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    So far....

    Well, i decided that i needed help. I can't live on antabuse for the rest of my life, everytime i missed one so i drank a bottle of wine. SO i took the plunge and went to see a hypnotist. I'm amazed to say that i've seen a huge change in myself. I only needed 2 sessions and as shocking and unbelieveable as it may sound, i'm off the antabuse, not thinking about drink and completely sober. Not only that but my depression has become miles better.
    I honestly can't believe it. It's only been a week and a bit but NO antabuse and NO drink, i never ever thought that would ever ever happen. Fingers crossed i continue on this track!!!!


    So far....

    WOW lil.michelle - pretty amazing!

    I tried hypnotism to quit smoking years ago, but it didn't work. I'm one of those people who can't be hypnotized! Great that it is working for you.

    (However, I should add that I'm nicotine-free as of Christmas '09!!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      So far....

      Great news, Michelle! I used hynotherapy for my Social Anxiety Disorder when I had tried everything else. Nothing else worked - and this did - it was like the best day of my life - ninety minutes and the fear was soooo much reduced I couldn't believe it

      However, it didn't work for my drinking, so I guess we're all different. But I would recommend anyone to try it if nothing else has worked for them for whatever issues they have in their life - be it smoking, drinking, disorders etc. It can't hurt and might very well help.

      So glad you're feeling confident and upbeat.
      K x
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

      Recovery Videos


        So far....


        Hi Michelle,

        I've had the same results with hypnosis (not the one available on this site; I wasn't keen on the credentials of the MWO hypnotist, James Shmelter (an MBA with titles like ?draw an abundance of money? and ?develop telepathy? on his web site, got CHT credentials back in the 80s before rigorous standards were implemented from a now defunct school, or the fact that he?s on the Testimonials page of MWO, which he profits from. Hmmmm....). Doesn?t mean they aren?t good, but I wanted a more solid evidence base than that.

        I hunted around and found one I liked for (a lot) less money and listen to it daily. I downloaded it the first day I was sober (July 15th), and have had almost no cravings and little difficulty being around other people who are drinking heavily (just sort of odd-man-outish but not desiring to drink), even though I was anticipating that would be really hard for me.

        I don?t really know if it?s the hypnosis or that I?m still a) deeply ashamed and disgusted at what I was turning into, or b) still ?high? on feeling clean of alcohol and able to trust myself, feeling good in the morning, strong and healthy. I don?t really need to know, I guess, since whatever I?m doing, it?s working. Got topiramate but felt too groggy to function. I keep it on hand in case cravings arise and I need to bolster the arsenal, but as you say, so far, so good. Better than I?ve been in years, in fact.

        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          So far....

          Hi Michelle,
          I have a quick question about the Antabuse. Were you able to drink on it after skipping only one day? I have been taking it for about 4 months now. Recently I felt strong enough to go off of it, but wouldn't have even considered drinking for 2 weeks...they say it takes that long to get out of your system. Anyway, I am just curious. I started taking it again because I had a moment of "weakness" and ALMOST slipped. I'm glad you're doing well!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            So far....

            I tested antabuse (i'm ashamed to admit) I too thought you had to wait 2 weeks but that wasn't the case. I found that even if you'd had antabuse for months and MONTHS, you could drink the after after but you'd come up i a huge rash allover your body which you couldn't hide. I found that was the same on day 2,3,4 but after that you could drink with no side affects. HOWEVER that was me so i have no idea what would happen to you. DON'T try it tho please!! I was really low with post natal depression and i had hit rock bottom and didn't care for myself which is whyi done it. Stay on the antabuse and stay sober hun!!!! PLEEAASSEE!!!

