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My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

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    My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

    Firstly thanks so much to everyone who replied to 'the experiment' thread - I found all the words written enlightening, encouraging, empowering, practical, empathetic, non judgemental, positive, wise and kind.
    However... I didn't really take them on board despite totally agreeing with ALL responses.
    I did jump straight on the horse but fell off the very next day. I drank a bottle of wine every night for the next 6 days.. steadily, methodically, unthinkingly without any kind of enjoyment at all. The first glass tasted like iron filings but I kept plodding on drinking the bottle until it was finished and (relief!) I could go to bed.
    For those 6 days it was always 'tomorrow I'll stop again" But I didn't until today because the habit, of what seems like forever, got me in that short space of time so quickly I was back. I was stunned.

    I thought after 42 days I would be able to put it down again when I had achieved that mellow feeling.. but there was NO mellow feeling at any time during those nights.

    I read that with a lot of people the experience is the same, I now understand this is a progressive problem/disease, I now understand the concept of one or two or moderating doesn't apply to me..that in itself was very frightening but now I feel a sense of relief. Yes I am echoing what a lot of you said about your own struggles.

    So I am back to ODAT which I find an indespensible tool. But one differnece this time is that I am actively planning to change a lot about my life that doesn't satisfy me or enable me to live a balanced life (job, country I live in etc) and in order to do that I need to be totally AF. Those factors don't MAKE me drink, I ALLOWED myself to drink but cumilatively they make it very difficult for me to embrace a sober life long term. Which is what I want.

    Thanks all and welcome to anyone new.. For me its all about learning and applying newly learnt strategies/advice and stripping away those layers to expose the rawness of the real person which can be quite a humbling experience but one that I think we would never want to turn back on. So here's to Life, Humility and Growth

    Take Care

    My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

    Hi Patrice, thanks for sharing this - whilst I have never got to 42 days AF yet, after a certain period of abstinence I too always drink for 5 - 6 days consecutive nights with exactly the same feeling as you, 1st drink is yuk but come hell or high water I will finish that bottle until its gone and can go to bed!! This has been like a roller coaster for me these past 6 months and like you I need to address the AL then make some changes in my life.

    Take Care
    P x
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

      You can do it patrice, it takes time but you can do it


        My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

        Patrice well done for realizing that you need to make changes in your life. At 1st they always seem so daunting but I can tell you that having made enormous changes to my life I cant believe how much better it is over here to where I was. I used to be a bottle of wine a night girl for a long time with weekend binges of way more. In the last 2 years before I quit that one bottle had become two, the 1st finished in an hour of opening it.

        I wondered what I would do with all the AF time, what I would do socially etc etc and it made stopping seem impossible. I did make a plan for filling the crucial times of temptation and did it ODAT. The rest you will find will evolve on its own as long as you make your no.1 priority staying sober.

        Keep posting, you know how much great support is here, I wish you much strenght (FORCA! as they say here in Portugal) :l
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

          Thanks for posting this Patrice, it's good for everyone to read about others experiences, and it helps me when I get my 'ideas' that I might just get drunk the once!


            My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

            Hi Patrice,

            What to say...only that I totally identify with your story, and absolutely commend you for your honesty and resolve to beat this thing!
            After I had 17 days and descended into a 4 days of drinking only at night over 2-3 hours but at a rate that was unprecedented... it actually frightened me (and hearing your experience...I could have written it!) it just supports my feeling that I am one of those people who will never ever be able to drink safely or socially...on one level I find that incredibly sad, as there was a time I could just enjoy a social drink, but the line has been crossed

            Keep posting we will support you
            30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


              My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

              Patrice - you're going to move out of country and get a new job?? WOW, that's definitely changing your life!

              I'm seeing some similarities between quitting drinking and quitting smoking (which I did 7 mos.+ ago!!). Before I got here w/smoking, I had to "experiement" a lot! Try/fail/try/fail, etc. etc. Have that "just one" a few times, until I FINALLY got it through my thick head that it doesn't work that way!!

              No more "just one". Which then meant (gasp!)... NONE. Just the way it is.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt


                Ok, first and foremost, I'm am extremely pleased that you learned from this experience. What keeps me glued together for now is being too frightened to test those scotch & waters. In the past, after a lengthly stretch of sobriety, I took a drink. Three months later I was in detox. I think your slip is still a very minor thing and you are right back focusing on your sobriety. GREAT.

                You've learned a lot here. You know the importance of reaching out, being honest, and getting back on the ODAT mindset. For that I commend you. Just keep working on it Patrice. Never give up. For making tough decisions I respect you. For always supporting me in my journey I call you friend. I am so happy you have chosen a direction regarding job and family. You are a gutsy lady! Love...John xx
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

                  Thanks so much for all the lovely words of support - made me feel very warm
                  Well those 3 days turned into 7 or 8 of back to a bottle of vino a night... During that time I had some major life changing decisions to make and some difficult family news.
                  I learnt that I need to be able to deal with spontaneous and difficult stressors (I don't mean the daily ones we all have but those unexpected curve ball type ones) in a more effective way.
                  So I am now going just that - knowing that the unexpected will never be made less difficult by hiding in a bottle but that in order to cope on any level we need to hit the deck running... and not skidding over the side!!
                  Hi to everyone new and not so new..
                  Take care


                    My Personal experiment : Part 2, What I Learnt

                    Good on you Patrice...
                    For those of us who slip (often/ several times) I think we learn good lessons that build may not be how we would chose the journey to go, but its obviously the way our journey NEEDS to go,
                    All the best, keep us posted x
                    30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010

