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ODAT 25th July.

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    ODAT 25th July.

    Hello Peeps,

    No one seems to be starting this thread at the moment so I thought I'd jump in and get todays up and running, I find this thread really helpful as a fairly new abstainer still finding my feet so I hope we can keep it going!?
    Well, its an overcast Sunday here in London, looks like its about to rain but I have no place to be today which is a nice feeling, so no need to get wet.
    And, we've had such great weather here for ages now that I think we've all kind of forgotten about rain!!...Never thought I'd say that living in England thats for sure.
    Day 11 for me and no big cravings to speak of, I wonder whether this is partly due to the fact I have no spare money until next friday so its a case of eat, or drink and go hungry.... and I do like my food!! With this in mind I'm a little apprehensive about pay day and all the temptation that may bring, right now I think I'll be ok but I know I have to keep complacency at bay and not lose site of what I'm trying to achieve.
    Anyhow, Happy AF Sunday one and all, have a great day whatever you're up too!

    AF since 19th August 2011

    ODAT 25th July.

    Hi Time
    Yes I really like this thread too, also a new abstainer... great to get to the 11 days mark and by Friday it will be day 16 so I'm sure you will be feeling even better so won't want to blow it with the ol' crazy beast. That seems to be what is happening with me as I end day 36.. I hope one day to be able to stop this maniac counting of days..... but it really does help me stay focused
    Keep going Time because you really WILL feel so much stronger and healthier.. I sure do.. but I am not going to get complacent either because I'm giving up smoking tomorrow (been smokin like a truckie since I stopped drinking!) and I know that will be seriously challenging and I think I will be feeling a bit like now I don;t drink or smoke..a bit like there is no destressor at the end of the day... but of course that is totally delusional because at the end of the day I will be healthy.
    Have a great day and enjoy those long summer nights!!

