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Trying Again

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    Trying Again

    Giday All. 41 year old been drinking heavly since 14yo don,t no how I have made it this far
    today I am starting diazpam and disulfiram to try and break the cycle I also take antidepressent and have done for 16 yrs.not very good at talking to people about problem but I will give it a go.Can,t see a very bright future if I dont.Any one tried these tablets
    Cheers Tom

    Trying Again

    I don't know how that works Zen...but thank you for confirming that drugs and drink of any kind aren't good! need to stop the nonsense, RIGHT?? Get a big jug of water and suck it back please?

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      Trying Again

      Thanks for reply

      thanks zen
      I have been doing my research and now what will happen if i drink with these tablets
      my problem is I work in a industry that drinking is more of a culture so my will power will be tested to the limits but i need to do this cheers tom


        Trying Again

        I AF night woo hoo


          Trying Again

          Hi blackdog you've come to the right place.
          i'm a rookie here & it's prob the only place i can feel genuinely safe & secure.
          good luck with the antabuse - others have had vast experience with it - look it up on the meds thread & be real careful ok.


            Trying Again

            Thanks for support

            Thanks beagle/zen,

            Off to work tomorrow for 2 weeks in the bush,so if I can last 2 weeks
            it will be totally amazing for me,2nd day today without a drink doing it tough but looking
            forward to see how I feel without it,getting sick off feeling shit everyday

            Keep you posted thanks again


              Trying Again

              going bush eh?
              ha good Aussie thing to do....the serenity can really help.
              peace,birds,clean air,above all just the quiet.
              tough it out as much as you can Tom & let us know how you're doing.
              there's some great people on here. some really great people.
              good luck, see ya when ya get back.


                Trying Again

                Go for it Tom!

                Have you read the 'Toolbox' thread here? Some great 'survival' tip's for staying off the grog. It's in the 'monthly abstinence' section.

                Best wishes on your journey. G.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Trying Again


                  Thank Guitarist I will have a look at that thread
                  Thanks again ,never had support before mind you I
                  have never looked for it thinking I can do everything on my own



                    Trying Again

                    blackdog;916513 wrote: I AF night woo hoo
                    Good job BlackDog! I'm sorry if my first post sounded harsh. I have a family member that mixes pain killers and muscle relaxants with alcohol to excess. It scares me worse than my alcohol consumption by far. I really was concerned for you. I understand the working in the bush mentality. I hope you can find ways to remove yourself from it and stay your course. All the best!

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      Trying Again

                      You're in the right place for support here Tom. Was the valium prescribed for withdrwals?
                      I'm in a simalar boat to you in that I'm 41, boozed on since late teens and just got fed up with feeling terrible all the time. Over a period of a few weeks AF you WILL notice a big difference in teh way you feel.
                      Do read the toolbox over and over as it has some great resoucres and check in here daily.
                      Diggin' being alive


                        Trying Again

                        Thanks for support

                        Thank for replies and support
                        giday cedar all good didnt take offence
                        WWboy ,yes the valium is to help with withdrawal or so the DR says,been taking Antubuse for 5 days now,which is good because I probaly would have folded by now,not easy sitting around a fire after work while all your workmate are enjoyiong a drink,but they only have a couple,were I would drink 12 or more,not that they understand why I am not drinking you get called the usual names weak/soft are the mild ones,struggling big time feel very out of place,hope the urges get ease,feel like I have to go and hide away o well enough whinging better get back to work cheers Tom

