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first timer!

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    first timer!

    Hi, this is the first time I have been on here. I'm a 35yr old female with a little bit of a drinking problem. I drink 2-3 bottles of wine a day, everyday. I don't think I have had an AF day for atleast 2yrs. I do have an appointment to see a doctor but was just curious about the withdrawl symptoms??? Can anyone help please.:

    first timer!

    Hi Xavier and welcome. WOW I'm a little curious about your use of the phrase "a little bit of a drinking problem". I knew I was abusing alcohol at 2 bottles a night several nights a week. No judgment, maybe you are being sarcastic? In any event, I cannot comment on withdrawals but if that is your habit I suspect you will have some.

    I know long timers will recommend the tool box thread, the MWO book that can be downloaded immediately and reading and posting as much as you can.

    You will get loads of support here. All the best! )

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      first timer!

      welcome Xavier
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        first timer!

        Hi first timer,

        Welcome and I offer you my full support...
        if you are drinking 2-3 bottles a day...that is a problem, I make this judgement on 2 counts,
        1. My own personal experience...
        2. I have been in the medical/health profession for over 30 years now (I am 49...) and have seen first hand the terrible effects alcohol has on the human body

        Keep reading the posts and advice, there is lots of good advice and non judgemental support..
        I wish you all the very best
        30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


          first timer!

          Thank you all, I suspect I'm in for a long haul.


            first timer!

            welcome, we spoke briefly in the chat room. Its quite overwhelming here at first. But it is a great place. I have a similar problem as you and have fallen off the wagon again and am trying to get back on, and i will. Keep talking to us and we will help in anyway we can. If you are drinking 2-3 bottles everyday the chances are yes you will have withdrawals and side effects so yes it is best by talking to your doc first before you go cold turkey. Private message me anytime xx
            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


              first timer!

              Thank you Pink Angel, I think I will need all the help I can get.


                first timer!

                HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                  first timer!

                  Hi Xavier,
                  Just keep reading lots...
                  So many more people more experienced than I...
                  However, I can give you a very graphic perspective of those how over indulgence end up in ICU (of any hospital anyway in any country...its all the same)
                  al the best x
                  30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                    first timer!

                    Thanks, but I really want to know about withdrawl symptons, I want to know what I'm in for basically.


                      first timer!

                      Hi Xavier and welcome. Withdrawals vary from person to person - lots of different criteria - weight, sex, age, amount you have been drinking and IMO luck a bit. I abused alcohol in a horrendous fashion, however I never had the worst withdrawals - which can include seizures and definitely medical intervention would be required at that stage. My own experience - I am female, average weight for my height, 53, and was drinking a 75cl bottle of vodka a day plus a bottle of wine lots of days. my withdrawals were shaking, feeling nauseous, headaches, sweating, exhaustion and lethargy for two days, by the third day I was well on the mend oh, add insomnia to that list which I still experience unfortunately. Many people with a lesser habit have had seizures so beware. I would definitely attend a doctor they can medicate you with librium for a few days which will really help.
                      It sounds rotten, but truly, by the third day you will start feeling so much better
                      Good luck, it is worth it
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        first timer!

                        Hi Xavier,

                        Take a look at the following links:

                        Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

                        Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

                        I think they explain it quite well. I doubt you will have the more severe symptoms, as they are usually reserved for those of us who have been heavy spirits drinkers. BUT if you do feel any of the more severe symptoms, please do seek medical help. A GP can give you a home detox on Librium or if you need to go to Casualty they can also give you emergency Librium and a B Vitamin drip.

                        Good luck!

                        K x
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          first timer!

                          Welcome Xavier - I had to go on diazepam to get through the first few days of being AF, from what I have read I was becoming very close to having seizures. The Diazepam helps to keep your brain in check while you are weaning it off alcohol. I was concerned about being pn drugs as I didn't want to be wiped out, but as my doc said if your brain is used to being drunk all the time, diazepam will have no effect on it. He was right. I wasn't a wine or spirit girl, I drank beer, unfortunately I drank it all day long with a can before my morning cuppa.

                          I am not attempting to scare you but I think everyone should be prepared for withdrawals. If you have a partner or someone who can be with you for the first day or so that would help.
                          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                            first timer!

                            Thanks, I am married but I don't think he understands the severity of it. I don't really think anyone does. I was making dinner tonight & ran out of 2 things, so jumped in the car. My husband asked how many drinks I have had and I said 2 (I just didn't confirm that it was 2 bottles not 2 glasses) So I drove to the shop & got what I wanted and NOBODY even noticed that I was drunk, not even my husband! Am I that good at hiding it??? I also never wake up with a hangover, I have just drunk 3 bottles of wine today & will wake up fine, go to work all happy & no one is the wiser! How bad is that!!!!


                              first timer!

                              Thankyou Kimberley & Zeppie2, your feedback has been grest especially the sites. thankyou ☺♥♥

