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Drunk Dialing

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    Drunk Dialing

    Raven2012;1417103 wrote: I can't help it though, it's my need for acceptance that goes way deep, sober or drunk. It's always there. I want everyone to love me.

    I guess I hope when I can get this drink thing behind me I can get tough. I really don't know though. It's never been my nature.
    Raven, you sound like a lovely person. The thing is, you must accept yourself, good parts and not so good parts. You'll never get what it is you need from others until you can get it from yourself. Once you love and accept yourself then you don't look to get it from others quite as much - or even need it as much.

    Energy clearing techniques are a good place to start with peeling away the layers of crap that we put over ourselves to protect the sensitive souls that we are. Being a sensitive, nice person is a gift, sometimes it doesn't feel like that in this harsh world of ours but ultimately, it is.
    Honour Thyself


      Drunk Dialing

      Stripping off and swimming naked in a neighbour's brand new pool was pretty shameful. They had invited the whole street to come celebrate the installation, but it was winter so no swimming was intended.....just a view from the games room to a brightly lit, brand new water hole.....

      We 'had' to move house. I couldn't bring myself to go to the mail after the swim.....

      Oooooh crap, how embarrassing....even to this day! I was fat too.......ooooh crap!
      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
      Mother Theresa


        Drunk Dialing

        emily;1417134 wrote: Raven, you sound like a lovely person. The thing is, you must accept yourself, good parts and not so good parts. You'll never get what it is you need from others until you can get it from yourself. Once you love and accept yourself then you don't look to get it from others quite as much - or even need it as much.

        Energy clearing techniques are a good place to start with peeling away the layers of crap that we put over ourselves to protect the sensitive souls that we are. Being a sensitive, nice person is a gift, sometimes it doesn't feel like that in this harsh world of ours but ultimately, it is.
        Thanks Emily,

        I appreciate that. Its hard sometimes. I've always used my sensititivity as a gosh, how do you say this, a barrier, in a way. I've held it up there as if to say, " how dare you hurt someone who is kind to you?" just to see what happens. Oh believe me, plenty will just crash into you and take whatever you have. Thanks for the kind words. I think I will get more confident over time. I'm just in a strange place right now. But I'll never be tough, it's just not in me. Stronger, yes maybe. But I'll always make room at the table for others. Thanks so much for your response Emily, good to hear from you pretty rose!


          Drunk Dialing

          Similar over here...999 whats your emergency..90% is about drunks who dont know where they are,cant get into their hotel etc
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Drunk Dialing

            pretty sure there are a few of us kicking around does this ring true? "do you remember what you said /did last night?"

            Of course I do.....and you remember SOD ALL!!!
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Drunk Dialing

              Ann Carolina;1416881 wrote: Don't you love it when people are like "JUST STOP"? Oh yeah gee thanks I will-it's so easy.

              Either they get it or they don't. The inportant thing is that WE get it
              Yep...wouldn't it be nice if we could JUST STOP? That's like telling someone that has cancer to "just get well". You're right Ann, WE get it...and thank goodness we have each other!

              I am so thankful to not have drunk dialed/texted in a very long time...the anxiety the day after was killing me. I wouldn't even LOOK at my phone!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Drunk Dialing

                God Ive had those mornings, wake up, sharp intake of breath, first signs of anxiety, who did I call, who did I text, who did i SEE arghhhh horrible.
                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                Day by day


                  Drunk Dialing

                  Phone off limits when your intoxicated ! Leads to a very bad morning after ! From one who had few lost week ends ! ha! Tony
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Drunk Dialing

                    I personally don't think all this technology is great for drunks. Just got us in more trouble


                      Drunk Dialing

                      Mick;1417610 wrote: pretty sure there are a few of us kicking around does this ring true? "do you remember what you said /did last night?"

                      Of course I do.....and you remember SOD ALL!!!
                      OMG Mick, I have had to wing it on that one soooo many times!

                      Back in my early twenties I actually dialed 999 to report a stray dog I had found. They were NOT impressed. :H


                        Drunk Dialing

                        Just something I wanted to share......When I first moved into this area the phone number they gave had a checkered past. I kept getting collect calls from the Frostburg State Pen. on a regular bases. With the.....other unfriendly calls from various bars and hang outs. I was going to change the number, but eventually it stop. Ha! Tony
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss

