No work, woohoo! (sorry to anyone that has to work saturdays).
Back to day one but not square one, I read that on someone's thread during the week. I liked that. Whatever it is we try to do, not neccessarily giving up alcohol, (especially by the time you get to my age) there is a lot of experience in the past, and you can build on it.
I have just made myself a two years and three months plan. I'm going to write it down and keep it somewhere I will see it every day.
I joined this site at the beginning of the year. I have had some setbacks, but I have moved forward. Whenever I come back here its great to see everyone again, its good to know I am not alone trying to do this. Friends either don't drink and so don't get it, or do drink and don't see a problem.
Thank you for being there everyone.