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An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

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    An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

    "Get over yourself you drunk fat ass bitch, you think I'm wasting my time thinking about your fat ass!!! Please! I'm done with you! and you wish I stop at your shitty ass stinky place, you wish I stop by and fuck you, but how can I want you anymore *if you're getting fatter by the day, who the fuck it's calling you who knows and who fucking cares, call the FBI for all I care, you're just making shit up just to get attention like being pregnant,and *if you are it aitn't mine. I don't know who you're fucking, for all I know you're probably fucking your ex, but who cares, you're a psycho, take your fucking pills with out alcohol, maybe they'll work if you take them with out it. And maybe you'll stop thinking shit, that I'm doing this or that, believe me, last thought in my mind it's you."

    I can't go on this way anymore. I'm not suicidal. I just don't care if I'm alive anymore. How could someone you love be so cruel to you?

    An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

    Please! How could you "love" someone like that???


      An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

      spedteach;915972 wrote: Please! How could you "love" someone like that???
      I really don't know. We work together too. Makes it 100 times worse.


        An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

        Jewels, that's a terrible email to receive!
        By the sounds of things you are better off without him. I know you are probably feeling rubbish, but you have to try and move on from this (even though you work together). It does get easier, I know from experience on this one.

        Know that you deserve better and without him in your life you can focus on yourself.

        Do something nice for yourself deserve it.

        Chin up :l
        "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


          An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

          Let me at him, let me at him....
          Big Hugs Darl xx
          Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

          1 - 2 - 3


            An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend


            When somebody writes a nasty email like that, its usually just to make themselves feel better.

            Me and my Ex from a long time ago used to say worse things right to each others face. It was just a stupid way of lashing out.

            I know this may sound hard to believe, but you should not take this email too seriously or too personal. Its just his way of lashing out to make himself feel better and superior to you.

            I suggest this relationship is over though. Looks pretty much beyond repair. Just move on sweetheart, and dont take this evil words to heart. Your not any of those things he said, your a person who deserves love and kindness.



              An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

              Jewels I would just let that go and move on. Easier said then done I know. It seems to me he was either drunk or has problems himself. While I don't know the whole story of why he would lash out like that it seems it could have been handled a lot better.
              Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

              Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
              No more bad future-Skull Skates


                An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                Jewels - Press the delete button! This trash doesnt warrant a reply or even you wasting your time getting upset by it, its says a whole lot about what type of person he is and nothing about you. When you squeeze something poisonous, poison comes out!!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                  Jewels - everyone here has already said everything I wanted to say - but I agree with them - you are special and do not deserve an e-mail like that - delete, and move on - your family here is supporting you!!

                  sunshinedaisies xx
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                    Ignore this hateful email. I understand that when people are upset they do and say things they wouldn't normally (I'm guilty of this, many times over). He keeps saying that he won't waste his time on you and you're not on his mind, yet he took the time to write a rather long email. He's confused. But don't let him upset you. Please just move on, I understand it's not easy, but you need to be good to yourself!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                      Gosh jewels...NOBODY deserves to be spoken to that way. This is not the kind of "love" you deserve. Whether he is drunk or not, he sounds like a bully. The message is so degrading. Arghh makes me fume!!
                      I really hope you have the strength to mentally part from him. You deserve much better than this.x
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                        I agree again with Rebirth!!! LOSER!!! LOSER!!!! LOSER!!!! LOSER!!! Wash that boy right out of your hair GIRL!!!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                          I'm with Rebirth and OverIt. Someone who gets off stomping you down when you're at your most vulnerable is not worth the time it took to read that text. Don't waste any emotional energy trying to "understand where he was coming from." You work with him? What an ideal opportunity to let the air out of his tires...

                          Get on youtube and listen to Gloria Gaynor belt out "I will survive" a few times; Pride's MWO hypnosis for d*ckweed ex-boyfriends.
                          Huge hug! P.
                          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                            An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend

                            LOL... I just love Prides Post!!!

                            Im also getting the feeling that this guy has a rather small "package". He seems to be suffering from "small package" syndrome!!! :H
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              An email from my ex (very recent) boyfriend


                              that email is downright abusive. Love and abuse don't go together. You really dont need this guy in your life.
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

