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Do you like the taste of alcohol?

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    Do you like the taste of alcohol?

    I don't.

    I like that initial buzz. But that leads to drinking more and more until you're sick and/or pass out. And than leaves you feeling like crap the next morning.

    I'm just curious if anyone else is/was the same way. I can't stand the taste of the stuff but I still love to put it down my throat. Actually, I don't love it. I hate it. It feels like something I just have to do.

    Does anybody relate?

    Do you like the taste of alcohol?

    Yep, I hear ya Jewel. Dont think I ever really liked the taste of alcohol at all, its always the buzz I am addicted to. Even took a drink of wine tonight! Yep on Antabuse. It tasted like shit. Thank God I got my senses back and dumped it down the drain. Thank God.

    The shit is poison in so many ways. It tastes like poison even! It is poison to people like us Jewel. The sooner we accept that, the easier it will be.

    You doing ok? Did you get rid of that loser guy I hope!!! You deserve better than that Sweetie.


      Do you like the taste of alcohol?

      Hi overit,

      Yep he's gone. What is sick is I still love him. I wasn't drinking like this until I got involved with him. Send me a pm if you want to hear the whole story. It's too long and embarrassing to post here.

      Thank you so much for responding!

      Julie xxx


        Do you like the taste of alcohol?

        I hope you didn't get sick! That med can make you extremely ill if you drink while taking it.


          Do you like the taste of alcohol?

          Hi Jewel,

          I came to my senses before I got sick, but I could feel "something" coming on and I could tell would not be pleasant!

          When you love somebody, even if it is a dysfunctional relationship, it still takes lots of time to get over that person. Even if they are as mean and nasty, those feelings do not go away overnight! I hope you are able to move on soon.

          One thing I can tell you from experience is when relationships go bad and nasty, they tend to stay that way. Once you break into that type of territory, it becomes the natural thing to do is stay in that negative behavior. I had that type relationship for a long time.

          The best thing to do is really move on. I know, way easier said than done..


            Do you like the taste of alcohol?

            I actually hate the taste of alcohol. Seriously.

            My drink of choice was white wine (cheap white wine) and it is disgusting. But I wanted the high, so I would guzzle it like it was water. Then I'd drink diet or club soda as a chaser to clear the taste out of my mouth. Yep. A chaser for wine. Classy, huh?
            Tomorrow's another day.


              Do you like the taste of alcohol?

              We are so funny and sad until we break out of thine sanity. I also tried to drink on Antabuse and it is horrible, and I also drank cheap white wine for the buzz- my skin crawls thinking of it.
              make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                Unfortunately I love the taste of my chosen poisons, the poxy stuff. But after 3 or 4 I could be drinking stagnant dishwater and it wouldnt matter.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                  Oh dear, I mean break out of the insanity...
                  make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                    Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                    I THOUGHT I liked the taste of alcohol and whilst I sometimes reminisce about the taste of St Heliers(which was my last drink), I genuinely do not like ANY alcohol at all. Remember your first taste of the stuff?how many of us can say we truely enjoy it. This is one of Alan Carr's points that I do agree with - in his book (if I remember correctly) he states that the majority of people DO NOT like the taste of alcohol but like smoking we train ourselves into it.

                    Very interesting concept.

                    Of course these days, in an effort to lure drinkers back from recreational drugs, the drinks industry invented alcopops and fancy mixers. Glammed up cider serving it over ice to make it more refreshing.

                    Only now I realise I didn't like the taste really, all I wanted was the effect.


                      Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                      Hi Uk, very glad to see you are over yesterdays hump.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                        nope never liked the taste.. only thing i did like the taste of was baileys irish cream. i really enjoy the taste of my no AL drinks.. such as tonic water or bitter lemon. crazy isnt it
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                          In my case, the taste of a good "red" was so awesome!!

                          Of course, after one, who cared?

                          When I graduated to vodka is when I realized for certain it wasn't the "taste" it was the effect.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                            I actually like the taste of some alcohilic drinks like some beers and ciders and also spirits like rum of vodka with sweet mixers. Baileys and ice has a nce taste too. I don't really like the taste of wine but it was my drink of choice mostly as its cheaper and lower calorie and i mostly mix it with fizzy water as it tastes better as a spritzer. But as an alcoholic its mostly the buzz i drink for and can not go back to moderate drinking. Wish i could so quitting is the only choice which i struggle with constantly.


                              Do you like the taste of alcohol?

                              KTAB;923293 wrote: Unfortunately I love the taste of my chosen poisons, the poxy stuff. But after 3 or 4 I could be drinking stagnant dishwater and it wouldnt matter.
                              Yep - pretty much same here.
                              AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
                              One Day At A Time

                              Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.

