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Well, this is strange...

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    Well, this is strange...

    Hi HP, Im pretty new to this site. Only been AF for 11 days. I have to agree with you when you say you've been feeling very philosophical and introspective. My decision to become AF was due to a crisis and wish it had been something I recognized long before now. But no matter what road led us here, the point is we arrived. Congrats to you for making it through a work week and soon you"ll make it through a weekend. So many of my activities revolved around drinking events. It's a whole new mindset.

    Best of luck!!!


      Well, this is strange...

      Hello all this is my day 3 and I really like reading this thread. It has helped and is encouraging. I too had begun the daily drinking thing-at night only..............some really rough things going on here. my only daughter divorcing and her son 14, having a hard time and other hard issues in my life so turning to al seemed ok. I have started to realize it is not ok and I better get a handle on it now!! Finding this site is a Godsend. I have been reading posts for a while and realize how important it is! Much thanks to all of you -what a help it has been!!


        Well, this is strange...

        Welcome, Britches! :welcome: I love your picture; wish we had some golden sunlight up here in the Northeast. xoxo Pride
        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          Well, this is strange...

          Welcome, Soulsearcher and Britches!

          Soulsearcher;974902 wrote: But no matter what road led us here, the point is we arrived.
          I agree. What an opportunity!

          Britches;974925 wrote:
          Hello all this is my day 3 and I really like reading this thread. It has helped and is encouraging. I too had begun the daily drinking thing-at night only..............
          I'm glad this thread has been helpful for you-- posting in it has been helpful for me!


            Well, this is strange...

            I love this picture too! Looks like that where I am right now-love fall weather!


              Well, this is strange...


              I just had to say hello and make a said "I dont want to die in the holding pattern" man that is exactly why I am here cuz eventually I knew alcohol would take my life...My behaviors and drinking patterns would have put an end to me for sure...I want to live and move forward....thanks and goodluck...and godbless


                Well, this is strange...

                Hi okkslady, thanks for the good wishes, same to you!

                Hrmm. Ok, so I know what I don't want to do (keep drinking too much, die in the holding pattern, etc), but I'm having trouble deciding what I do want to do. Although instead of getting stuck on that, I'm keeping the two things separate: I can decide-to-be/work-on/become AF without having my new direction(s) worked out. The tricky thing is that not having a good grasp on the later part makes actually becoming AF seem so much bigger and scarier. Might sound stupid, but that's how it feels to me right now. Just gotta' keep making progress regardless, though.


                  Well, this is strange...

                  It's been a long while since I've posted here, but I have been reading regularly. Happily the not-posting does not correspond with increased drinking or things getting otherwise worse for me. Since I first honestly started to deal with my problem back in August of last year, I've made decent progress. I've had many AF days and overall decreased my AL intake to well below half of what it used to be. I'm also doing the supplement thing and eating a lot healthier. So, I've lost some weight and most of the immediate physical symptoms/distress are gone. Anxiety and depression levels have gone waaaay down as well. So that's all well and good.


                  The holding pattern phenomenon is still in effect. AF weekends are still very challenging. I know I also need to work on personal growth and lifestyle changes, but that is all a big daunting muddle still.


                  Well, I do at least still feel good about my progress so far. Daily life is so much less of a struggle and light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. ODAT.


                    Well, this is strange...

                    Hi HP - I remember you from a while ago. You posted an excellent piece about Introversion and how it was not the same thing as shyness that I thought was spot on!

                    Anyway, I hang out on the mod threads now after 2.5 mos of going AF.

                    Just wanted to say hi and wish you luck.



                      Well, this is strange...

                      Hi HP,

                      Welcome back. I remember you from a while ago. You posted an outstanding piece on Introversion and how it was not the same as shyness.

                      I hang out on the moderating threads now but just wanted to wish you luck.



                        Well, this is strange...

                        Yep, that was me. Thanks for the wishes, KG!

