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Well, this is strange...

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    Well, this is strange...

    Well, going to bed now... sober!

    It almost feels like gloating over triviality, but when I wake up tomorrow I will have completed 3 full continuous days of not drinking. I spent the last 15 mins or so trying to remember the last time I was sober 3 days straight. I honestly can't remember. It makes me feel weird and squirmy to think that it was realistically probably 10 or more years ago. I guess it wasn't blackout drunk every one of those days, but even just a unit or two just to get to sleep means there was some AL consumed that day. *shakes head*


      Well, this is strange...

      Before this 22 day stretch, I couldn't remember either, HP! Enjoy waking up tomorrow with a toxin-free body and mind.
      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        Well, this is strange...

        :goodjob: on 3 days AF!! I didn't have a plan when I quit either. I just challenged myself to ODAT and dealt with each craving as they came, still do. I try not to think about "forever" as it's too much to think about, at least for me. Anyway, keep it up - you're doing great!!

        Day 74 and counting.....
        NF - 3/17/09

        AF since 5/24/10


          Well, this is strange...

          Thought I'd give some individual replies.

          savon19;926901 wrote:
          I think you've inspired me, Holding! And that's one of the cool things about this website: you never know when what you write will encourage someone else.

          Sooo, thank you and WELCOME!!
          Wow, :blush: I'm glad I could help in some small way. Stay inspired! You can do it.

          Pride before Fall;926903 wrote:
          I took the following test a few weeks ago and answered it as honestly as possible. It shook away what was left of the denial I had about how much I drank and how central it had become in my life. Welcome, and check in if you need to.

          Yeah. I knew I had a real problem about 5 or 6 years ago. Actually, no: I knew more like 8-9 years ago but was in denial. The past several years I have definitely been keenly aware of my problem, and up until recently was in the "continue drinking and managing the adverse effects" mode.

          OverIt2007;926910 wrote:

          YES, I read your post. I would love to know you better and so would many others on here who share in the same battles. Lets help each other along shall we??
          Thanks for the support. I'll be honest and say that this post (and other similar ones) gives me an "uh-oh!" moment, as I'm not super good at the getting-to-know-people thing. Are you familiar with the term "introvert"? I am one with a capital "I" (*). I'll still try, though. We'll see what happens

          (*) think I'll probably start a thread about this too...


            Well, this is strange...

            HP - You might only have been here 5 minutes but you are more computer literate than me, could you tell me how you can post multiple "quotes" in the same post. I usually press quote in the bottom right of the persons post but then I can only use that one.... sorry but im a blonde so that my excuse :H
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Well, this is strange...

              Chillgirl;927445 wrote: HP - You might only have been here 5 minutes but you are more computer literate than me, could you tell me how you can post multiple "quotes" in the same post. I usually press quote in the bottom right of the persons post but then I can only use that one.... sorry but im a blonde so that my excuse :H
              Hi Chillgirl, sure.

              Just to the right of the button labeled "quote", there is a smaller square button with a single quote character and a "+" character. It is the multiquote button. If you click this once it will turn orange. For each post in a thread that you want to multiquote into a single post of your own, click the multiqoute button. When you have done this for all the posts you want to qoute then hit the big "Post Reply" button at the bottom of the thread page. Then each of the posts you quoted will show up in your post editing window and you can manually insert your text replies to each of them in the editor.

              Hope that helps.

              *edit* To see if you "did it right", you can always hit the "preview post" button below the post editor window to see what your post will look like before you submit it.


                Well, this is strange...

                I always wanted to know how to do that!! Thanks so much.

                And huge welcome to you!
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Well, this is strange...

                  HoldingPattern;927485 wrote: Hi Chillgirl, sure.

                  Just to the right of the button labeled "quote", there is a smaller square button with a single quote character and a "+" character. It is the multiquote button. If you click this once it will turn orange. For each post in a thread that you want to multiquote into a single post of your own, click the multiqoute button. When you have done this for all the posts you want to qoute then hit the big "Post Reply" button at the bottom of the thread page. Then each of the posts you quoted will show up in your post editing window and you can manually insert your text replies to each of them in the editor.

                  Hope that helps.

                  *edit* To see if you "did it right", you can always hit the "preview post" button below the post editor window to see what your post will look like before you submit it.
                  one2many;927488 wrote:
                  I always wanted to know how to do that!! Thanks so much.

                  And huge welcome to you!
                  :H:H:H No stopping me now!! Thanks HP.....
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Well, this is strange...

                    one2many;927488 wrote: I always wanted to know how to do that!! Thanks so much.

                    And huge welcome to you!
                    Chillgirl;927495 wrote:
                    :H:H:H No stopping me now!! Thanks HP.....
                    Uh-oh, I've created a monster(s)!


                      Well, this is strange...

                      Well, it's been about a month since I first posted here. So far, I've had 13 totally AF days, a handful of 1-3 unit days, and overall I reduced my alcohol intake by just over half of what it has been over the past couple years.

                      I'm feeling some amount of control. I'm not having severe cravings on the non-drinking days. It feels really good. During the week I'm doing super good, but I still need to work on bringing down the weekend units.

                      Some observations:
                      • man, it is sooooo much easier to get up for work when day/night before was AF!
                      • drinking a protein shake with glutamine really helps curb cravings (I also use it as a exercise recovery drink)I can't tell for sure, but it seems like 5-HTP supplements I started taking are really helping me sleep! (one of the reasons it's been so hard to stop drinking)man, I have, like, hours and hours to do stuff when I'm not drinking!


                        Well, this is strange...

                        Hi HP
                        welcome WOW the information we can learn from each other


                          Well, this is strange...

                          •man, I have, like, hours and hours to do stuff when I'm not drinking! >>

                          Hahahaha too! I have these 5 extra hours a day to actually, you know, DO stuff! Which is mostly work right now, but the pile is so much less high than before. I'm also learning the ukelele. Not sure that's appreciated by cohabitors. ; )
                          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                            Well, this is strange...

                            Hi HP,

                            This thread is new to me so I'll play catch-up. Our drinking backgrounds are virtually Identical. I could never do the early shot thing (unless I was fishing and not driving).

                            But at night, off to the races. So much for anyone being alone in thier own deal.

                            My kids knew it dad's "drinking" night when I'd kinda hole up in my home office, stash my stash, and play vids. I noticed last night how long (9-10??) days we've been hanging out together everynight.


                            Good luck, god bless!


                              Well, this is strange...

                              HoldingPattern;949653 wrote: Some observations:
                              • man, it is sooooo much easier to get up for work when day/night before was AF!
                              • drinking a protein shake with glutamine really helps curb cravings (I also use it as a exercise recovery drink)I can't tell for sure, but it seems like 5-HTP supplements I started taking are really helping me sleep! (one of the reasons it's been so hard to stop drinking)man, I have, like, hours and hours to do stuff when I'm not drinking!
                              I can relate to ALL of that! Congratulations on your progress and for being aware of the differences in how life feels and goes when AF.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                Well, this is strange...


                                With a few exceptions I could have written your original posting myself. As someone who's probably about 10 years further down the road from you, I can tell you that you're fortunate to have the self-awareness to deal with the problem and also fortunate that the single paradigm to deal with this affliction that existed in my 20s-30s is starting to break down.

