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Detoxing soon. Seizures?

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    Detoxing soon. Seizures?

    I am a heavy beer drinker, ~18 a day. I plan to get out of my element by getting a hotel room for 4 days. I have a friend who will stay with me. My concern is about having seizures and what they look like in case she needs to get me to the hospital. Neither of us know what a seizure looks like, but I have read that it can happen in detox. The local detox place only takes patients who cannot afford to pay. Go figure. My supplies that I plan to bring with me to the room are: diversions like crosswords and sudokus(another one of my addictions),& lots of water. Meds I have on hand are GABA, Topamax and Baclofen. The latter I tried but didn't help, but all of the above would help me sleep, I'm sure. Oh I also have hydrocodone or something like that left over from a shoulder injury last year, probably only took one out of the 20 prescribed. I remember they will knock you out.
    Thanks for your feedback, my friends.

    Detoxing soon. Seizures?

    Rosalee;923200 wrote: I am a heavy beer drinker, ~18 a day. I plan to get out of my element by getting a hotel room for 4 days. I have a friend who will stay with me. My concern is about having seizures and what they look like in case she needs to get me to the hospital. Neither of us know what a seizure looks like, but I have read that it can happen in detox. The local detox place only takes patients who cannot afford to pay. Go figure. My supplies that I plan to bring with me to the room are: diversions like crosswords and sudokus(another one of my addictions),& lots of water. Meds I have on hand are GABA, Topamax and Baclofen. The latter I tried but didn't help, but all of the above would help me sleep, I'm sure. Oh I also have hydrocodone or something like that left over from a shoulder injury last year, probably only took one out of the 20 prescribed. I remember they will knock you out.
    Thanks for your feedback, my friends.

    Wow. You are brave. You can do this but it would be much wiser to do it with anti-seizure meds. It really would.

    I know Baclofen is supposed to be "as good as" Librium/or other anti-seizure meds for withdrawal but I would be nervous.

    I have had a few seizure withdrawing because in my past I decided to do it several times.

    They look and act like what you think. You suddenly go out and hit the pavement or wherever you are and seize up and shake. It is horrible.

    Also remember that withdrawal from alcohol can bring on strokes or heart attacks. Your blood pressure can sky rocket. The last time I withdrew from alcohol, even on meds, my bp went to 190/150. Not good.

    I am not trying to deter you from detoxing.

    I am hoping you will consider getting medical counsel before doing so if you think you might go through this.

    Some people do and some don't. There is no golden rule who says who will and who won't.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Detoxing soon. Seizures?

      Oh, and if you are ready to do this on your own, bring a bp cuff and keep up with that. You really do not want to have a stroke to get out of this.

      Not a doctor, btw, so my advice is not the best to follow.

      A doctor or hospital would be best.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Detoxing soon. Seizures?

        Whilst you are detoxing be sure to eat several small meals a day to keep your blood sugar stable. Avoid caffeine completely (this includes chocolate). Supplements such as milk thistle and soluble b and c vitamins will help but don't take more than the usual dose.

        Anxiety always goes with withdrawal and fear of seizure is probably the greater threat (unless you have a history of seizures). If you haven't done this before you may feel awful, tell your friend to keep telling you will be OK, maybe watch some comedy DVDs.

        You will certainly have trouble sleeping but rest in itself is worth something and even a couple of hours of natural (sober) sleep will have a huge effect on your well-being.

        Doing stretching exercises can also help how you feel.


          Detoxing soon. Seizures?

          I have no experience with alcohol detoxing specifically but I can suggest some good detox aids. Take some epsom salts and ginger and lavender pure essential oils. A couple cups of salts(add 1/4 unrefined celtic sea salt too) + 3-6 drops each of the oils for baths. You can dry brush your body before the bath to aid the detoxification. Have some cotton flannel sheets to wrap in afterward and do not let yourself get chilled.

          To help maintain bp and calmness hawthorn is excellent. Tincture is best but capsules will work too. Don't skimp on quality--stay away from Swiss imo.

          Dandelion(also naturally high in postassium) is really the best detox aid for the liver and milk thistle strengthens the liver for regeneration.

          NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) also a good liver detoxer and immune support.

          I would bring some veg/chicken/beef broths for light nourishment. You can use the in room coffee pot to heat them up.

          Lots of water with fresh squeezed lemon(organic if possible).

          I hope you plan on having your friend with you at all times to monitor and call for help if the situation becomes unmanagable.

          Be safe and I wish you well. I also am not a doctor but am offering the knowledge I have as support.

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            Detoxing soon. Seizures?

            Rosalee, I will preface this with the fact that I have never had a seizure so maybe my tuppence worth isn't all that valuable but I have 'detoxed' twice. The first time I went cold turkey and I truly felt terrible, I've no idea what was going on inside my body but imagine your worst hangover and multiply it by 10 -thats how I felt. I'm not trying to frighten you - just facts, my heart was pounding, my body was sweating and mad dizziness and just felt like I wanted to die, I felt like that for 2-3 days and even then it took another week to feel ok. the 2nd time I went to the doc and got a weeks supply of librium. I can honestly say, except for having the shakes in my hands for a day and a bit sweaty and not sleepin too good, I was fine, it was so much easier.
            Whatever you decide to do, good luck, do have your friend with you and drink copious amounts of water - that does help - one way or the other you sound very positive and strong and one week down the road you will already be feeling like a new person
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Detoxing soon. Seizures?

              Thank you all for the comments and suggestions. I will see if I can get in to see my doctor soon for some librium and antabuse. Meanwhile, I will stock up on the supplements. I already take many of them.


                Detoxing soon. Seizures?

                Be very careful with hydrocodone. This med contains acetaminophen which can be very toxic to a liver compromised by alcohol abuse.
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Detoxing soon. Seizures?

                  great posts

