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Hi! New guy here.

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    Hi! New guy here.

    Hi everyone, I have only registered today and have read some of your comments and thoughts so thought I would join in.

    I am 46, married (3rd time) with three kids, Mae 5, Rhyan 3 and Ryelle 2. I love them more than life!!
    I have two older kids, George 14 and Daisy 12, they live with my ex (first) wife.

    I have drunk since I was 17, not always heavily and not always persistently. I quit for over a year some 18 months ago but started agin last Christmas. Not a lot at first but up til Sunday night (just gone) was drinking half a bottle of neat Vodka along with half a bottle of Red wine.

    I bought the wine for me and my wife so I could explain my behaviour from the Vodka. Last time she found out and I nearly lost her, this time I could not afford for her to find out.

    Anyway, I quit on Sunday, yesterday was sheer hell. I have nver felt the way I felt yesterday, didnt know what to do or where to turn. Scream, cry or just die - I felt so bad. Last night went to bed and didnt sleep, just laid and sweat and wanted to die. BUt I am still off it so far.

    Question, how long does this last? What can I take to help get rid of these feelings? PLEASE anyone got any advice cause I am not that strong and I know if it continues I will go back, and I dont want to this time.

    Thanks for reading - I look forward to hearing from you.

    Rax:thanks: :thanks:

    Hi! New guy here.

    Rax, welcome and congratulations on your being here...great bunch. you've got a couple more days to go but it will get better. magnesium, water, vitamins are helpful. I'm only about 21 hours AF myself...hurts like hell. I have a dull pain under my right ribcage...really hurt myself this time. I almost went to a clinic last night but hung in there. stay in touch, ok?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Hi! New guy here.

      Welcome Rax

      :welcome: Hi Rax,

      You have made your first step in finding help for yourself. First thing though, you need to toss your guilt away, because it will only make you want to drink more. Replace the guilt with more positive emotions, such as you are the master of your temple (your body) and the direction your life goes. What you really need to do is come up with a plan that suits you, so you can either become an abstainer or a moderate drinker. There is lots of information on this site to help you choose, tried and tested by members who are kind enough to share their experiences. I have not been on this site very long either, but I am having some success with hypnotherapy. Others have found success with topamax and supplements. Hang in there Rax, this only another skeleton that you need to toss in a closet.


        Hi! New guy here.

        Hey Rax ...

        Stick here close.. it has helped me quite a bit. SOOOO much information and support.

        I am only Day 7 of moderation .. but finding my way with reading the book .. and I started the suppliments this morning ..

        I am finding being here and being able to ask questions and EXPRESS how pissed I get at myself a big help ... I hope you do too...

        We are all in the same damn boat .. but some of us are finding our oars .. and some have an outboard motor .. and I swear I have seen a few hop onto the beautiful yatch across the bay! LOL

        Welcome ..



          Hi! New guy here.

          A good week


          It will take a good week to feel better. day 1-3 are the worst. Good for you. You will thank yourself later. Once you feel better, do not think you can just have one. The cycle starts over again. God luck and keep us posted on how you are feeling.



            Hi! New guy here.

            To you all that have taken the time to reply - thank you it is a real help to me to know I can talk to someone without feeling guilty. I will keep you up to date on how I get on and, hopefully, watch how you guys do too.

            I thank you, my kids thank you and one day, when I tell her, my wife will also thank you!



              Hi! New guy here.

              Hi Rax, Im on Day 5 going cold turkey. Felt really ill the 1st 3 days. Ttoday I feel a bit of an improvement.
              I have made myself an initial hurdle of 7 days abstinence to see how it goes.
              Usually I give in to the withdrawal and cravings on the 3rd day.


                Hi! New guy here.

                G'day Steve,

                Hang in there. Work towards day 10 where there should be no more booze in your system.

                Welcome aboard the wagon!
                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  Hi! New guy here.


                  Thanks mate, I know it's gonna be tough and I might slip up occasionally but this time I feel very determined.
                  Quite frankly being drunk ceased to be fun a long time ago, I really cannot do it anymore.


                    Hi! New guy here.


                    Just how I feel mate, the buzz just aint fun anymore. I'm new to this as well and am with you all the way. Just came back from the supermarket and my wife asked if I wanted a bottle of wine with dinner, it took massive effort to say no, not tonight.

                    Good luck and hang in there, already it makes me feel better being able to chat here.



                      Hi! New guy here.


                      I have not told my friends or family yet. only my fiance. At social gatherings they alway want me to drink because I was the best at it. Soon I will have to tell them that I made a choice to stop drinking. After that, they will lean off me and respect my decision. This is not like going back to cigarettes although the emotions are very close. Cigarettes do not alter your state of mind. Alcohol makes us make poor somtimes life altering/threatening decisions.

                      Keep Strong

                      Starting over again 09/06/11

                      "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                        Hi! New guy here.


                        Man, I know what you're going through, guess we all do on this forum. I'm 48 yrs. old and have been drinking heavily the past thirteen years(12-14 oz. most days). Alcohol was my best friend for the first 10 years I drank, no real downsides, was a closet drinker, no law troubles, never interfered with my job.

                        However, the last three years have been pure hell. Skyrocketing blood pressure, generalized fits (almost seizures), heart palpitations, dizzieness throughout the day, so on. I went from being a very fit personl (running, weightlifting every day) to a pathetic individual, on all kinds of meds with a potbelly to boot.

                        I'm slowly picking up the pieces. Have been virtually alcohol free for seven days. The first five days were a living hell for me, with all kinds of withdrawal symptoms, including a painful liver. The last two days have been better, with today being the best (I feel about 80%). Look forward to the continued improvement. Focusing on hobbies and other activities, especially in the evening, so I won't think about drink. So many times I have quit for a couple of days, but gave in to the symptoms. I firmly believe that alcohol is a smooth, conartist friend at first, but in the end will put you through hell before it finally puts you in the grave.

                        Hang in there, you're almost there. I hope I am.



                          Hi! New guy here.


                          To Country boy and everyone else that has replied. Wife has just arrived home - gotta go, will catch up later!



                            Hi! New guy here.

                            Hi Rax,

                            I'm new here too. Past experience..drink a lot of water... do something for yourself when you want to drink, asprin sometimes helps but don't overdo it. I look at my Golden Retriever and decide I want to be alive for her as well as my family.



                              Hi! New guy here.

                              steve44 wrote: Thanks mate, I know it's gonna be tough and I might slip up occasionally but this time I feel very determined.
                              Quite frankly being drunk ceased to be fun a long time ago, I really cannot do it anymore.
                              This is exactly how I feel, I hate the habit now . I haven't quit yet but have slowed it down a little .
                              The habit has to go .

                              RAX.........keep it up buddy, the kids are a good motivator for sure.

