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Hi There.

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    Hi There.

    I'm an anxiety sufferer, it may be that my drinking habits have created this or it may be that I would have developed this condition anyway. Either way I have been a binge drinker for many years.
    Have tried giving up before but I usually only manage 3 or 4 days before drinking again.
    Recently I found out my girlfriend was pregnant, I really think I need to address this situation again.
    I'm currently on Day 2, feeling anxious but not as bad as yesterday.
    I would like to hear from anyone who has been through withdrawal and give me some advice on how long it may last.
    Thanks Steve.

    Hi There.

    hey Steve, for me after a really bad binge it takes 3 days before I start feeling ok and then another day to start sleeping well again. I take gaba, magnesium, glutamine, milk thistle and SAM-E to assist and it does help. there are certain calming herb/amino blends available from your local health food store that might also help. be sure to take a really powerful B complex twice a day also. hang in there man! you will feel better soon.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Hi There.

      Thanks, I will look into that.
      I don't drink everyday but I do binge on the days I do, usually weekends and sometimes one day midweek.
      Sometimes that craving for a hair of the dog is too strong to resist and then bang! I'm back to square one feeling like crap all over again the following day.


        Hi There.

        Its the morning of Day 3, I slept OK but am really anxious and lightheaded.
        Does this program really work? Im going cold turkey at the moment.


          Hi There.

          Hi Steve,

          It must be really hard going cold turkey. I am scared of going that road but I spose it may be the only way to go about it. U have come so far already you should definitely try to stick in there. Im sure that it will get easier and before u know it u will be feeling great. Keep it up!!!


            Hi There.

            Thanks, probably the anxiety is worse because I have to work later, not looking forward to it.


              Hi There.

              I know what u mean I have had it today. Last night was my first time on here and big confessional. For some reason I ended up drinking more than eva and giong bed at 3am this morning up at 8am. I had the shakes and heart palpitaions and generally felt like shit. My job is really busy and stressful so I am not sure how I manage thru the day. It is amazing how many of us live this way yet manage to hide it on a daily basis. I was havin a cig outside today and just looking around at people thinking they could be the same and hiding it too! U will make it thru. Are u gettin panic attacks? I used to suffer from them (before the drinking problem) and learnt a really good technique of breathing which controls it.


                Hi There.

                All the time, mostly its low level but occasionally one gets hold of me bigtime.
                Been getting worse again recently hence the abstinence........I think the panic attacks are the worst part.


                  Hi There.

                  Next time u get one or feel one coming on what really works for me is breath in for a count of 4 then hold for a count of 8 and then breath out for 4. It helps u feel in control and stops u hyperventilating. try it! It does work! Good luck at work today. It is night here so I have to go thru same tomorrow. Please post and let me know how yr day is


                    Hi There.

                    Thanks I will, have a good night.


                      Hi There.

                      Hi Fed Up!! The 1st two hours of my shift were a nightmare I was totally stressed out but after that the anxiety subsided quite a bit, I just threw myself into my work (which is manual).
                      Normally the 3 day sober period is the point where I give in and buy some beers to relieve the symptoms, tonight I did not stop off to buy any and am sitting here typing this sipping a cold glass of water.
                      I have made myself an initial hurdle of 7 days to go without to see how I feel, it has been many years since I went a full week without alcohol.
                      Hanging in there, thankyou for your support, speak soon Steve.


                        Hi There.

                        Hi Ding Dong, thanks for the reply.
                        I have been on medication before (Seroxat) I found this helped to a degree in that it raised my mood but it never completely helped with the anxiety and panic and I still drank as much as ever while I was taking them.
                        I think I have been in denial for years that alcohol was playing a part in my condition, blaming it on other things (e.g the stress of an ugly divorce a few years back etc)
                        Time to address the real problem I think....
                        Thanks again, speak again soon and thanks for the support.


                          Hi There.

                          Cold turkey, Day 4, just got up.
                          Exhausted but not as anxious as yesterday.
                          Surprisingly had no desire to drink after work last night, it's usually Day 3 when I start again, I'm pleased that I held out.
                          Onwards and upwards..................


                            Hi There.

                            Day 5

                            Hi Steve
                            Day 5 for me - woke up this morning feeling a little better than yesterday.
                            Just think if it's a little better every day - how good will it be in a month.
                            For me I reached a point where the alchohol was taking more away than it was giving me...
                            I was drinking every day - I had to drink, and i couldn't stop once I started.
                            I have tried every form of moderation and had to accept that I cannot drink moderately.
                            How was it for you - how did you reach this point & what are your goals??
                            regards Changeling


                              Hi There.

                              Hi Changeling

                              I think my problems began back in my twenties, (way back in the 80s). I was vocalist for a band and we had some success that led to an 8 year career. During that time I was drinking all the time and experimenting in various drugs. I found quite early on me and drugs didn't mix but I always loved a drink. After the band split I worked full time in a nightclub bar for 5 years, that's when my tolerance level rose dramatically. I began drinking more than ever. My depression/anxiety problems began during this period (early 90s) and it's been a battle ever since. Even so I have held my current job (where alcohol is NOT available) for 10 years somehow, but recently it has become harder to function in this job and in my life in general. I have one failed marriage behind me (not all my fault) but my issues certainly didn't help matters.
                              I'm currently with a lovely woman and we have a child on the way, I really feel it is time to sort myself out.
                              Thankfully I have never been a violent/aggressive drunk, if anything it chills me out which is probably why I am so dependent on it.

