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Newbie in Aus

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    Newbie in Aus


    I'm a newbie to the forum, but have 34 years of experience - drinking that is. As one of my fundamental philosophies is balance, I'm trying to moderate rather than abstain...any hints and tips as I start the journey would be appreciated :-)

    It appears from posts I've read that many believe a period of abstinence is required before moderation - is that the generally accepted belief?

    Thanks all....


    Newbie in Aus

    Welcome Ian
    Definitely it is recommended to have at least 30 days alcohol free before attempting moderating, actually from my own experience I think it would take much longer than that to even attempt it. The main thing is to break the reliance on alcohol, physically and emotionally, and face up to life as it is before trying to moderate. Most of us do come to this site with the aim of controlled drinking, some achieve it, you may wish to check out the moderation threads, lots of us cannot. There is a book by Roberta Jewell MWO - recommended reading, you can download from here - have a read of it. Folks with a lot more experience than me will be along to guide you - I just wanted to say:welcome:
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbie in Aus

      Hi Ian

      My goal is also to moderate one day........I have recently clocked up 30 days AF and I have to say that I really do recommend you doing this before trying to mod. I am still not sure that I am ready to mod, but I am certain that the 30 days has put me in a better place.

      Good luck
      "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


        Newbie in Aus

        Hello Ian and welcome.

        There are some mods threads .... you've probably seen those?? And some debates on modding vs abstinence. You are the only person that can make that decision.

        Personally, I know for me that I cant drink at all.

        There are people in your/our time zone on an "Underoos" thread, but wherever you post you will find great support everywhere on this site.
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          Newbie in Aus

          Hi & welcome Ian

          You have come to a great community with lots of support and good advice,read as many posts ?threads as you can and post your thoughts & feelings,we have all been/are there, you are not alone ,goodluck hope to see you around.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Newbie in Aus

            G'day Ian, and a big welcome to you!

            You could try modding right now, making your own plan, depending on what moderation is to you. But, going for 30 day's alcohol free, will really show you the truth, about alcohol and you, and your relationship with it. I thoroughly recommend going for 30 day's alcohol free anytime in life, but i reckon it might be a very worthwhile and interesting place for you to start.
            There's lot's of great reading here, and check out the 'Toolbox' thread, in the 'monthly abstinence' section.

            Best wishes on your journey. G.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Newbie in Aus

              Hi Ian. Welcome.

              My initial desire when starting here was to be able to moderate too. However as I learnt more about my relationship with alcohol, I have come to realise that there is no moderating for me. It was all or nothing. I drank for the effect, the buzz I got so if I couldnt get that I didnt want to drink. My plan now is to stay alcohol free as i have found it to be a much better way of life.

              Read the book suggested, by Roberta Jewel as she talks about moderating. 30 days AF might be a good place to start for you. Visit us here often and ask any questions you need to, there is usually someone who can help.

              Once again welcome and good luck.

              Hippy Chick
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbie in Aus

                G'day and welcome Ian.
                I too can't moderate so abstinance works for me.
                I don't agree that 30 days is enough before attempting to moderate but many wiser heads than mine do.
                Diggin' being alive


                  Newbie in Aus

                  G'day Ian - welcome.


                    Newbie in Aus

                    Hi Ian and welcome. Cutting down and moderating alcohol can be a very healthy and positive goal. Often it is talked about here, that a 30 day period of no booze is a helpful tool to gain focus and perspective on your alcohol use - perhaps explore your bodies response to not having any booze, and to really think about things. It is up to you of course, but it might not be a bad idea. Read and write lots here, there are many kind and caring people to help you. For me, I know that I can't moderate, I tried so many times, so finally after hitting rock bottom, I have gone alcohol free. All the best to you,
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Newbie in Aus

                      Welcome Ian. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Much luck to you on your journey here at MWO!
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Newbie in Aus

                        Hi Ian!

                        I can see you have received plenty of great and useful advice.

                        I just wanted to say hi, cause I am from Aus too! So I feel like I have a friend close to home....when all along I have felt like my friends on this site are from OS.

                        Good luck and I hope this community is as great for you as what it has been for me!

                        Naturalhighs xo

