I'm in a bit of a quandry. I am in the midst of trying to arrange a party for my daughter who turns 21 in a few weeks time, she wants a party here at the house before going off out with her friends. I'm really worried that this could knock me back to square one if there is alcohol in the house, while i don't want to hurt any feelings and be seen as a party pooper i really don't know how to tell her that i'd rather there was no AL involved, i can already hear the "oh well lets just do jelly and ice-cream while you're at it" tantrum coming on. She doesn't want to go out all night which is why she has asked if she can have her family and friends here at the house to celebrate for a few hours first with either a BBQ or a buffet type thing. I'm so confused, scared, mixed up, this is the first really big dilema i've faced since becoming AF and i don't want anything spoling it because i just CANNOT go back to where i was 3 weeks ago, the worry is actually making me feel sick. other than telling her i can't be here i don't know what to do. To make matters worse only person that knew the REAL extent my binging had got to was my husband, no other family are aware i have a problem with alcohol.
How do i cope with this if she really insists on this happening here
