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Going to AA

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    Going to AA

    I decided to stop drinking on my own January. I told myself "if I cannot do it myself this time I have no choice but to go to AA". Had 5 months without drinking. I mostly lurk MWO but have found it helpful in keeping sober. The problem is that I have slipped once again and am finding myself unable to quit. So AA here I come. My question for you guys is can they help? What can I expect when I go? Will I have to tell the people there my life story? I am desperate. I don't want to be this complete loser that AL makes me and I need help to quit.

    Going to AA

    Hi Newgirl! Haven't been to AA so I'm no good to you, just offering encouragement and would be very interested to hear how you get on. You are not a loser - if you were a loser you would be falling into a bottle RIGHT NOW and not posting on here. We have all slipped - doesn't make it alright but once we put it behind us and learn how bad it feels, it's not that bad - like you I screwed up royally after nearly 5 months, but I really 'gained' so much in that I NEVER EVER WANT TO FEEL THAT APPALLING AGAIN - not just physically, but mentally as well. Good luck with AA let us know?
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Going to AA

      Hi Newgirl
      I've been a few aa meetings. sometimes in closed meetings people go around after reading from the big book but no one is obligated to speak; you can just say you are there to learn until you feel comfortable and want to share more. have you seen the aa website it's Alcoholics Anonymous : there's good information about aa and where to find meetings in your area.

      I know what you're going through, I'm currently going through it myself. I've decide that I cannot do this by myself. I wasn't consistent with aa first because I'm still drinking (except for today) and second if felt ashame of myself and felt like a looser because I had to go to meetings. I'm planning on going to a meeting tomorrow (had to work today). I want to do this in order to regain control of my life because i've given AL to much control.

      Hang in there and try reading about aa. we are not loosers, we are just at a point of our lives where we let AL take control but not anymore; we can do this
      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


        Going to AA

        Thanks for the support! I really need the help.


          Going to AA

          Hi New Girl and also 1more chance. I started my journey to sobriety here at MWO in July of 2007. I didn't "get it" the first time, like so many others. Getting sober for those of us who are addicted is not easy. For me, I had to get really humble, and adopt an attitude of willingness to do whatever it would take before I could get sober and achieve contented sobriety.

          I post regularly at MWO to give and get support. I also am active in AA - something I said I would NEVER do. That combination is working for me. I am not a loser. The people I meet in AA are not losers either. I have made many new friends there. Sober friends that have helped me build a new and different sober life.

          AA isn't for everyone, but it's not the horrid thing I thought it was way back when. The only way you will know if it helps you is to try it. There are different meeting formats, as mentioned. Some meetings are big and some are small. Some are general and some are targeted to a specific audience (women, young people, gay/lesbian, etc.). Ditto that you NEVER have to talk if you don't want to. It is always acceptable to say "pass" or "I'll just listen today." You also do not have to introduce yourself as "alcoholic" unless you want to. Just saying "Hi I'm doggygirl" is fine. Or in a closed meeting (for AA members only) maybe "Hi I'm doggygirl and I want to stop drinking." (if you are not comfortable saying you are alcoholic).

          The only requirement for membership in AA is a desire to stop drinking.

          We have a weekly AA thread in the Monthly Abstinence section of this forum if you would like to connect with others here to ask questions about AA or share your experiences.

          MWO + AA rocks for me. Strength and hope as you search and find what works for you. Sobriety is the best thing that ever happened to me. Hope it works that way for you too.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.

