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Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

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    Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

    The last time I was able to do a couple of days without alcohol was when I reached out to you guys. I'm back. I need help. I felt scared before but now I am starting to feel angry. Angry at the fact that I cannot stop. Why can't I stop. I wake up everyday saying I will do something about it, then nothing. I've tried everything. Kudzu, Dr, Therapy, AA etc. Has anyone ever considered a Outpatient rehab. I think thats my next step. Also, this time around I will follow the MY WAY OUT, way. I will get the book and maybe consider talking to my Dr. about these medications.
    Oh GOD, I'm really frustrated.
    Please help.

    Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

    hi there m22 welcome back now good use the anger to work for you .. write down your do's and dont's's and con's ... you must have learned something from everything you have try think back and just do your best ..we are here for you
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

      Hi M22.

      Welcome back.

      Cant help you with rehab sorry but I do know that reading the book, taking the supplements, listening to the CD's and coming here often as I can is what has saved my life and stopped me drinking. I think if you are serious about doing it, you need to consider everything as suggested in the book because it seems to work better if you put it all in place. I didnt try the meds however there are a few suggested in the book too.

      I understand the frustration at not being able to stop drinking. However with a bit of hard work and support from us, you can and stay AF.

      Good luck.

      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

        Hi M22,

        There's a hypnotherapy mp3 that you can download instantly has been really helpful to me (started a week ago and was too afraid I'd drink to wait for the MWO CDs to come in the mail).

        Alcohol Addiction Hypnosis Cd Cds Self Mp3 Hypnosis Alcoholic Abuse Alcoholism Binge Drinking

        I downloaded 2 others that weren't particularly professional, soothing music and overtones aside; this one has a guy that seems to know what he's doing, and it has been really helpful for me. I also went out and bought kudzu from the local pharmacy, so I could incorporate 2 elements of MWO on day 1. I added another daily step, which has been to read this thread every morning to remind myself why I'm doing this:

        I just completed my first week AF. NEVER thought I could do that. Hang in there, you've got some pretty wonderful company!

        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

          Hi M22,

          Im just like you are, I could never have any real long term success away from alcohol. I could go maybe 4 days at most, then the thought of a glass of wine would get me everytime, except it was always a bottle or more, never just "a glass".

          I did alot of research on Antabuse. I saw some of the other members on here were having success with it, and they encouraged me to try it. I really did not want to take Antabuse, but one day I simply said "what the F---K!! and I popped a pill. I am getting pretty close to one month sober, and I am happy to say the experience has been a happy one! When you take Antabuse, you simply cannot drink, or you can pay the consequences if you do. I found having that "fear" is what I needed! It sounds overwhelming, but its actually feels very "Freeing" for me. I cant drink, so I just move on to whats next in my brain.

          Im just sharing what has worked for me. I hope you find what works for you!!! Dont give up!!

          M22, This was one of the articles that helped me make my decision to try Antabuse. I hope you find what works for you!!!

          Antabuse-Disulfiram Facts for Alcoholism and Addiction



            Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

            Hi M22 - I am in the same boat as you....I have come here and that is usually when I can go 2 or 3 days AF, I am currently in counseling, have a ton of books and do constant research on the internet about alcoholism but I'm still drinking. My dr gave me an Rx for Campral but I haven't been able to go the 3 days AF to start it. I will go 1 or 2 days and then the "devil" I call the addiction...kicks in. I have bought that bottle of wine and it is gone - it is like someone else invades my body and does this and then I am mad at myself, promise to not do it again and I do. This may sound silly but on my way to work this morning I yelled in the car.....I am going to change today. Dear God I have no control over this I ask for your help. I am powerless. But not incapable! I AM GOING TO SUCCEED. I am capable of working, running a home, I've had 4 children and 6 grandchildren and have conquered a lot....I can do this. My first step today is coming here...reading, sharing, make some friends that understand this horrible disease and then I'm making a plan. We can do this....there are so many many people on here that care and understand this struggle that is in us every minute of the day. There are tons of tools on this website and reading the post of people that were in our shoes - Day 1 (again and again) will help us into the next day AF.


              Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

              Aww, Foxtrot.. I wish I could give you a BIG hug!! You can do this, sometimes it takes lots of trying before you get it right. I do not qualify as a long term success, but there sure are alot of other success stories on here with very long term success. Dont give up, you will find your way, I am sure of that. :l


                Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                M22 & Foxtrot, I would say exactly the same thing to you both, this can be beaten, just look around at the people who are doing here, right now, today, on this site that thought it wasnt possible, me included. Take it ODAT, one hour at a time if needs be. Drink plenty of water, take the suppliments, get some exercise, keep busy, read the posts and importantly post when you need someone to talk to who understands, dont give in you guys can beat this.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                  KTAB is a perfect example of somebody having some huge success. His story is pretty amazing too, and he happens to be a pretty amazing person as well. Lots of really wonderful people on here having success, why dont you both jump on board and join them and (me) too!!! Here is my hand, just grab it.


