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I CAN start my Day 1....

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    I CAN start my Day 1....

    crawling_key;939379 wrote: Audrey, I've experienced the same. After 4-5 days you start to feel really good and alcohol doesn't really seem to be the problem that it was. You start to feel that you've got it under control, but what you've only done is at best create a different pattern of 3-4 days off followed by 3-4 days on. At least thats what happens with me. I've found that you have to have a plan for that 5th day. Today is my fifth day .... and its a Friday. Two huge obstacles for plan is to stay maxed out on L-glutamine all day, leave work early and maybe go for a bike ride.
    Hi ck!!!!

    Thank you for a post!!!Yes, evening of Day 5 was very hard..I could have some person near me...To talk, to feel.. Now i know 2 dangerous things: Day 5 and illusions about "1 glass of wine'.. it will never ever be one..It's painful to admit but it's the way it is...
    i saw very strange dream this night.. If i could make scenario my dreams would be great base foe a movie
    So. i was trying to escape persistant attack from a snake..My dead mother came to me and broke her by hands... My mother died year ago and she never knew that i'm alcholic...
    In her early 80ies she suffered from vascular dementia so she didn't notice my problem..Or i just think that way...I really hope that she didn't know... Now she can watch all my life and i'm afraid she can 't be in peace...
    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


      I CAN start my Day 1....

      Ah Audrey I feel for you. Sometimes the learning process is slower than we'd like, but just get back on that wagon and carry on. Chin up, lady!

      K x
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

      Recovery Videos


        I CAN start my Day 1....

        Hi Kimberley!!! Thanks for cheering up!!!:l

        Last night i finished left AL, watched some movies and fall asleep for 2 hours till 3 a.m...Wasn't able to sleep, anxiety..Was reading posts and threads in MWO, but not able to write..Made tea, put relaxing music so finally i was able to get some sleep..
        Today i can say i feel very weak and sick..No hungover but physicall weakness like when you have fever or some flu..
        I have to pack my things, i'm moving Thursday to another city to prepare for a i have to be strong and able to start
        Today again day 1..i remember my 5 al free days - my energy, clear toughts, good sleep, ability to think and react fast...
        I'm just analyzing - really this first glass of wine was so important for me...
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          I CAN start my Day 1....

          Day 1 is finished without al..was quite hectic and hard day..My daughter visisted me and was angry because of my last days drinking..she's supporting me as she can in her 17ies..better than any adult here..yes, actually here in this society drinking (especially women!!) isn't classified as disease but unruliness...not of course for doctors or well educated people..but avarage opinion is like spite of alcholics everywhere around..

          Went out for 30 min. for a long walk to get some relax.. Downloaded some meditations and relaxation music..i have big collection of CDs but they are all old..i want something fresh..

          Now very tired, which is good..hope for a normal sleep this night..
          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


            I CAN start my Day 1....

            Hope you get a good's night sleep Audrey - yes alcohol totally ruins your sleeping patterns!

            It sounds like you did as well as you could on Day 1 - it's never easy. But the walk and some fresh air should have helped you I'd hope. And if you are finding it difficult to sleep, then the relaxation CDs should also do you some good. Now you can look forward to Day 2!

            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              I CAN start my Day 1....

              Good morning to everybody!!!Hi kim and Zen!!!

              Slept better, have less anxiety. Starting my Day 2...
              Was surfing in i-net, so found this site ADDICTION, RECOVERY and YOGA - about yoga and meditation therapy for AL addicted people. It's not really a learning book but some introduction.
              For me it's more easy because i practice yoga for 4 years (actually did one level for teaching yoga was in Rome with teacher from Canada) and i can only make a list with all asanas, pranayama and meditations which are specifically good to cover from addiction.
              I can say that many times yoga saved my life during drinking periods and helped for detox.. But of course you have to do regulary..
              yestarday i wasn't able to concentrate so i went for a walk..Today i feel i can do some short session.
              ok, i gave myself interesting task ..and the theme is 'Yoga and addiction"...Who'll win..
              If seriosly - i have to start my Day 2...Greetings!!!

              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                I CAN start my Day 1....

                Hi Audrey, I know meditation and yoga has helped a lot of people and are an important part of their recovery plans. Good on you for searching for new ways that will help, I wish you strength, dont ever give up.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  I CAN start my Day 1....

                  Hi audrey
                  Fantastic news on day four!!! You go girl!
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

