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ODAT 3rd August.

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    ODAT 3rd August.

    Morning Peeps,

    I hope everyones well, Happy 3rd August to you all.
    I have a million and one things to do today so I'd better get cracking. Its a lovely day here, the sun is shining, the birds are singing....Unfortunatly theres a lot of drilling going on from the house next door so not much peace and quiet!!
    I'm cooking a meal tonight for my flatmates and landlady so I'm hoping the weather stays nice, time will tell! Still not sure what I'm cooking which is slightly worrying.
    Also, I'm tackling the debts head on today, no more excuses. They've been weighing me down for way too long now, and I know its going to feel a huge relief to get them in order after they've felt so overwhelming for so long. Anyway, have a great AF day everyone, take care.

    AF since 19th August 2011

    ODAT 3rd August.

    Its ODAT for me today too - good luck everyone. Px
    Short term goal 7 days AF


      ODAT 3rd August.

      :HI sometimes wonder if my increasing drinking was due to al my debt, or whether my increasing debt was due to my increasing drinking.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        ODAT 3rd August.

        Morning everyone - gosh it looks like we all have the same problem today - I too have a mountain of debt that I have not attended to for sometime and it is my goal this week to hit it on the head, cut the cards up and get real about it. I just know its going to take me at least two years of careful budgeting and frugal living and thats what I've been avoiding, silly silly me!!

        Jessie - I know where your coming from!!

        Have a great day everyone

        P xx
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          ODAT 3rd August.

          Morning everyone its odat for me here again it was a bank holiday weekend here and i drank too much which i'm disgusted with myself plus the weather was bad. Its a dull overcast day here and a chilly. I'm behind with me bills so today i have to go to town and pay what i can. Spending too much on al has got me into this situation so time to get real.


            ODAT 3rd August.

            Hello guys,

            Hey Panno, Its so easy to put it off, I should know.....Hell, I'm putting it off right now just being on here talking about it!! But I know as soon as I sit down with all my details and a calculator the cloud will lift.
            I'm dealing with the Consumer Credit Counsel Service which is a Uk government charity, Have you heard of them? They are taking all my details down, what I owe where, what I earn, etc. and then they are going to help me get back on track. It may be that I have to take out a debt relief order, which is really scary and something I've been avoiding but how much scarier can it really be than hiding from your debts?
            The CCCS will deal with the creditors on my behalf, and being a government charity they have a lot of power and sway so hopefully I'm in good hands. Its almost like AL, I had to admit I had a problem and needed help.
            Hi Patricia and Jessie, Have a great Af Tuesday!!

            AF since 19th August 2011


              ODAT 3rd August.

              Hello firefox,
              Didn't see you there xx
              AF since 19th August 2011


                ODAT 3rd August.

                hey gang.....i have so many bills i had to declare bankruptcy...but that was because of my hubbys business...anyway....we are all in the same boat
                it's hot as hell in florida today and i am at work and i am sober and plan on staying that way today!!!
                Happy Day All!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  ODAT 3rd August.

                  I know my finances have improved amazingly since I gave up alcohol. I know I was drinking a lot and booze is very expensive in Ireland, but I think it was more than just the booze money, I was careless in all things, having takeouts, blowing money on silly things, waste, taxis cos I couldn't drive (drinking). I am astonished at the difference it has made - a definite plus when I feel down.
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    ODAT 3rd August.

                    Morning all! Yay day 5! its a shite day here raining and windy. But i have the day off so am curled up in front of the fire! Its the 4th today here by the way! Im broke too so maybe we should start a charity lol!
                    Hope you all have a good day.
                    HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                      ODAT 3rd August.

                      yeah...MWO can stand for My Way Out of Debt...please put change in can!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        ODAT 3rd August.

                        Good morning all...Day 4, up early (6am which is usual) feels like a good day...even though its raining, it feels good to put out the garbage this morning and NO wine bottles in the recylcing...small steps
                        When I woke this morning I was thinking about getting to the 30 day mark and wondered if I really am strong enough, then had absolute clarity...I dont need to worry about getting to 30 days...all I need to know is I am strong enough to get through today...and I am...I sure am!...strength to you all, have a great day
                        30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010

