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ODAT 19th

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    ODAT 19th

    Sorry if someone already started this thread, but I can not find ODAT for today.

    Day 43, doing great, had two parties this weekend was a little worried about our neighbors summer party, but surprisingly had no desire to drink, ofcourse, my friend kept asking, again, if I wanted a drink, I told her I am still not drinking, her husband commented that I was still on the wagon, so she said she would eventually knock me off. What I don't understand she is one of my best friends, you think she would support me, instead of trying to sabotage me.

    Our second party was at my bosses house were I was not worried about wanting a drink at all and surprisingly that is where I had a very small desire to have a drink, but I did not. I have never made 43 days without a drink (I did have a half glass of wine I think on day 28) since I lived at home with my parents 18 years ago. Even when I was pregnant I would have a small glass of wine. I am really enjoying my life sober!!!

    It's funny how when your not drinking, people who do sometimes really annoy you, like my hubby, he had to much to drink Friday and was being incredilbly annoying. It makes me wonder just how annoying I must have been while drinking?

    Hope everyone is doing great, sound like it from yesterday's thread, oh and I too do not want to see ODAT thread go away, love this thread.

    Have a Happy AF Monday,
    Twosox :l

    ODAT 19th

    Hi Two Sox!

    Thank you for starting this! Awesome job at day 43!! Wow, you go lady!

    I also have a girlfriend that I just choose to avoid, as she is a drunk! (well so am I) The second I go to her house, there is a glass of wine poured. Funny thing is, I dont even think we would have a friendship if not for booze in it. Thats pretty sad really. You really do find out who your true friends are when you get rid of the booze dont you?

    Im dating a very nice guy who is a social drinker, but he could care less if I drink or not. I have no desire to drink around him even when he has a beer or two.

    And oh yeah, I KNOW i have been super annoying when drinking. Im very repetative and really "out there". I dont think I am annoying when I am sober. I am just me

    Keep up the good work!!! It truly is worth it!!


      ODAT 19th

      Hello peeps,

      Day six coming to an end for me, Roll on day 7. I've found it really easy today, not really had many thoughts about AL which feels great. My mind feels freed up to think of other things.
      Twosox, congrats on 43 days, thats where I aim to be. Hello Overit, I didn't make my docs app this morning as I had to be at work earlier than expected, I've re booked so I'll let you know any news on the Antabuse . Hope you have/had a great day, not sure on the time difference!!!
      AF since 19th August 2011


        ODAT 19th

        Hi Time!

        Would love to hear how things go for you. Please keep me/us posted!

        Remember, with or without Antabuse, you can do this. I hope your Doctor is open to letting you try it though, if thats what you want.

        Good Luck with everything!

