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Is this progress

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    Is this progress

    Day 1 again for me seem to be able to manage that ,its Day 2 that I just cant manage so I have asked my Hubby for help would anyone say that is a step forward ? really need some positivity at the moment feeling very scared

    Is this progress


    every step you take is a step forward, but i would say, try and change your thinking. don't tell yourself you can't manage day two as its almost giving yourself permission to drink honey. take evey day as it comes. if this is day 2 today, then say to yourself "i will not drink today. just today. that's all i have to get through. one day. i'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow."

    it truly is the mantra of the long term abstainers here and one i'm truly trying to use as my own way out. we are all here. we can do this. one day at a time x

    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


      Is this progress

      Hi Tara, good for you for asking for help, challenge yourself, get yourself to day 2 then day 3. I am sure he will be willing to help you out. When you are feeling anxious, get on here and chat away to others, it really does help. good luck
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        Is this progress

        Asking for help is a great big step, but make sure you use whatever help is offered.


          Is this progress

          Hi Tara why not try the thread ODAT (one day at a time) that way you don't need to count you just commit yourself to try for that day, sometimes its one minute, or one hour at a time, just try and do whatever it takes, good luck :l
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Is this progress

            Realising that you need help is a huge step and asking someone close like your husband is massive progress. My husband is the only person (other than here on MWO) to whom I've admitted I'm an alcoholic and it was really hard, i felt like a huge disappointment to him but instead he was happy that i was able to name it for what it is..but as UKBlonde says, take the help, many times i haven't and kept slipping back
            Good luck
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

