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That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

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    That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

    Yesterday, I met my goal. I only drank three glasses of wine on a Saturday! And I spaced it out throughout the day. I couldn't believe it. With the exception of one occasion at an awards bancquet last week, I have been sobber for a week and two days. So I should feel excited, happy. I am really getting control. So why do I feel so empty inside? Don't get me wrong, I am pleased with my progress in becoming a moderate drinker. It appears that I am well on my way to step one, the physical diminishment of wine. But I keep having this empty feeling, like I have lost something, which is ridiculous. My life is coming together in a wonderful way, my loved ones have always been caring, loving, and nurturing, so why do I feel so empty? At first, I thought that it might be a mild form of physical depression because alcohol is a chemical and reducing it in my body would most likely cause some emotional response. It is also important to me to get to the bottom of this because if I do not there is a high risk that I will succumb.

    So, I have been thinking about this all week, as I started getting this feeling about three days after I started successfully drinking in moderation. Finally, yesterday it hit me. Metaphorically, wine has become like a close personal friend. Think about it, wine actually does perform many of the functions for us psychologically that a friend would perform. I turn to it when I want to party, I turn to it when I am upset, anxious, and depressed. But, wine goes a little further. In many ways, it is like being in an abusive relationship where you are losing control. But it is even worse because while others may control our minds, wine actually creates a chemical dependancy so that it controls our body as well. As you may have figured out, I think too much!!! But for me, this whole attempt that I am making is based on behavioral change. I am setting challenging, but realistic goals and evaluating myself along the way. I genuinely believe that if I don't get rid of this empty feeling, or at least, understand it so that I can deal with it, I will fail.

    I should mention that I must have hit an inner cord in my thoughts of comparing wine to a friend because my emotions have gone from an unexplained emptiness to a feeling of hurt and sense of loss. So, I am beginning to deal with my emotional state over this issue. As an exercise, I have written an "Ode To Wine", I have begun to compare wine metaphorically to an abusive relationship in order to tackle my emotions. By now, you all probably think I'm a fruitcake. Maybe I am!!! But this exercise has really helped me, so at the risk that you may disinvite me and tell me not to come again, and even though I am terrible at this type of writing, I am sharing with you "Ode To Wine"


    Oh, my beautiful flowing loved one,
    How powerful you are!

    At first, when I saw the pleasures of your gift,
    At court (parties), how influential you are amongst those who rule society;

    I wanted so to taste your nectar,
    But I was shy, afraid that your power and strength would be greater than your sweet taste;

    For I had known of your ability to control powerful minds and wise people alike,
    Your talent for culling, sapping life amongst those who love you, you know no boundaries;

    But alas, my temptation for your gifts, the deceptive appearance of love and joy that you seemed to have spread,
    Drew my to your bosom like a suckling child;

    In the beginning your friendship was wonderful,
    Unlike any that I had ever known;

    Embracing you as a friend,
    Your brought me joy when I wanted to party, helped me overcome my shyness and become bold, and I knew I could turn to you when anxious, afraid, or disappointed in others.

    You were a great love one,
    And I fell in love with you and cherished your gifts.

    But you changed my love,
    Like an abusive lover who has entrapped their victim;

    You became obsessive,
    No longer inviting me to seek your help, but demanding that I turn to you for strength;

    You became my master,
    I became your slave;

    Your bounty was no longer a gift of joy,
    But rather, a chain, a yoke around my neck, humiliating me at parties, leaving me sick and in despair;

    Instead of caressing a loved one at dawn?s first light;
    You left me feeling worthless, ill, and without courage to face the day;

    No matter how hard I tried to run from you,
    You always lured me back, stripping me of my dignity, making me shamed at my lack of self control;

    Despite everything that enjoying your fruits has done to me,
    I still love you;

    But now we have reached the crossroads of our relationship;
    You must release me my love, or I must turn from you and never be with you again;

    You must free me from your control;
    We must spend less time together, and during the few moments we have together, we must share joy and loving moments without consequences;

    I am through being your slave, you are through being my master;
    You must release me from your control, or I will turn from you forever.

    Mighty Mouse II

    Please be gentle with me - I am very insecure about this posting.
    Saving the day one minute at a time!

    That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

    Congratulations Mighty Mouse II....I just joined last week and have been doing good. I didn't drink at all last night but we went to friends on Friday night and when I typically would have had 6 or more glasses of wine I only had 3 over the entire evening, and I think it's because I was thinking about all the people on this site who were battling the same challenges.

    I like yourself an a friend of wine and I am working on distancing our friendship....Great poem and nice job this week! Keep it up.


      That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine


      I think that is great!!!! I joined the site last week , and am proud to say I have been 6 days w/o wine.

      Before I came to this web-site there was another one with a downlaodable book as well. In this book the author, suggests that you write a good-bye letter, just as you did. Another suggestion he made was to start referring to your wine or whatever it is as another entity, like "the bad sister". So when one feels like having a drink you can say, NO, I don't want a drink You do, and yet another suggestion, was to get a notebook, and write down specifically why you do not want to drink anymore. e.g quality of life. quality of my children's life, liver problems ....etc.......Be specific, and look at this notebook when your bad sister starts talking to you. Track in this notebook what/when your triggers are and try to do something different to distract yourself. Good luck to you...I loved your poem.


