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Day 8

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    Day 8

    Hi All

    Day 8 here and so far so good,hand is on the mend,i woke this morning thinking that tomorrow evening it would be nice to relax with a couple of drinks! "sure haven't i earned it,who would know" its Saturday after all. WHY does the misery of the last drink always be far removed from my mind? I felt miserable, sad,depressed, poor me, whats the point,all the negative feelings.There is no fun or pleasure in a drink for me anymore,so what the insanity of thinking i could relax with a drink on Saturday night? I'm hoping by posting here i will remove these insane thoughts from my mind and get some feed back.


    Day 8

    Hi Jodiex.

    I think the answer to "who would know" is YOU! You would know. You cant lie to yourself.

    It is a very hard journey to be on, one that requires so much strength. And it is insane to feed ourselves a poison that we know is no good for us, does nothing but makes our lives miserable.

    Why not relax with a movie at the cinema or something else that you might find fun and rewarding instead.

    You've done 8 days without a drink. That is great. Keep going and 8 days will soon turn into 18, 28, 38.......

    Good luck with your journey.

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Day 8

      Hi Carol. It's that insane thinking that makes this so difficult. What is your alternate plan? Since you've already had the thoughts, and know it's NOT what you want to do, what sober thing will you be doing instead?

      I found that distraction was my friend in the early days. I needed to keep busy. (and still do, but now it's for the sheer enjoyment of LIVING again!)

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Day 8

        interestin remark

        jodiex;933427 wrote: Hi All

        Day 8 here and so far so good,hand is on the mend,i woke this morning thinking that tomorrow evening it would be nice to relax with a couple of drinks! "sure haven't i earned it,who would know" its Saturday after all. WHY does the misery of the last drink always be far removed from my mind? I felt miserable, sad,depressed, poor me, whats the point,all the negative feelings.There is no fun or pleasure in a drink for me anymore,so what the insanity of thinking i could relax with a drink on Saturday night? I'm hoping by posting here i will remove these insane thoughts from my mind and get some feed back.

        hi jodie,somthin i lerned along time a go is guilt,and self pitty come hand in hand,your doin a great job,ive been doin this since the early 80 s,stop and start,been thro AA,hospitals several times, and last but not least was treatment,treatment gave me a better understanding of addiction and alchoholism,i still stop and start,all i can tell you is,you have to find whats best,Within,hopeit helps,gyco:thanks:

