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its simple ?

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    its simple ?

    Here again Day1 Why can I not get it into my thick head that if I just dont have 1 drink I can stay sober,but that 1st drink is lethal to me .:upset:

    its simple ?

    Hi Tara
    Many of us have been exactly where you are at the moment. One drink is not enough and one drink is also too many. Try not to be too hard on yourself, you have said yourself that one drink is lethal so you know how important it is to stay away from "the one"(which I know can be hard). I removed all AL from the house, poured it all down the sink and I have even changed the way I drive home so that I avoid the bottleshop.

    I have found that the drink tracker has been keeping me "on track" I have a great sense of pride when I have been entering my 0 drinks each day.

    I know sometimes we get sick of hearing ODAT........but it really is the only way to beat this thing. So you are here back on day 1, its another day and a fresh start.

    Good luck! x
    "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


      its simple ?

      Simple, but not easy. 1) Don't have a drink; simple. 2) Overcoming the creeping anxiety, the rationalizing that starts by 10 a.m., the sadness (you're leaving a familiar 'friend,' even if it's one who beat the crap out of you daily), the invites ("Bruce just invited us over for a beer," that burst of excitement and anticipation!), the voice in your head that you think is yours but is actually AL that says, "oh, give me a break, loser, you know you can't stop, look how many times you've tried."

      You are not that voice! No matter how far away it seems, everyone has a fresh, bright, shiny soul that points to life. Scrubbing down to it takes awhile. Hang in there.

      (day 5)
      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        its simple ?

        Hi Tara,

        No Dear, trying to get completely AF was NOT easy for me. I have been a member of this website for many years, and only in recent months started having a bit of success with it.

        I can tell you that once you get some good solid time in you, say a week AF, then it really does get "easier". The trick is to get you to some good solid time. Easier said than done, I know. As my signature says, I am currently taking Antabuse to help me. That seems to be working for me.

        What is your current plan of action? Hope to hear how you are doing soon Tara, try to be strong!

