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How do you do this without family support

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    How do you do this without family support

    Well, it's Monday. I thought this was going to be a good weekend for me because I was really busy and didn't think I'd have time to work in drinking. WRONG!!!

    I am sitting here pondering what drinking is doing to my life. I spent a lot of time this weekend with non-drinking friends and business associates pretending to be someone that I am not. There are two of me, the drinker and the other one. Everyone I know knows I like scotch but very, very few know how much. So I feel like I have to put on act around others. It's very lonely. I am sitting here thinking that I would love to pick up the phone and call someone to talk about this, but there is not a soul in the world who would understand. My husband knows how much I drink but doesn't care. He thinks (without saying it) that I overreact and don't need to worry about it. Maybe he's just trying to deny his own love of rum.

    So the answer is to quit drinking right? When I did that for six weeks, I spent a lot of time sitting home alone while he went to the bar. It's his only hobby. It's very lonely also. I have other hobbies, but some of them are solitary. I do belong to a couple of organizations, but there isn't something going on all the time.

    My choices are to learn to deal with being lonely and accept it, build a life entirely outside of my marriage and become "room mates" with my husband or keep doing what I am doing. I try to cut back, and I have some, but it always comes out to the same thing.

    Has anyone ever gotten through this in a similar situation? Any tips? I am at a loss what to do next, so I do nothing. Thanks.

    How do you do this without family support

    I meant that there wasn't a soul in my world that would understand. I know that all of you do.:h


      How do you do this without family support

      Oh boy do I understand "the lonely" !

      I recently ended a realtionship with a man that drank as much or more than I did. It was so easy to be around him and not feel judged about my drinking. I ended up over the years, being quite the homebody .. in facing reality .. just easier to drink as much as I wanted and not face the outside world.

      This is only Day 6 for me trying to moderate ... but I have been pretty successful in cutting the wine in half ...but I had to keep myself REALLY busy .. and get my butt OUTof the house.

      I'm one that on the weekend would start at 7am or so with the bloody marys annd just on from there .. all day .. then fall asleep .. I hated Mondays because I wuld be SO pissed off at myself for wasting an entire weekend and getting nothing done!

      You HAVE TO find others outlets and people to spend time with. I made all kinds of crazy plans the past two days .. some just getting projects done .. but they required me to leave the house ... I even booked myself into a Home Energy Seminar at Home Depot ... just so I KNEW I had to be showered and dressed and BE somewhere at 1:00. It worked!

      Really look around you for other fun things you can do ...

      And you always have us to talk to ... I get really lonely too as I am single, no kids .. and just recently lost my "baby" of 14 years ... but WE CAN DO THIS!

      Join us in Live Chat later on ... I posted it inthe forums ..a few of us newbies are going to try and figure it out

      Thughts will be with you today ...



        How do you do this without family support

        Totally know what u mean after last night talking about it to my 2 close friends both ( in different ways) were so supportive of me but at same time do not understand or know what the right thing is to say. I said dont wory probably nothing, is something I hav to work out myself. But that is why this forum is so good because u guys actually DO understand and everything I read is like what I think and hide every day! Anyway have to sign out getting late here agin. Good luck!


          How do you do this without family support

          Waiting to exhale I feel lonely heaps too. No kids am on other side of world from any of my true friends and my family I love but they drive me up wall and would neva confide any of this. To be honest in my short time of being here, my drinking habits have not changed (yet) but I feel a relief that I am not the only one and love thre is other people that understand. spk soon

