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New member...depressed.

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    New member...depressed.

    I give up booze for 3 months or so then slowly but surely the desire comes back.
    I was at our emergency dept with another health matter having a thorough check up and according to them my LFTs were good and my liver felt ok.
    My GP the following day said my Alt was 140ul (everything else good) when he tested me a few days earlier and my liver was very slightly enlarged. I have to repeat the LFT next week.
    So I don't know who to believe and I don't know what elevated ALT means..Is 140ul very high?
    Then the notes given to me from the emergency dept show that in 2008 a CT scan on my aorta incidently showed infiltrative fatty liver disease.
    No one told me and now I'm running scared....I keep thinking about cirrhosis. Then I get depressed..My 1st wife died of nonalcoholic hepatitis.
    The booze stopped (again) 9 days ago.
    I have made an appointment with my hospitals Alcohol and Drug Dependeny unit.

    New member...depressed.

    :welcome: Glenn. It must be very scary and quite a wake up call to have those medical facts in front of you. Years of excessive alcohol consumption definitely is not good for our health!

    Congratulations on doing something about it. I hope the appointment gives you some direction towards long term sobriety. You will certainly find a lot of support here! Hope to get to know you better. Congratulations on those sober days! That rocks.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      New member...depressed.



      I'm new here also. It sounds like a scary time for you at the moment. I know I have worried about my health and the the impact that alcohol has had on it. I hope all works out for you! And maybe being free now of Alcohol can only be of benefit to your health! You have given your body over a weeks rest.. Keep up the good work!

      Doing 9 days sounds like a wonderful achievement. I'm on my second day after a 6 week binge, which before the binge I thought I had my drinking under control, yet now know that actually I was just kidding myself.

      Hope you have a good day and I would like to share that coming to this site yesterday and meeting all of these great people helped me get through the last 24 hrs. I'm sure it will do that for you too!


        New member...depressed.

        Well done you on your nine days. Like you I went to A & E 15wks ago. I could hardly walk. I thought it might be connected to surgery I recently had. But no my bloods were fine but my liver readings were 'off the chart', I'm trying to find out what they were. Not drank since, but not fool enough to think that fear would stop me drinking. I did not care whether I lived or died, Alc drags you down big time. You will be better able to cope with your health probs, good or bad, if your sane and sober. Get all the support you can and hang on in there. Good luck and God bless
        Today, I will live one day at a time and do one thing at a time

        It was obvious from a very early age that my mind and I were not going to get on. Kay Redfield Jameson


          New member...depressed.

          Hi Glenn,
          Elevated ALT means that more enzymes are being released by your liver than should be. Basically it is a SHORT-TERM reflection of what has gone on in your body in the run-up to the test.

          I got tested last month after a MASSiVE binge and had elevated ALT as well. I have been sober since then and had another test and my ALT is normal. As I said the ALT test is short-term and doesn't show up permanent damage - they have other tests for that. So if you lay off the booze, the ALT should go down although of course you have to have the other LFTs to see if you have caused any structural damage to your liver.

          Good job on the 9 days- keep it up.
          K x
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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            New member...depressed.

            Thank you folks for your understanding attitude.
            I'm so pleased I found this forum. I don't feel alone anymore with this problem.
            I see my GP next Tuesday but his attitude is very nonsympathetic.
            And the wife easily stopped drinking 4 years ago when she decided it was doing her no favors.


              New member...depressed.

              I'm not sure where you are writing from. If your doc is unsympathetic, is it possible for you to try to find a more sympathetic one?

              I remember how relieved I felt when I finally realized I was not alone with the insanity of this disease. Welcome to the crowd.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                New member...depressed.

                Hello GlenRob and welcome! Ditto to what others have said. Do treat yourself well with good food, lemon water and supplements. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  New member...depressed.

                  I guess theres another couple of things I should come clean on..
                  When I was at the emergency room for very bad muscle cramps they found I was severely low in sodium. They put it down to too much imbibed fluid (beer) after I came clean about the booze.
                  Also had high stage2 hypertension. My BP meds were immediately increased. I guess that can be blamed on booze as well?
                  Hopefully sobriety will help these as well.


                    New member...depressed.

                    Sobriety helps everything. Period.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      New member...depressed.

                      greeneyes;928990 wrote: Sobriety helps everything. Period.
                      AMEN. My BP did come down after I quit. It was high - high enough to require meds (something like 140 / can't recall the bottom number). Now I consistently run about 110 / 70.

                      You will probably be amazed at the stuff that will start improving.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

