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Scared but excited

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    Scared but excited

    I came across this web site three days ago. Since then I have read the book and ordered the CD set and vitamins. I am really excited by the prospect of being a normal person again. I feel like I'm in chains due to my drinking. But is this program for real? Does it work? I have given up hope and from reading others testimonials I want to believe it could work for me too.
    I couldn't muster up the courage to tell my doctor about my problem so he can prescribe me the topiramate, so I walked in to a pharmacy gave the lady the name and she handed me the medicine without one (I live in Nice France). Now I am wondering whether to start the topirmate with out the rest of the kit or wait?

    Scared but excited


    Amazing you didn't need to see a Dr!

    I'm sure these are many others here that could coach you waiting to start .. etc.

    I'm going to take a shot at it with just the supps and CSs first, and see how it goes. Seems some have some poor side affects from the Topa .. others do great wth it.

    Have you started reading thebook yet? I'm only through Chapter One ... but pretty amazing stuff...

    Glad you are here. This is Day 6 for me ... and I have cut just about in half what I was drinking. All from the stories and support here.

    Someof us "newbies" are going to try out the live CHAT here later today ...

    700 PM Eastern time / 400 Pacific Time

    Join us .. we're all learning together!



      Scared but excited

      :welcome: Animal! Please be sure & follow the titration schedules in the book regarding the Topa! It's a strong drug and nothing to mess around with. My Dr precribed my Topa for me, but I also take another anti convulsant for seizures... the combination at the level he started me out at was HORRIBLE!! Really bad side effects! I could barely function. I was ready to quit the whole program!
      Like I said ... I also take another drug for seizures ... so the combo was bad... BUT, the TITRATION VERY IMPORTANT!
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Scared but excited

        Animal, yes the program does work but I believe the real key is you have to be ready and wanting to change. If you are not then nothing will work. None of this is a quick fix but it can be done. I have done my cutting down mainly from just coming onto these boards and taking the supplements. This board is a great place for support. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Scared but excited

          Thanks for the feedback guys. I've decided to follow the program all fronts at once. I don't know if it's me or all problem drinkers are like this, but I always start something and never finish it? It's weird, like if I'm doing the washing up I'd wash everything and leave a spoon or two? Anyways, I want to start and continue and succeed this journey. I have a feeling this program has a fifth front too, this website.

