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Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

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    Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

    Hi Patty - :welcome:
    This is a great place and was an absolute Godsend to me!
    I never knew that other people shared the same horrible drinking thoughts that i did so it was nice to know i wasnt the only crazy around! :nutso:

    I wish you much strength on your AF journey, i think Pride already mentioned the which has fantastic tips for staying AF.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

      Welcome Patty!
      I look forward to getting to know you, and following your progress.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

        I'm still hanging in there and here

        I don't think doing this cold turkey was my smartest move- Although that could be my denial and bargining with myself.

        I have no alcohol in the house and i'm pleased that I live in a small place without a Pub or shop. I have had thoughts about jumping in my car and going to buy a bottle, but I'm managing so far to fight this.

        From what I have experienced from you all today has truly inspired me. Although this headache isn't helping me, but I think this is more to do with anxiety.

        I ask myself "How did I get to this place"?
        I know i'm not coming back to it, so I need to remember that feeling when I feel those moments of craving becoming strong and over-powering me.

        I have sat and asked myself today. Why do I drink?
        I came back with no one answer- I can find a whole host of reasons to drink, even the good times and the bad ones too.

        I'm scared i'm not going to know who I am? Although I know this is irrational as I didn't grow up drinking and it didn't really start until my 20's. It's now about getting to know myself again and get to know other like minded people and not fear this!

        I'm sorry for my ramble there! I hope your all well and send you all lots of love and light!
        Thank you all for your wonderful messages. X


          Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

          Patty;928107 wrote: I have sat and asked myself today. Why do I drink?
          I came back with no one answer- I can find a whole host of reasons to drink, even the good times and the bad ones too.
          Want to know why I drank? Because I was happy, sad, frustrated, elated, lonely, bored. Because it was sunny, because it was rainy. Because it was Tuesday, or any day ending in "Y". I just did. But the cycle CAN be broken, and it is SO worth it. Congratulations on fighting your urge, those too will get easier to deal with. Stay close to us, and reach out if you need help!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

            Hi Patty and welcome,

            Lots of support here, keep coming back, the support helps get through the tough patches, Look forward to getting to know you more,
            All the best
            30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


              Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

              Patty;928107 wrote:
              I'm scared i'm not going to know who I am? Although I know this is irrational as I didn't grow up drinking and it didn't really start until my 20's. It's now about getting to know myself again and get to know other like minded people and not fear this!

              Patty I know that feeling very well, I didn't know the me without the glass in my hand and it is scary and can be an emotional roller coaster at times but what an incredible journey it is! You get to know the real you, you get to feel real raw emotions instead of dulled by alcohol and learn things you didn't know about the most important person in your life. I for one would not have missed this journey for the world and it keeps getting better.........
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                Thanks Chill. It's good to share this.

                It's been a cushion for me and in a strange sense I feel like I'm grieving for a friend, like I'm losing something. I guess I am, I'm letting go of the old me and starting new beginnings with the new me.

                I feel scared, but in that excited too. When I look at my life I have a beautiful son and a new job starting in Sept, so I have lots to live and be grateful for.


                  Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                  Hi Patty and :welcome: You've come to the right place, theres tons of support and info here, just keep reading on here especially when you have the urge to drink it's helped me hugely.

                  You're comment about the headache, i'm 29 days AF today and was suffering the most horrendous headaches like i've never known in my life in the first 2 weeks, hang in there with it, it does get better, drink lots of water, rest, your body needs time to adjust.

                  I wish you luck with your journey

                  TB x
                  Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.-John Dewey
                  AF Journey Began 9th July = 33 days Sober!


                    Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                    Patty - for me it felt like someone had ripped away my security blanket and left me exposed but I soon learned that standing on my own to feet was very liberating and you get to feel alive again! You sound like you got a lot of reasons to stay sober
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                      :welcome: Patty!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                        Hi Patty and :welcome: You are not alone and you will find lots of support here!

                        xxx :l


                          Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                          WELCOME PATTY! XX
                          AF since 19th August 2011


                            Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                            Good Morning world

                            Good morning to you all!

                            I have made it through the night and now on to day 2. I feel positive this morn, although weak after a terrible nights sleep, yet more of sound mind then sluggish and with a hangover. Headache seems to have numbed slightly so thats good too.

                            I would like to thank you all for your kind words and support, as I don't think I would have got through yesterday without you. It's warming to know that you are here to share your experiences. We are all brave people and we all deserve to have love and happiness in our lives.:thanks:


                              Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                              Good morning Patty, so glad you made it through! The sleepless nights will pass, I used to be on here at all hours but I'm happy to say I now sleep better than I have in my whole adult life..... Here's to making it to day 3.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Hello to you all, I no longer feel alone!

                                Not doing so great!

                                I have had a drink and I'm so frustrated with myself! Why? When I was so optimistic yesterday! I really thought I could! :upset:

