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    Not anymore, since I quit drinking I acturally want to do things. I could never understand why people always had to be on the move, now I know. I still like sitting on my porch swing and enjoying the view of the lake, but I also am enjoying getting out and doing other things as well. Went to six flags with my oldest daughter last week and had a blast, can't wait to do it again. Before I would get up clean the house, then grab a beer and retire to the porch were I would stay and drink until bedtime. It is amazing when your sober, how much you realize just how much others around you are drinking. Never realized just how much my husband actually drinks.

    Can't wait to go to a drive in, avoided it because then I could not drink, I think I may go to one this weekend. There is so much to do, just did not realize it before. Never thought I could get through summer without al, but so far so good. 50 days today, longest I have gone since I was 17, hard to believe. Drank while I was pregnant, a small glass of wine a couple times a week, so I can't even count being pregnant as AF very sad, thank GOD they were all born healthy. I still get a urge every now and then, but I know I just have to let it pass and it does, they are getting smaller and smaller. I'm praying it will be like when I quit smoking it took a long time for the urge to smoke went away, but it eventually did, I could not imagine picking up a cigarette now. I pray it wil be the same with AL.

    Sorry for rambling and rambling, just wanted to talk.

    Twosox :l


    Thank you for that wonderful post!! Really gives a person hope. I am feeling motivated again and that post really helped. :thanks:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15




      What a great post! Enjoy your new found freedom!!!
      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
      Benjamin Franklin



        Twosox - that Was an inspirational post! (I need to be on here reading more of them.)

        I quit smoking Christmas of '09... so it's been 7 months. I'm doing pretty well, but I Still have those little urges that come up. How long does it take for those to go away??
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



          GREAT post Twosox!!
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010



            Thanks All,

            Savon it took a long time for the urge to smoke to completely go away, maybe a year or so. It's been 15 years since I quit smoking. I remember someone saying you just have to get past 10 days and the urge goes away, big FAT lie, atleast for me, I even had those smoking dreams and that lasted for even longer than a year, maybe a couple of years. I would wake up relieved it was just a dream. I can't ever imagine smoking now, I can't even stand the smell, when someone who has been smoking walks by. Stick with it, the urges will go away, they did for me. Looking forward for the urge to drink to completely go away, atleast, I am hoping it will work the same way, as smoking did.



              Great job, twosox! Your post is an inspiration for me as I am on day 13 and can't wait to be able to say I am at 20, 30, and 50 days! Keep up the great work.
              AF since 7/13/2010






                  Hey Twosox, congrats on your 50 days, and heres to another 50! (I raised my orange juice). I agree with you wholesale. This is the first summer I am not drinking in about 23 years, and I thought it would be impossible - but it is not. Like you, I am through my worst of the urges and that helps. I also have enough energy to get to the gym - even in the summer, some days I have to set the alarm for five in the morning to fit in my work out - but being sober, it is no probs. It is amazing how much people drink - and how strong the smell is in the room and on their breath. Another thing that I have observed, is how little some people drink and how little alcohol is a part of their life. I suppose, I used to think everyone drank like me. Anyway, have a great week.
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

