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Trying Again

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    Trying Again

    Giday All. 41 year old been drinking heavly since 14yo don,t no how I have made it this far
    today I am starting diazpam and disulfiram to try and break the cycle I also take antidepressent and have done for 16 yrs.not very good at talking to people about problems but I will give it a go.Can,t see a very bright future if I dont.Any one tried these tablets
    Cheers Tom

    Trying Again

    Nope, not me Dog. But good on you for spittin that out. No good in doing that shit and drinking too. None whatsoever!! So it will be a learning process on many it usually is for everyone. I'm no expert Dog, but welcome and keep reading and posting please.

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi

