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big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

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    big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

    Phew! I made it day to five! Not sure I would have without all the reassurance and good wishes I got from here, big thanks to everyone. It's great to have a place to come and remind myself that I'm not in this boat alone.. I was moaning the other day so instead here's my so far top of the list best thing about being sober - I ACTUALLY 'GO TO SLEEP'! Yes, I snuggle into my cosy bed and drift GENTLY off to sleep (lucky me, no insomnia) and I DREAM and in the morning I REMEMBER! As opposed to passing out and waking up wondering what happened. Having abandoned my soul to the dark.

    Have to admit to a bit of a wobble today though. Called into the garage for some logs and had already decided to buy wine (very grumpy! disappointed with my grumpy sobriety). Bought it and left in the car. Was persuaded out of drinking it - and the level of irrational hatred I felt towards my persuader only reminds me that, yes, I'm an alcoholic. Bah! Not just one glass..? Anyway, looking forward to the 'magic week' and no more cake, only meals of complex carbohydrates with lots of protein and a nice green salad. OK, then the cake, a large slice please. happy joy x

    big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

    Congratulations skylark! If this were easy, we wouldn't all need each other so much. The important thing is that you didn't drink and that you were open to being talked out of it, despite a little grumpiness. Good for you!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

      Good for you Sky. Keep talking that seductive little devil down. Um...what will happen to the wine now?? Might be best to get rid of it tomorrow morning and I don't mean with cake:H

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

        Good job Sky!

        I'm not usually one to offer advice on here since I'm just starting this whole sober thing, but I agree with Ringing...get rid of the wine! For me, once I buy it, that's it. It might as well instantly be down my throat as soon as I pay for it. I might leave it in the car and not drink it tonight, but it will get drunk. Get rid of it now while you're feeling strong!
        Tomorrow's another day.


          big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

          Good on you Sky!! can totally relate ...
          Hope you got rid of the wine? it will be whispering sweet nothings to you later otherwise
          30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


            big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

            Sky - you have a very good friend "the persuader" I hope you keep them around as much as possible, that's the true friends we all badly need in our lives...... :goodjob:
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

              Sky - great stuff getting to 5 days! Your emotions will be up and down as your body gets the alcohol out of your body. Are you taking the supplements? I have found they make a big difference in dealing with cravings and evening out emotional swings. Well keep up the good work and I look forward to posting a congratulations on your "SKy has 30 days!" Thread.
              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
              Benjamin Franklin


                big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

                Well done Sky, 5 days is awesome. I agree with the others about getting rid of the wine, it will indeed whisper sweet nothings to you through the night. Give it away or ask someone else to tip it down the sink. I am 17 AF Free and whenever I see an advertisement for alcohol on the tele i imagine it being sewerage water!!!!!!! Whatever works for you. Keep fighting the good fight. This sight is wonderful. Love and Grace:welcome::goodjob:
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                  big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

                  sapphire1;928566 wrote: I am 17 AF Free and whenever I see an advertisement for alcohol on the tele i imagine it being sewerage water!!!!!!! Love and Grace:welcome::goodjob:
                  Love it :H:H:H
                  I thought of it as bleach & had a good giggle to myself when i 1st went to a bar watching everyone drinking it by the ton........ Congrats Sapphire on 17 days AF!
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    big thanks and - whats that in the car..?!

                    Thanks all. My thoughtful partner disappeared the wine for me, so it's OK. Been on my mind on and off all day. Would have definately had a glass of the foul sewer dregs toilet cleaner this eve after another shitty day getting the rank stuff out of my system! mmm, tasty..
                    Had naively expected to feel a bit better by now.. ho hum, knew it would be hard, but didn't know how it would be hard. Reassurance that its normal is great - most things I read say after 3 days you'll feel fine!.
                    17 days Sapphire! wow! I'm following your footsteps..

