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Hi! New guy here.

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    Hi! New guy here.

    Fell off and so disappointed!

    Well, made it to the fourth day but wife came home with two bottles of red. It was my little girls 5th birthday and she thought it would be nice for us to have a "little drink"!

    I tried, I really did, but as I knew friends were coming over and just a "little drink" is never enough for me I went to the local shops and bought half a bottle of Smirnoff. Even then though I thought "just in case"!

    Anyway, blew it didn't I. Kids came round and bottle opened and just had to have just one. Am taking Citalopram for depression and with that and the booze I was soon outa my head again.

    Now I feel sick, with a head splitting and with my hopes in my feet. Just so disapppointed with myself!

    I am determined to start again today but what a fool, even after all you guys have said. I really want to do this and have said to my wife we should keep off the booze until Christmas and she has agreed, hopefully by then I can be stronger just to say no!

    Anyway, thanks again for listening (reading) will keep dropping in when I can.



      Hi! New guy here.

      Rax .. don't be too hard on yourself. Today is a chance for a new start ...

      I blew it yesterday too ..not awful, but I did .. so I understand being pissed at yourself.

      I think we need to relize that this is such a new journey for us ... there are going to bumps in the road ... but we have to keep moving forward. Focus on the great days you had and how that felt .. grab onto those feelings and run with them again ...

      Have you discussed with your wife your intentions about drinking? That perhaps bringing home wine is not a good idea right now? I am happy she is supporting you on the "until Christmas" part ... good for her!

      You can do this ... I can do this's a new day!



        Hi! New guy here.

        Discussing what you are trying to do with your wife is very important. Tell her you do not feel well when you drink and would like to stop. Tell her that you should not be arouund the alcohol for a while because it takes some time to get out of your system. She agreed until christmas so she is being supportive. See it as promoting a healthier lifestyle for you and the kids.

        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober


