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Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

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    Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

    Hi everyone,

    Today is day 2 AF!!! I can't remember the last time I even made it 1 day AF. I've had a headache that comes and goes and a little bit of shakiness but nothing too bad. The first night I slept only 3-4 hours but lastnight I got probably 6 hours. I had a little bit upset stomach the first night and diarrhea (yuck) but am feeling good now and have an appetite. I'm drinking lots of water and gatorade. I'm also taking a B-Complex and 1mg of Klonopin in the morning and evening. The Klonopin dose is the same as I've been taking for awhile for anxiety. I think it is helping keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay. Thank goodness!

    I know for today, I will not drink and tomorrow will be day 3! One day at a time as they say. I am ready to get healthy and get my life back. For a couple of years at least, I feel like all my days consisted of was going to work and than home to drink. I know that there is so much more to life than sitting at home alone every evening drinking and having no interest or energy to do anything else.

    Thank you all for all of your current and previous support! Much love to you all! xxx :l

    Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

    Congratulations, Jewels! Isn't it great to wake up in the morning and feel ... what's that word, I know I remember it from somewhere ... good?
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

      Thanks pride! Yes, it feels good! I'm still real tired in the morning but I know that once my sleep pattern gets better, waking up will feel great! Nothing like when you're drinking everynight and getting out of bed the next morning is pure hell.


        Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

        Jewels, yes it feels good and it will feel even better!!!!!

        Even if we feel ill from withdrawals we still feel good ......... keep it up hun I am so proud of you ......... :l:l:l


          Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

          Thanks Betty!! :l


            Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

            Yay Jewels!! Im on day 5 and so proud! We can do this together! luv pink xx
            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


              Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

              Good job pink! Hanging in there with ya! :l


                Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                Good on ya Jewels..yep I know its been said a zillion times before...but we CAN do it... one day at a time, we're all with ya!
                30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                  Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                  Well done Jewels, I found going to bed and getting up became a real pleasure after a while AF....I never used to remember going to bed and would hate to get up so much I'd call in sick for work. I hate those days and I don't want to be there ever again. I've had a few slips, this saturday being one of them but now I've experienced life without the fuzzy head for a while I don't want to let it go!! As Mayday says Good on ya Jewels!! xx
                  AF since 19th August 2011


                    Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                    :thanks: mayday and TtoC!!! Hugs! xxx


                      Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                      The drive home from work this evening was hard. I just kept thinking of stopping to get a bottle....just a pint so I wouldn't get too drunk. I drove past 3 stores I've stopped in for booze in the past. At the forth and final store I almost stopped but didn't....almost time for bed and tomorrow is day 3.


                        Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                        Awesome! WELL DONE, Jewels!

                        And doesn't it feel almost like relief when you get home and realize you MADE it? You didn't stop and buy the poison!?

                        Hope you'll have a wonderful sleep and wake up bright and bushy tailed!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                          Woke up sober day 3!!! Sleep lastnight was about the same as the first night. Only got maybe 4 hours. Better than the crappy sleep I get when I go to bed drunk.

                          Today is my psychiatrist appointment. I hope all goes well. :fingers:



                            Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                            Hi Jewels,

                            Good for you for hanging tough! Let us know how the visit with the psychiatrist goes. Some professional support will likely feel great.

                            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                              Day 2 and I feel pretty darn good!!!

                              Hiya Jewels Congrats on last night, it does get easier!!!!

                              Good luck with your appointment today :l:h:l

