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Is it normal to be this hungry?

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    Is it normal to be this hungry?

    sula, i have put on weight since addressing my drinking, not too much and hopefully it will be easy to get it sorted out without the booze. at first i was eating loads of unhealthy snacks in the evening as a kind of subsitute. for me getting rid of the booze is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. anything else can be addressed at a later stage SOBER. dont worry about it, im sure things will even out after more AF time
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      Is it normal to be this hungry?


      It took me a while to start losing weight after stopping drinking, I actually put on 2 lbs in the first 10 days - but after that it's come off slowly and steadily. As an alcoholic I found I was very impatient, that I'd say "Well I'm fat anyway, not losing weight so I may as well drink". Those thoughts kept me drinking.

      Since that first week I've lost 1lb a week on average - but I've been AF well over 4 months now and that's a lot of weeks, and a lot of lbs.:H


        Is it normal to be this hungry?

        freeintexas;933175 wrote: Hi Sulapeace:

        I am now on my 10th day AF and am constantly eating at night. I was watching Masterchef the other night and saw them making eggs and had to get up and make some eggs(and cheese and turkey of course with a little salsa)! Thank goodness this is considered normal as part of what we go through- however - as it is, I am not a normal size person-very overweight! So, as I weighed myself this a.m. and had not lost one single pound I was thinking = wow I was drinking 1.0 litres of vodka a night for the past ten years and still have not lost a pound. Oh, well, it will come! I am going to make it this time--scale or no scale!

        Hi Free. When I first stopped drinking with the help of MWO in July '07, I was 50+ pounds over weight and I thought it would surely start melting off when I stopped drinking and started eating right (I followed the MWO guidelines) and exercising. I lost a little bit, but it was a horrible struggle that didn't seem to mathmatically make sense to me. (i.e. calories before, with so much wine / vodka and after). I relapsed after 60 days sober and the main reason for that (IMO) is that I'm alcoholic and any excuse to drink will do. I think disappointment in my limited success in the battle of the buldge was somewhere in my mind. (so don't let his happen to you if your weight loss doesn't happen they way you think it should!!!)

        If you are in the middle years like me (I have been 29 for approximately 23 years, but don't tell anyone! :H), and you experience the same thing I did, you might want to give one of Suzanne Somers books a read. (i.e. The Sexy Years) I found the right kind of doctor and have balanced my hormones and OH MY what a difference! Just wanted to mention that as many of us "middle years" women are NOT playing on a level playing field when it comes to weight management. Now that I am back on a level playing field with my thyroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone in proper balance, I have been able to loose 50+ pounds with diet and exercise. The difference is astounding.

        Just thought I'd throw that out there....

        The most important thing for now is to stop drinking. The rest of this stuff can come later. It's the stopping drinking that opens the door to all other possibilities in life. At least that's the way it has been for me.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.

