedicated to finding a solution, but it is a constant monster on my back. I know that if I don't keep vigilent watch on my activities, carefully planning everything so that I put myself in a position to be able to meet the challenge, I will fail. It is my genuine pleasure to share my experiences with you and provide support to all of you as well. It is my prayer that by doing so, it will not only help me, but it will also help all of you too. So do post to this thread when you are traveling, as I plan to do as well. I really think we can help each other.

                      In the meantime, I do have a couple of suggestions that you may want to consider during the planning phase of the trip. These are a few techniques that I used that were extremely helpful. First, try to plan your flights in the morning, as early as you can stand it, so that the stopover will be at breakfast time. Second, dream of what you would look like and what you would be doing at the airport if you didn't drink. Would you shop, have a nice breakfast, etc. Think about something tangible to reward yourself for what you know is going to be a challenge, like maybe buying something special at the airport shops, or what I did was plan to buy a very special breakfast (smoked salmon breakfasts are gourmet and usually expensive) For those of you who are doing hynosis, please feel free to pipe in here. Maybe you could suggest some exercises for all of us that would help us envision our goals and prepare ourselves. And finally, tell somebody what you are doing, whether it be us, family, personal friend. Somebody you can come back to and say it worked or it didn't work. Someone who won't be judgmental. Somone that you can talk it out if it didn't work, discuss why it didn't work, what was it that caught you. If it did work, discuss what it was that helped you make it through (you can then assimilate it under other circumstances). These are the techniques that I am using that is working for me. Hope it helps. Thank you all again! Your positive feedback is changing my life in a most positive way!
                      Eternally Grateful,
                      Mighty Mouse II
                      Saving the day one minute at a time!


                        Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

                        Thank you again for all of your feedback! It really helps me more than you will ever know to face this monster on my back. I know that if I don't keep vigilent watch, carefully planning to place myself in a position to meet the challenge, I will fail. It is my genuine pleasure to share my experiences and provide support to all of you as well. It is my prayer that by doing so, it will not only help me, but it will help all of you too! So, please do post to this thread when traveling, and I plan to do the same.

                        In the meantime, I do have a couple of suggestions that may be helpful during the planning stage of travel. These are a few techniques that was extremely helpful to me. First, plan to fly in the morning, as early as you can stand it. Secondly, envision what you would look like and what you would be doing in the airport if you were not drinking. Maybe you would be shopping, having a nice breakfast, etc. Think of how you are going to reward yourself for taking the challenge, perhaps buying something special at an airport shop (a tangible reminder of your success), or what I did, was to have a special breakfast, as smoked salmon breakfasts are usually expensive (but it has provided me with a wonderful memory of a successful experience that I will carry over to the next time). Reflect on your vision, your dream at least once a day prior to your trip, so that it gets burned into your brain. Be sure that it is something you can realistically do, something that you can convince yourself you really want to do and are looking forward to the experience. For those of you doing hypnosis or yoga, please feel free to pipe in here. Maybe you could suggest some exercises that we could use to help us prepare. Finally, tell someone what you are about to do and how challenging it is going to be for you, whether it be us, family, or a friend; someone who will not be judgmental; someone that you can talk to about it after the experience. Discuss with them whether it worked. If it does not work, discuss what happened to trigger the problem -- analyze it in detail so that you can prepare yourself better for the next time. If it does work, discuss what happened that helped you so that you can assimilate it under different circumstances. These are the techniques that I am using that is helping me. I hope it helps all of you also.

                        Again, thank you for your help! Your support is changing my life in a most positive way -- hopefully forever!

                        Eternally Grateful,
                        Mighty Mouse II
                        Saving the day one minute at a time!


                          Airport Travel and Drinking Problems

                          Great job Mighty Mouse! Thank God I don't fly much anymore... that is definately a weak spot for me! I guess I just always relate flying with vacation & adventure...

                          Very inspiring post!:thanks:
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

