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Hi There.

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    Hi There.

    day one for me all over again. missed two days work. owch. still too jittery to drive....better in a couple days. I guess I'll consider topa more seriously this time. congratulations you day 4+ folks. awsome!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Hi There.


      Thanks mate, hang in there.


        Hi There.

        Hi everyone, just to let you know my progress.
        Currently on Day 6 cold turkey.
        Definitely feeling an improvement compared to days 1-3 which were very hard.
        I was really craving a few beers after work last night but held out.
        To anyone just starting withdrawal, please hang in there I have noticed a difference in less than a week although I realise I have a long way to go.
        Good luck everyone, Steve.


          Hi There.

          Hi Steve

          I am also on day 2 and feel quite positive didnt sleep that well last night but i think tonight will be better.

          Keep in there

          all the best



            Hi There.

            Hi Good People.
            Well I made it to Day 7 cold turkey.
            Still some anxiety and exhaustion but a great improvement from a few days ago.
            It has been years since I went a whole week without alcohol.
            My initial goal is to moderate, I have people coming over tommorrow and I just know I will have some beers.
            If I could keep my drinking to just socialising that would be ideal, e.g. once a week.
            It is the habitual drinking at home I have been doing that worries me most, and that MUST STOP!!
            It may be I need to stop altogether but this is early days and I need to takes things gradually.
            Thanks for all your support, this is a great site and I will continue to pop in.
            Hang in there folks, you are not alone in your struggle!!


              Hi There.

              Great job Steve! The first seven I would imagine are some of the roughest .. and you did it!

              I'm like you in that I am not sure if I will be able to moderate, or need to just give it up for good. I was doingpretty well throught Day 9 at moderation, then blew it yesterday when friends came over. ACK! So pissed at myself this morning!

              Go slow and stay focused when your freinds come over ... have other stuff you can drink as well.

              Congratulations! Look forward to hearing more encouraging stories from you.



                Hi There.

                Steve, Try not drinking when friend come over. Buy o'dools and pour in a glass. Buy tonic or sprite with a lime. You may not be able to moderate and will hate yourself the next morning. So what if you are not as "fun" as the other drinkers. At least you will be proud of yourself in the morning.

                Just a thought and suggestion. I am on day 11 cold turkey and went through a wedding and halloween party AF.
                Starting over again 09/06/11

                "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                  Hi There.

                  changemylife wrote: Steve, Try not drinking when friend come over. Buy o'dools and pour in a glass. Buy tonic or sprite with a lime. You may not be able to moderate and will hate yourself the next morning. So what if you are not as "fun" as the other drinkers. At least you will be proud of yourself in the morning.

                  Just a thought and suggestion. I am on day 11 cold turkey and went through a wedding and halloween party AF.
                  Hi thanks for the advice, I am going to try moderation first (once a week socially) if that doesn't work then I'm stopping completely. I really think it's the habitual drinking at home that's my biggest problem but I'm focused and we'll see how it goes. I'm optimistic believe it or not.


                    Hi There.

                    One other note. I stopped drinking during the week and saved it for the weekends for a while. The problem was I would make up for lost time on the weekend socially which was not good. So keep an eye on yourself, see if you are able to control the amount socially. I was not able to. I would drink myself into blackout on the weekend.
                    Starting over again 09/06/11

                    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                      Hi There.

                      Hi,well I did drink last night.
                      About as much as I normally would have.
                      Not to passing out but I was pretty hammered, I get away with being drunk better than a lot of people because I don't get aggressive or loud so I guess most people are oblivious to my situation.
                      There's 2 bottles of wine sitting in the fridge and I am about to go and pour them down the sink.
                      If I leave them I will undoubtedly drink them at some point.
                      I'm confident I can do this but yes you're right I must watch myself.


                        Hi There.

                        Good for you Steve, Pouring the wine out is a good idea. how do you feel today? does it feel like you are starting over or do you feel good?

                        Starting over again 09/06/11

                        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                          Hi There.

                          Hi folks, I'm hungover but I don't feel the way I did just over a week ago.
                          It was a really tough few days.
                          I'm confident that I can go another full week without.
                          As I've said before I think it is my habitual drinking at home that causes my problems.
                          e.g Normally on a Sunday it is not uncommon for me to drift through the day and polish off a couple of bottles of wine or maybe 8 large beers.
                          My tolerance level is high so I'm not rolling over drunk but I sure feel it the next day.
                          My binges usually last 3-4 days with 2-3 days off a week.
                          I think I'm getting there slowly, it's taken me many years to acknowledge the problem.
                          Good luck you people, I'm rooting for you all.


                            Hi There.

                            good on u

                            steve44 wrote: I'm an anxiety sufferer, it may be that my drinking habits have created this or it may be that I would have developed this condition anyway. Either way I have been a binge drinker for many years.
                            Have tried giving up before but I usually only manage 3 or 4 days before drinking again.
                            Recently I found out my girlfriend was pregnant, I really think I need to address this situation again.
                            I'm currently on Day 2, feeling anxious but not as bad as yesterday.
                            I would like to hear from anyone who has been through withdrawal and give me some advice on how long it may last.
                            Thanks Steve.
                            :new: Hi Steve
                            I think one day at a time, try not to put pressure on how many days without a drink. I think count the days you are keeping yourself on track. Do you have any hobbies? Are you excited about your lady being pregnant? Try thinking happy thoughts. Have you tried to control your breathing when you get anxiety ? I suffer from anxiety and it is helpful to try and control your breathing. Wishing you all the best.


                              Hi There.

                              thanks Liz

                              Yep, tried the breathing thing, with mixed success. Sometimes the panic gets hold and I just have to ride the wave, other times its more controlable.
                              One things for sure my anxiety is much worse following a binge while I'm withdrawing.
                              Sure I'm over the moon about our baby (he arrives in a couple of months) and I have a great girlfriend.
                              In fact apart from my addiction and anxiety problems there is nothing in my life to complain about.
                              Unfortunately these things are very difficult to deal with, but I'm confident.
                              I can do this.

