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I'm a failure

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    I'm a failure

    I agree with popeye and the other posters, lil michelle. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      I'm a failure

      Michelle, you are doing the best you can by asking for help. That is such a show of strength, and shows that you want to make changes. Depression is so much worse when we drink, get a few AF days going and your depression will be so much less. You are addressing the postpartum depression and that shows wisdom too. We are here to support you. Like popeye said, messing up is common and does not mean we are failures. You are not giving up so you are already ahead of the game.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        I'm a failure

        Hi Michelle,

        We have all been in your shoes. Listen to what Star, Popeye and everyone is saying.

        I know exactly how you feel. Several months ago, I had been drinking in the afternoon and went to my mom's house for dinner. She could smell booze on my breath and she confronted me. The look on her face and her words devastated me. I knew then that I had to do whatever it took to be AF.

        Just putting a plan together will help you feel better today. That's what I did. And the Toolbox is the Abstainers' Forum is excellent. Check it out, and we are here for you.



          I'm a failure

          Lil Michelle,

          I just want to add in my two cents that you are most certainly NOT a failure! I know you feel low right now, (or hopefully not right now) but this hard time can pass and you can be happy and in control again, I know it. I've seen you in a good and happy place many times, and I know you can get there again. You have alot to live for, some wonderful kids, your family, and I know many people who love you including all of us too!

          I hope this rough time passes, but dont forget it can get better. Hang in there girl and if you want that sober life again, I KNOW you can do it again!




            I'm a failure

            Hi lil.michelle. Don't really have anything to add to the wonderful posts already made, but wanted to just add another voice of support. The only way to fail is to stop trying. So happy that you were honest with your Mom and doc. Bet that felt good and acceptance and honesty, IMO, are huge components of recovery.

            Today is a new day.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              I'm a failure

              Failure is how YOU define it - no one else. If you can define it as your learning experience - or temporary bump in the road - or detour in your journey, then you have perspective. Keep moving forward, taking positive steps in the right direction - as you are already doing. Love.


                I'm a failure

                Hi Lil I hope this finds you feeling better. Thinking of you!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

