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want to stop drinking

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    want to stop drinking

    Hi, new to this whole thing....always thought that I could just stop drinking when I wanted to....well, surprise--it isn't that husband thinks this whole thing is shit and that if I want to stop drinking than all I have to do is stop...

    want to stop drinking

    welcome...we all know how tough this addiction is to beat and we welcome you to our family
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      want to stop drinking

      :welcome: Wonka. Honestly admitting that it's not easy for you to stop is a great step in the right direction toward freedom from alcohol.

      While it can be very frustrating, it is completely normal for "normal drinkers" to not understand why we can't just stop after a drink or two. You have to find and follow your own truth in this, while understanding that non-alcoholics (or non-problem drinkers) really have no basis in experience to really understand. That's why it's so terrific that there are places such as this one where people "just like us" can gather and support each other in getting well.

      Have you downloaded the My Way Out book from the Health Store? That's a great place to start finding your way out.

      Strength and hope to you,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        want to stop drinking

        Welcome Wonka,
        Lots of great support here, keep coming, reading and posting...we will support you, all the best
        30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


          want to stop drinking

          Hey, thanks for all the support. I was wondering if I have to courage to speak with my doctor about drinking...I think I carry a lot of shame and guilt. I am also afraid that she won't perscribe anything to help me along. Any suggestions on what the best meds are? I was thinking anabuse or campral.


            want to stop drinking

            welcome wonka .. sorry dont know much about the meds but there is some great people here for surport and well just start reading and posting any and all of your questions and they will get answer... good luck
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              want to stop drinking

              Hi Wonka. My husband drinks a lot, too, so he's no help. Or he tells me to stop if I want to but then offers to open a bottle of wine with dinner. Sigh.
              The blog:

