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2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

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    2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

    I know many of us "experienced" drinkers have (usually) figured out how Not to drink & drive... but who of us can say we never have??

    The one accident here I keep thinking of: A drunk guy ran a red light & into car, killing father and his 3 grown (but young) sons. The 2 eldest each had young kid(s). Beyond HORRIFIC. I kept thinking about the wife of father who lost her husband and ALL her children in the flash of an eye. That is unimaginable pain.

    The other one (just a day apart) was a woman who, while drunk, somehow was going the wrong way down a street. Ran into car, killing mother and leaving 6 y.o. daughter badly injured. She's had several operations already.

    I guess I wanted to just bring up this subject. It's something we don't talk about much.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

    Wow...that is scary - I actually got shivers reading it. Those poor families. You know, the first thing that came to mind when I read your post was "why aren't we told when we're young what damage alcohol can cause? Maybe it's different in other parts of the world, but certainly in Ireland I remember being warned and warned left, right and centre about the dangers of smoking and taking illegal drugs, meanwhile AL was on a rampage around the country, doing all kinds of damage. I know so many otherwise very responsible people, who would be horrified at the thought of doing drugs, who have driven while over the limit. I'm not trying to blame individuals (I have never driven drunk, but have driven hungover when i knew I wasn't together, so I'm not trying to judge anyone), just wondering why AL has such a powerful position in Western society... Thoughtprovoking, Savon19.
    AF since 13th July 2010
    NF since 5th July 2010


      2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

      A drama group visited our school when I was a teenager, and as a result of their presentation I decided I would NEVER drink and drive. I also said I would not get into a car with any driver who was under the influence.

      Many years later I broke that promise allowing myself to be driven by someone who was almost definitely over the limit, then finally myself driving. The latter was only the once but I caused an accident where I, never mind others narrowly escaped serious injury if not death.

      The only way you can be sure is to stop drinking, or at least don't drive for several days afterwards. Yes it can still affect you for that long after a binge.


        2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

        Savon, I think the topic of drinking and driving is a very appropriate topic for a forum full of people who are grappling with solving their drinking problems. I absolutely love the way you started this thread....

        I know many of us "experienced" drinkers have (usually) figured out how Not to drink & drive... but who of us can say we never have??
        Yes, I am an experienced drinker. Very experienced. Thankfully none of that experience is very recent! () And yes, I kidded myself that I had figured out how NOT to drink and drive. I prided myself, in fact, on the complete BS that I didn't drive drunk.

        So....let's get the BS meter out here.

        I drank and drove all the time. I would say things to myself like "I am driving so I will leave the bar after two drinks." But then I would have three. Or four. Or another "light" cocktail. Then I would drive knowing that if I were stopped, let's face it, I would be nowhere near the legal limit. But I would congratulate myself that nothing bad had happened (and I mainly was thinking about bad things happening to ME, in the form of a DUI - not the possibility that I could radically harm OTHERS) And then I would promise myself that in gratitude for surviving yet another close call without a DUI. I would never do it again. At least not later in the day where a police officer might suspect the driver would have been drinking. In the morning it didn't seem so risky.

        Can we all say ALCOHOLIC THINKING?????? I did a lot of selfish stuff when I was active in my alcoholism. But drinking and driving was probably one of the MOST selfish where other people had the most to possibly lose as a result of my drinking and my irresponsibility.

        And yes, I often said "but I never drove drunk...." well into my recovery. Rigorous honesty was very difficult for me. But for me, that rigorous honesty is paying off. When I look VERY honestly at the person I became, it makes it easier to grow and change into the person I am capable of becoming.

        Good topic.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

          I think you hit the nail on the head for me there, DG. Just after I had posted, it crossed my mind - how is drinking the next morning when you only stopped a few hours ago any different to drinking straight after the pub then driving home? The alcohol was still in my system, affecting my judgement - and I knew in my heart on the days I did it that I would be over the limit if I got stopped. I used to think to myself - "just don't get in an accident, then they won't catch you". Scary... It's been so easy to delude myself, and to convince myself of what I wanted to believe. But, deep breath, hands up, I drove drunk. Hard to write that. Hard to think of myself as that person.
          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...


            My drink driving incident was a morning after!!!!!!I wasn't massively over the limit BUT I do know it certainly did affect my driving that day and it definitely caused me to have my accident.


              2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

              Very appropiate topic Savon - alcohol is glamorized all the time and in the media as well, see how many movies have the "star" reaching for a drink...!
              I shamefully admit that I have driven while way over the limit, and of course I thought I was quite OK. In hindsight, of course I wasn't.
              make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                I used to hate taking a hard and honest look at myself in areas of BS such as this one. I have learned in the last 2 years though, that the truth DOES set me free. So an honest hard look at myself is OK these days. It's necessary for me to understand my truth so I can start to change it.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                  A young, beautiful woman from our town was recently out clubbing in Atlanta, ran a red light and smashed into a car, killing the young man driving. He was a clerk in the Governor's office, very liked and respected. He also had been out celebrating that night, but as the designated driver, had just dropped off the last of his friend.
                  Two young lives destroyed.
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                    I have shivers all up and down my arms...I am TERRIFIED that some thing like this will happen to one of my boys...
                    I have driven drink too and am ashamed to admit it
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                      i have also driven while over the limit and thought i was ok!!!!!!! the sickening shame of even writing this



                        2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                        When I started this thread, my intention wasn't to make people feel they should confess (altho I did, too)!

                        But I'm glad it seems to have made people think some about this. It's probably the single worst thing/outcome of drinking, if you had to choose just one thing.

                        And, even if we drink, we either stay home or plan for some way to avoid driving... I know that one of the problems is that we can Think we feel ok when we're really not.
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                          Honesty is very , very important to my sobriety. Without being completely honest with myself, I will start to believe those little voices that tell me I can drink just one, and that I really wasn't "so bad." So I NEED to take a long hard look at myself and my past behavior in areas such as this one even though it's tough. It just reinforces that AF is the right decision for me.

                          So thanks for starting this thread!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                            I agree this is a great thread because many of us, myself included, have driven under the influence of alcohol. This is something that I am not the least bit proud of and always thought it was like playing russian roulette. In Pennsylvania, where I live, they recently started a new anti-drunk driving campaign with the key message "If you drive under the influence of alcohol often enough, you will eventually get caught". For me, this was a very effective message and was probably one of the contributing factors that led me to making the commitment to be AF.
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              2 Drunk Driving Accidents in my part of the world recentlly...

                              In my younger days (lol, 5 years ago) I got a DUI. The limit in CA is .08..... I blew .09. Spent the night in the county jail, had my car impounded....bad times. Thank god for my family and friends. Friends got the car out of impound ($400 bucks!!) It happened on a friday night so I couldn't get it out until the following Monday. Went to court a couple months 2 days community service instead of 2 days in jail (it was an option), Al classes for 3 months, which I actually enjoyed! and having to go to liability only with my car insurance for 3 years (had AAA and they sent my insurance up to $5,000 a year. Had to leave them obviously. It is now 5 years later, and I will never, ever drink and drive again! The experience and embarrassment..........never again!

