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Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

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    Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

    I am a 35 year old,I live in Vegas and my husband works in one of the local casinos all night. So I am always around free alcohol. I have been drinking for about 10 years and until recently I have never considered this a problem. The past few months I have been hitting the bars after I get started in the casino. I have cheated on my husband 3 times (last night was the last time) which makes me feel even worse than the drinking does. I love my husband very much, but as soon as I am completely drunk I start doing these stupid things and getting completely out of control. I dont know why when sober these thoughts never crosses my mind. I need to stop drinking immediately for my marriages sake. I know I will have to tell him sooner or later. I cant do this right now I dont have the heart for it.

    How can I go about getting on topamax with no history of any alcohol abuse?

    Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

    :welcome: Vegasgirl. I know I did many things while drinking / drunk that I would never consider doing while sober. You are certainly not alone. The good news is that we CAN get sober and lead better, more honest and more productive lives.

    I take it you have downloaded and read that book? That's a great first step.

    It is always recommended to take prescription meds under a doctor's supervision. That said, many people here are concerned about having alcoholism noted in their medical records. There are discussions about obtaining meds without prescription in the Meds section of the forum. That is also a good place to start a thread with questions about meds if you don't find your answers in the existing threads.

    Strength and hope to you.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

      Hi Vegasgirl...and welcome!
      I can definitely identify with your feelings of shame, as most of us can. We have all done things drunk that we would never do sober. I couldn't stand the person I became when I was drunk. I finally got tired of the daily shame, regret, and anxiety...SO tired of it that I was willing to do anything to stop drinking. You can do it too. I'm glad you've found us, we are here to offer you support and encouragement. Please keep us posted on how you are doing!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

        Hi Vegasgirl, I have also had many nights of doing things I'd rather forget (if I could remember what I did in the first place!) You can do this - you will find lot's of support here and tools to help you. I found that Kudzu helped my cravings a lot, which really helped. The other great advice I got here was to let cravings flow over you like a wave - they will pass and you'll feel better.


          Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

          welcome, vegasgirl. as everyone has written, we've ALL done things under the influence that we wouldn't normally do. fortunately/unfortunately, a lot of times, i couldn't remember what i'd done. have a sister, tho, who would call me the next day to TELL me what an ass i had made of myself once again.

          hang in there. you can do this!


            Need Help, Cant stop alot of things

            I ordered the book and scheduled a doctors appt. I am reading allot of positive things here this site hopefully this will help me out