        That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

        WOW! I'm going to print this and tape it to my bathroom mirror!

        Your words ring OH SO TRUE for me as well !!

        You are doing so great ... I want to be where you are. And I will remember this post as those same feelings start to overwhelm me as well ..

        Thank you



          That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

          Loved the poem!!! So true. Well done on all yr achievements x


            That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

            Mighty Mouse:

            In my previous attempts to quit drinking I also felt "bereft." A tremendous sense of loss and I made it through each day "kicking and screaming." Literally sobbing in the morning for no reason. I felt "empty and alone." Those are quotes from my journal. This time I am taking Topamax, taking all of the supplements and doing the hypno CD's. And, I feel very different emotionally this time around. I still have to struggle with not buying wine. I still have to make the decision to have just one glass, but on the days I decide not to have any, I am fine. I don't feel a sense of grief or loss. I feel hopeful and happy. So if you are struggling and are not using any of the components of the program, I would suggest that you try them. Excercise will help too.


              That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

              Thanks Lynn S. I may eventually decide to do that, but for now, I'm trying to do it with behavioral modication. Thanks to the tremendous support from everyone here, it is working for me. But I'm not sure for how long. If I see myself slipping, I will go to the next step. As you can probably tell by my posts, I am a reall "process" person. I never give up; I just keep working through until I find solutions from which I am satisfied. I am one of the people in this forum that wants to be a moderate drinker, and for me, I feel I have done amazingly well since I joined the forum. I plan to keep working on it, and hopefully, will achieve my goals. The caring support I have received from this forum has been a tremendous help to me.

              Thank you, Lynn S, for giving me this suggestion. I am writing down suggestions so that I may refer to them if I reach a stumbling block in my progress.

              Saving the day one minute at a time!


                That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                MM, that is beautiful writing! I got halfway through and started crying so much I had to take a break and come back. I too have battled the strange empty feeling of being without my "friend". it feels like one of those fever dreams you get when you are starkly real and yet so can hear the silence as it's finaly clear and audible. (hope that makes sense)
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                  MM, that is so beautifull!! I was in an in -patient treatment facility a few years back, & that was one of our assignments... to write a "Goodbye Letter" to alcohol. Mine was not quite as poetic... to say the least...

                  Mine was more along the lines of:
                  Dear Beer, Hello Bud, (you too Bucsh)
                  Goodbye Alcohol,... You power Trippin Bastard!...You're as much as A$$hole as my other exes! I've had it! Leave & stay out of my life....
                  My God, you are so decietful- you disgust me. No one has ever been so successfully crafty and manipulative with me, how do you do it? Guess if I had your secrect, I'd be a millionaire by now, but a damn miserable one at that...You don't satisfy me anymore. Go away and stay there.
                  Adios MO FO! ....

                  Guess I was kinda angry...
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                    Hi everybody. Thank you again for the positive feedback and great support. It is amazing how similar our experiences! I had no idea that this was therapeutic, it was just something that I did to try to cope. And it worked! Saint Jude, I think yours is GREAT!!!! It may be a different style, but it is AWESOME!!! So honest, and so how we all feel.

                    Thank you everyone for sharing. It is so wonderful to feel the warmth of your support surrounding me.

                    Saving the day one minute at a time!


                      That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                      There were a few more pages... just thought I'd spare ya!

                      It does feel good to get that stuff out though...
                      Sadly, I must admit, alcohol has probably been one of my more reliable ... when it comes to exes...

                      Here's to movin' on! I think I've finally found a GOOD ONE!!:h
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                        It was beautiful, especially the part about the pain that our suposedly friendly friend deals to us. Thank you, this was a wonderful post and poem. Suz
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                          That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                          Saint Jude and Suzanna. Thanks for all the wonderful notes. You are all so wonderful. Honestly, Saint Jude, I loved your writing. As you could tell, mine was so serious, but you have a way of writing that is right on point, but presented with sort of "dark humor" -- a real Voltairre (I quote him a lot, not only because I like his philosophical writings, but also because I was born on the same day of the year as he). I have a great respect for his writings -- and I really did see some similarities in the way your writing deals with tragedy -- did you do a lot of writing in school? Maybe you took a Satire Course or something? Or maybe, you are just inately talented? You should write more often!

                          Saving the day one minute at a time!


                            That Empty Feeling - Ode To Wine

                            Hey MM, that was great!

                            Like you I aim to be a moderate drinker - today is my 10th without but ditto feel as if somehow something missing....out to dinner tomorrow & hoping to DRINK IN MODERATION. It will be a test of wills, me against our mutual friend. Wish me luck everyone....

                            PS Think the ode/letter idea is an excellent one which I will be pursuing at a later date but will probably keep for my eyes only!

