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Yep...this is hard.

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    Yep...this is hard.

    Today was my second day AF. I've gone for a few week long to ten day stretches in the past few months, but kept binging after a while. I've met with a counselor that I really like, and divulged my whole history--past traumas, drinking patterns, anxiety/depression issues etc. My goal with therapy is to get out all of the bottled up emotions and thoughts I've been drowning in wine for the past five/six years and frankly change my life as far as alcohol is concerned. Anyway, she encouraged me to set a date to go AF and stick with it. I chose today since I'll be meeting with her a week from now and I want to discuss how I've been feeling all week without the crutch (I'm starting a journal, making my sobriety plan, etc). I actually didn't drink anything yesterday either so I'm kind of proud of myself for getting an early start...

    Anyway, like I've said, I've gone for much longer stretches than two days before but I don't think I really was more like, 'Let's see how this goes.' This time feels different...I hope that's a good sign. It feels terrifying, and harder. I have a job that is often stressful and very deadline-oriented, and I go to school. I had a miserable, 'work straight through lunch and still not get everything done' day. I had to go to class right after that, and I cried all the way there. Got through class, went home, felt okay after my boyfriend let me vent...then I got a phone call from my sister saying they had to put her boyfriend's cat to sleep. I hung up and bawled. Just bawled. I didn't even know the cat that well! Under normal circumstances, this would have been an instant binge night, possibly my excuse to drink after those ten AF days, but I knew I couldn't do that. The crying felt healthier than drinking for sure, but it sucked.

    I'm terrified of failing. I think part of why I didn't whole-heartedly commit in the past is that I'm really scared deep down that I can't stop and I won't make it even if I try with everything that I have. Like if I didn't really try I couldn't really fail and I could hang onto the hope that 'one day' when I 'really, really' tried I could do it--which is ridiculous when I look at it rationally. But I'm also scared of succeeding and life still sucking anyway--possibly even more so with all the pain I've been suppressing coming to the surface. You know, 'better the devil you know'. Also ridiculous when looked at rationally. I don't know if I'd made any sense whatsoever, but there you have it. Maybe my posts will be more coherent when I've had some more AF time.
    Tomorrow's another day.

    Yep...this is hard.

    Hi BellaC, your post is very honest and open. It's great that you have a start date, and that you are already two days af. The emotions that we experience when we stop drinking are certainly varied and sometimes intense - although not pleasureable at times - I feel that they are important and most likely good to work through sober. Like you say it is scary to try, for lack of confindence to succeed. An alcohol free life is a scary thought too. I had to hit rock bottom, and come close to losing so much to finally go sober.

    Dealing with pain, and bad days, is possible when sober - it is different. Live day by day sober, and the weeks will add up. New habits will form in a while if you stick with it. The urges to drink will be strong at times - ride them like waves. Some are stronger or weaker, they may last longer or shorter, but expect them, and ride them, and they will pass. All the best,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      Yep...this is hard.

      I'm also scared of succeeding and life still sucking anyway--possibly even more so with all the pain I've been suppressing coming to the surface. >>

      Hi Bella,

      I so agree with you, but I keep telling myself it can't suck any worse. ; ) And with alcohol-related self-loathing out of the picture, you'll be so much stronger to deal with buried grief and pain and my favorite, guilt. Wish there was some other way out than through, but we can all hold hands for company.

      (((hang in there)))))
      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        Yep...this is hard.

        Hi Bella,

        I could not seem to gain any real long term success away from alcohol either. I eventually decided to take Antabuse to get me over the "hump". Is that something that you think might help you?? Just offering suggestions to you Dear, its been a very great help to me and some others. Day 23 AF for me.

        Best of Luck to you Bella, you WILL get there as long as you are determined!!!



          Yep...this is hard.

          Good for you with your honesty. Comittment is scary but its very important. You have to want to stop for yourself. As time goes by sober your self confidence and inner strength will grow making it easier. Life isn't perfect without our crutch but it is easier. I'm glad you're going to counceling as well letting go of the past will help as well.
          Fear of failure is normal but you can succeed. Don't let your fears rule your life.
          Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

          Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
          No more bad future-Skull Skates


            Yep...this is hard.

            Hi Bella,

            Love the honesty. Good for you. Don'y be afraid to try. Fear of failure is natural. But the definition of success and failure is in your hands - no one else. Find your way. Be good to yourself and take it one day / step at a time. Its a learning process. You will move forward and be successful. Peace.



              Yep...this is hard.

              Hi BellaC,

              Sounds like you have great resolve now. I like that you set a sobriety date straight away rather than prevaricating.

              I think all your fears are perfectly natural and probably shared by many people.

              Stay strong!
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                Yep...this is hard.

                Hi Bella:

                Your candor is heart warming! I think most of us here have the fear of failing. I am reflecting on your words and can clearly see how I felt like I was controlling my fear of failing by keeping my glass full of booze all the time. I thought I was in control - NOT!!!

                Keep the faith and take 1 day at a time.

                AF since 7/13/2010


                  Yep...this is hard.

                  Thanks everyone! :h

                  Well, so far, so good. I'm on day 5. I've actually had the week from hell at work and school, which has made it difficult. I've definitely had cravings but didn't give in or even battle with them for very long...when I considered drinking I just immediately told myself in no uncertain terms that alcohol is just not an option anymore. So far, it's working. I'm going to hit up the "Toolbox" thread later and get some more ideas from it. Hope everyone's doing well!
                  Tomorrow's another day.


                    Yep...this is hard.

                    Day 5 is awesome Bella! Get yourself over the hump, and it will be so much easier for you!

                    Glad to hear your doing well. It sounds like you are really determined, that is what it takes, and having a plan.

                    Keep us posted on your progress ok??


                      Yep...this is hard.


                      I just immediately told myself in no uncertain terms that alcohol is just not an option anymore.
                      That is the attitude you need and the belief you must live with.

                      If we even open up a little window and say "well, maybe one" we are setting ourselves up for failure.

                      I don't know about you but I do know about me.

                      One is just enough to set me off for weeks or months of serious despair.

                      One can't "do it" and neither can many.

                      Only none can do it.

                      Hang in there. When you hit that 10 day mark, your body is going to feel so much better.

                      Keep the attitude.

                      Thank you for posting your progress. You help all of us when you do and we are here to support you when it gets tough.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Yep...this is hard.


                        Hope you are doing great! Remember, always lots of good advice and support to be given on this forum. Be sure to use this in your fight to have the life of your dreams. Someone is always around to lend you a helping hand in your journey.

                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