                    Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                    I did it again, I hate myself.

                    4am and I did it again. Woke up to feel like shit...why? why do i do this to myself. I hate myself so much. I just want to run away and cry and cry and cry.

                    I don't know what to do? This is a really big problem for me. I don't think even God can help me at this point, trust me I've asked.



                      Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                      Hi M22,

                      Good morning, it's quite early for both of us. You can stop the cycle if that's what you want to do. Glad you're here for support. It's a new day, and I wish you peace.



                        Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                        Ah shucks Overit I am blushing here, thanks a lots.

                        Now M22 what are we going to do with you? Ok firstly, you drank yesterday right? Well that was yesterday and in a few hours it will be a new dawn in NYC. It can be a new start for you too. Sometimes it can take ODAT, sometimes one hour at a time, and sometimes we just need to take it minute by minute. It is however doable, just look around you at the people here who have changed their lives. We have all been down the same road, feeling like it is impossible. Well let me tell you it isnt, you can do this.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                          I am not by any means a pro at this or I wouldn't only be on Day 2 (again)...but keep in mind this is the hardest thing we will ever do. I do not believe there is any disease on this earth more difficult to control and live with than alcoholism. If you have a heart condition, cancer, diabetes...everyone is there to support and rally around you. Millions of dollars are spent on research, cures, support systems, public awareness. When the dr gave me an Rx for Campral I cannot even tell you how hard it was for me to take it to our pharmacy. I was mortified. I have lived in this town all my life and know the people that work there. It is a day to day struggle. We carry guilt, shame, humilation with this disease. We sneak and lie not to be found out - people with cancer and heart disease often are faced with their mortality and find a peace and purpose. We are also surely facing a mortaily with this disease if we don't overcome it.....but we spend our days hiding, crying, blaming, struggling - we loose who we really are.

                          Something came to me a few wks ago.....I had been praying to God asking for His help, wisdom, strength to conquor this and then I've kept drinking, not making a plan, not going to counseling, or AA. Just waiting...and waiting for that miracle. I realized God will help me through this, hold me up when I fall but I have to put some effort into this....I have to do something....I have to show God I am serious....please understand I am not trying to be is just my thoughts. For the first 4 wks I went to counseling and kept drinking...I thought...gee, I thought this would help but all I was doing was walking in the door, expecting that same miracle from him I expected from God.

                          We... can... do this - one day at a time. My heart and hugs are with you..Keep coming here....write your feelings, share your thoughts, make a plan, read the info here. Believe in yourself.


                            Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                            foxtrott;918051 wrote: Something came to me a few wks ago.....I had been praying to God asking for His help, wisdom, strength to conquor this and then I've kept drinking, not making a plan, not going to counseling, or AA. Just waiting...and waiting for that miracle. I realized God will help me through this, hold me up when I fall but I have to put some effort into this....I have to do something....I have to show God I am serious....please understand I am not trying to be is just my thoughts. For the first 4 wks I went to counseling and kept drinking...I thought...gee, I thought this would help but all I was doing was walking in the door, expecting that same miracle from him I expected from God.
                            Foxtrott - these words really hit home for me on a totally different subject. A few years ago, I was very much out of shape and needed to lose about 40 pounds. I could never understand why my trips to the gym weren't paying off. I finally made a commitment to get into shape and lose at least 30 pounds. So, I worked with a personal trainer and the biggest lesson I learned from him was that you can't just show up at the gym. If you want to get into shape and take off the pounds, you have to work your butt off and sweat hard!!

                            Well, that is exactly what I did. I lost 35 pounds and began running half-marathon races!

                            Now, I am making a similar commitment to stay AF. I am on day 10 and I am finding that to remain AF, I have to work very hard.

                            We can do this!
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              Here is the only place that helps me not drink.

                              I'm new to the site but not to the problem. I found out that the out-patient didn't work for me three years ago. In May I checked into an in-patient program in Colorado for 28 days. I went in with an attitude and I came out with a totally different outlook on life. I met new people of all ages and many of us still talk daily. I hope and pray that you will have the same positive experience I did. The biggest thing I had to do was open my heart and realize that it's ok to have feelings and not hide.

                              I wish you all the best


