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Want to live

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    Want to live

    Hi, I'm new here... glad to read through some threads.... hope that I can find a way to WANT to stop drinking... nothing bad enough is happening to me yet, but I know my emotional, mental, and physical health is being progressively negatively affected by it. I hate that the only time I feel de-stressed and happy is when i'm buzzed. Which is why I keep at it! But then I drink too much (alot of the time) and can't take the hangovers anymore. Why is life so stressful??!!! Been thinking of going to a new doctor and confessing! My regular doc who I've been seeing for a long time doesn't know about my drinking and i can't bring myself to tell her. too embarrassed and probably too afraid that she will tell me to go to, gasp! AA meetings! I was there 10 years ago... it lasted for 3 years... left cause too many people in there were telling me what to do (speak up more at meetings, go to church regularly, etc.) maybe that sounds like an excuse to start drinking again, other factors also, but too long of a story. I was in AA for not just drinking, but was doing other drugs that I don't do anymore. All I know is, I dont want to die prematurely from alcohol over-use!!! Thanks for listening...

    Want to live

    Hi Fortriplej and welcome! I know you will find this place as helpful as i have (and i have never done the AA thing). Ask questions and find your way around. There is a live chat room also which is fun.
    But as you probably know you DO have to want to stop and also for the right reasons
    Good luck xx


      Want to live

      I know what you mean about AA. I went for a while but they gave me more ideas of what and how to drink than anything else. And their answer to getting sober is to go to MORE meetings more often. Seems like they are REALLY brain washing you to constantly go to more and more meetings. There has to be a better more effective alternative to the obligatory AA!


        Want to live

        Welcome Fortriplej,
        AA is not a requirement for getting sober...I am proof of that. If you want to get sober, then you can. I know it may seem impossible at first, but it's not. I recommend being honest with your doctor, it may be embarrassing, but it's necessary if you want to get help. My doctor actually congratulated me for coming clean, and said she was proud of me for taking control of my life, she didn't make me feel like I'm a "bad" person. Treat it like any other medical condition and deal with it head on.

        I'm glad that you've found'll see that there are lots of great people here that can offer their support and encouragement. Keep coming back and let us know how you're doing!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

